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Example sentences for "rhomboidal"

Lexicographically close words:
rhomb; rhombic; rhombohedral; rhombohedron; rhomboid; rhombs; rhombus; rhubarb; rhum; rhumb
  1. Colour yellow or pinkish on the back, with a series of large rhomboidal brown or black spots enclosing smaller light spots; a black streak from the eye to the angle of the mouth.

  2. Colour olive or brown, sometimes speckled with black, with a dorsal series of rhomboidal dark spots or an undulous or zigzag band; belly yellowish or brownish, powdered with blackish.

  3. Colour pale brown, with a dorsal series of rhomboidal spots, which may form a zigzag band; belly whitish, uniform or spotted with dark brown.

  4. A bearing of a rhomboidal figure; -- named from its shape, which resembles that of a spindle.

  5. The Triclinic system, having all the three intersections oblique, as in the oblique rhomboidal prism.

  6. Defn: A bearing of a rhomboidal figure; -- named from its shape, which resembles that of a spindle.

  7. They had a compressed body, covered with dermal ribs (pleurolepida) and with enameled rhomboidal scales.

  8. The free statoblasts are comparatively large and usually show a tendency to taper at the extremities, often being almost rhomboidal in form.

  9. Fragments of others found in the same shale indicated, by the size of the rhomboidal scars which covered them, a still greater size.

  10. The leaves of the Brachyphyllum are short and fleshy, with a large and rhomboidal base.

  11. Upon evaporating the liquid separated from the precipitate, it gave large yellow rhomboidal crystals, not transparent, and but slightly soluble.

  12. The shaft is rhomboidal in section with rounded edges, and tapers from a breadth of 2 inches and a thickness of 1 at the tip to a butt of 0.

  13. The third pattern, which is less common than the others, is about the size of the last, but rhomboidal in shape (Fig.

  14. The granite contains little mica, and the quartz frequently is arranged in rhomboidal crystals nearly parallel to each other; it readily decomposes, and from the predominance of quartz forms a coarse gritty soil.

  15. The MacAdam Range is of sandstone, the strata of which dip about 30 degrees to the south, in which direction, as we advanced, the rock was more slaty, and broke into rhomboidal fragments.

  16. Being deeply cracked by vertical fissures, it forms vertical columns of rhomboidal form, resembling basalt.

  17. The lignite, when recently detached from the beds, is pretty compact, but soon splits into rhomboidal pieces, which again separate into slates more or less fine.

  18. Some of the pieces appear to be rhomboidal distinct concretions.

  19. Columnar concretion of a slaty rock, like 356, but more quartzose, breaking into rhomboidal fragments.

  20. A somewhat rhomboidal portion of flinty-slate, apparently part of a bed.

  21. The solution of sulphate of manganese in water was colourless and crystallized in very oblique rhomboidal prisms, having a bitter taste.

  22. The discovery of the rhomboidal nucleus of carbonate of lime in a six-sided prism of that mineral, which he let fall, and which was accidentally broken, constitutes the foundation of Hauy's system of crystallization.

  23. The exoskeleton has the form of cycloidal or rhomboidal scales.

  24. Entirely covered with rhomboidal ganoid scales as in Lepidosteus, Polypterus, Palaeoniscus and many extinct forms.

  25. In Trissolepis part of the tail is covered by rhomboidal scales, while rounded scales cover the trunk and remainder of the tail.

  26. In Lepidosteus, Polypterus, and many extinct species, these ganoid scales, which are rhomboidal in form and united to one another by a peg and socket articulation, enclose the body in a complete armour.

  27. Acipenser and Scaphirhynchus have large dermal bony plates which are not rhomboidal in shape and do not cover the whole body.

  28. Having the trunk and part of the tail covered with rhomboidal scales, and the remainder of the tail with rounded scales as in Trissolepis.

  29. Spongy framework of the solid sphere equal throughout, on the surface arising in the form of very numerous (sixty to eighty or more) spongy cones with rather rhomboidal meshes.

  30. Spines compressed, two-edged or lamellar, with elliptical or rhomboidal transverse section, 324.

  31. Radial main spines compressed, at the distal end spear-shaped, with a rhomboidal plate below the apex, about as long as the radius.

  32. In the centre of each rhomboidal plate four primary aspinal spines, forming a regular cross, the centre of which receives the cylindrical or four-sided prismatic spine.

  33. Between the rhomboidal patagium and the arms remain four large rectangular triangles as interbrachial openings.

  34. In each plate there is one primary diagonal rib (often stronger than the parallel crests) which connects the two opposite corners of the rhomboidal plate.

  35. In the centre of each rhomboidal plate two primary aspinal pores, opposite on both edges of the compressed spines, from both flat sides of which the primary diagonal crest arises.

  36. In the centre of each rhomboidal plate two primary aspinal pores, opposite on the two flat sides of the compressed spines, from the two edges of which the primary diagonal crest arises.

  37. Among the dead shells, light driftwood, and bleached sponges and coral blown up on the inner beach, I noticed some of the familiar rhomboidal fruits of a Barringtonia.

  38. Another was the Weinmannia trichosperma, a tall erect shrub with serrated pinnate leaves, and jointed petioles winged in a curious rhomboidal fashion.

  39. In these the shell is a pyramid formed of numerous flat whorls, with an oblique and rhomboidal aperture.

  40. Sepiola atlantica] The Common Calamary (Loligo vulgaris) may be recognised by the accompanying illustration, from which it will be observed that the body tapers behind, bearing two rhomboidal fins in the rear.

  41. The posterior part of the cardinal veins, from their junction with the vena cava inferior to the caudal veins, forms a rhomboidal figure.

  42. The thin roof of the fourth ventricle is triangular, or, in Mammalia, somewhat rhomboidal in shape.

  43. The oral cavity is placed on the ventral side of the head; it has at first a more or less rhomboidal form.

  44. The mouth in Elasmobranchii and other Vertebrates is originally a wide somewhat rhomboidal cavity (fig.

  45. The fields are often artificially divided, by foliate stalks or lance-shaped leaves with serrated edges, into rhomboidal figures that contain mechanically drawn shrubs, palmettes, or flowers.

  46. We also picked up some fragments of a greenish-grey coloured rock, apparently sandstone, with disseminated variegated copper ore and copper glance; likewise rhomboidal fragments of white calcareous spar, and some rock crystals.

  47. It is polished nearly all over, both faces are ridged, so that it is almost rhomboidal in section, though the angles are rounded; one face is curved lengthways much more than the other, which is nearly straight.

  48. I have a fine one (4 inches) more rhomboidal from Swaffham Fen, Cambridge, and another smaller from Burwell.

  49. A genus consisting of species of CONUS, having a rhomboidal or quadrilateral form and a coronated spire.

  50. Conchologists are not very strict in the application of this term, for, indeed, a perfect rhomboidal figure could not be found among all the testaceous productions of the sea.

  51. A great enclosed plain of rhomboidal shape on the N.

  52. Fragments of others, found in the same shale, indicate, by the size of the rhomboidal scars which cover them, a still greater magnitude.

  53. The whole body was covered with large rhomboidal scales, very thick, and having the exposed part covered with enamel.

  54. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "rhomboidal" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.