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Example sentences for "silversmiths"

Lexicographically close words:
silvering; silverly; silvern; silvers; silversmith; silverware; silvery; silvicultural; silvis; sima
  1. Great skill was developed by the early silversmiths of England and America.

  2. Naturally, the early New England colonists brought with them the spoons they had used at home, and the early Colonial silversmiths followed closely the designs which they found at hand or which were later imported from England.

  3. This piece too bears the mark of Philadelphia silversmiths Fletcher and Gardiner.

  4. Century Pieces Silversmiths have been making presentation pieces from the earliest days of our country, but the Smithsonian Institution has only a few 18th-century pieces in its collection.

  5. In cases where the crown appears above the initials, it was merely a passing fad to copy the mark of certain English silversmiths who enjoyed royal patronage.

  6. Most famous of all New England silversmiths was Paul Revere.

  7. Of the many silversmiths of New York, none are so early in point of time as these New England men whom I have mentioned.

  8. Here also the silversmiths agreed to meet and celebrate the festival of their patron saint upon one day in every year, "for ever and for ever" (para siempre jamas).

  9. The Irish silversmiths were particularly ingenious in their pierced work.

  10. In these the silversmiths helped themselves liberally to Wedgwood's models and we find innumerable single shell designs prevalent since their adoption in pottery by Wedgwood.

  11. Nor were the silversmiths behind in perpetuating glorious designs.

  12. Since 1773, as we have shown, Sheffield had stood on her dignity as the proud possessor of an assay office with all the newly acquired rights of silversmiths jealous of infringements on so close a corporation.

  13. Perhaps the silversmiths have imagined all this or carried on a train of thought resulting in producing soup tureens of fine design and imposing character, and Sheffield has followed with her replicas and as the needle follows the pole.

  14. In technique the jug is perfect, as perfect as the silversmiths could fashion it, and as representative a replica as Sheffield could turn out.

  15. With so many varieties of coffee pot made by the leading silversmiths Sheffield had no reason to be short of examples.

  16. Sissons, who are still continuing the business and are silversmiths and electro-platers.

  17. They began to be alarmed at the growth of the manufacture, and protective Acts of Parliament were passed to safeguard the interests of silversmiths against competition by silver platers.

  18. There were marks when the Sheffield makers simulated silver marks till they alarmed the silversmiths and were stopped by statute.

  19. Mills were erected for rolling out the ingots, skilled workmen were procured who had served their apprenticeship as silversmiths in London and elsewhere.

  20. Although "imitation is the sincerest form of flattery" the contemporary silversmiths of London and elsewhere were far from flattered.

  21. Mansfield Parkyns, in his very entertaining book on Abyssinia, gives an account of the silversmiths at Adowa.

  22. The silversmiths trooped by in graver, more majestic state, their purple velvet habits girded with gold cords.

  23. Illustration: The Federal Period interpreted in iron] About this time the Adam family of silversmiths began to attract attention.

  24. Among other American silversmiths who produced striking designs in coffee pots, mention should be made of G.

  25. It remained for the English and American silversmiths to produce the most beautiful forms of silver coffee pots; and there are some notable collections of these in England and the United States.

  26. The colonial silversmiths wrought many beautiful designs in coffee, tea, and chocolate pots.

  27. The south door, or Puerta de las Platerias, takes this name from the silversmiths whose workshops are still under the arcades around the Plaza on to which it opens.

  28. Silversmiths and metal workers ply their trades in the dark shops between the buttresses which hold up this platform on three sides.

  29. The chaquiras were very minute beads, which were so skilfully worked that the best silversmiths in Seville asked Garcilasso how they were made.

  30. The ancient Peruvian silversmiths knew how to melt the metal, to cast it in moulds, to solder it, and to hammer it.

  31. Many of these silversmiths were stationed by the Yncas in the principal parts of the kingdom.

  32. The rouge-powder may be had at all the silversmiths and jewellers.

  33. The above is the actual manner in which silversmiths clean their plate, and was given to me by a respectable tradesman.

  34. There is a greater variety of form in the metal cruets and casters, which followed the prevailing styles silversmiths were then employing.

  35. In the reign of William and Mary the rage for Chinese figures and ornaments caused English silversmiths to decorate porringers with similar designs.

  36. Some of the English silversmiths engraved hunting scenes on small flasks made of the rind of a gourd, choosing hunting scenes and birds and familiar outdoor objects.

  37. The silversmiths were honest enough to admit the cause of their opposition (Acts xix.

  38. All the landlords in Great Britain were opposed to the abolition of the Corn Laws, and all the silversmiths of Ephesus were violently opposed to the "agitation" started by St. Paul.

  39. There is no doubt that his connection with silversmiths induced him to follow their designs.

  40. The latter advised him, in the event of his wishing to dispose of the plate, to take it to Amsterdam, as the silversmiths of the place would not give him half the value for the articles.

  41. From the silversmiths here I should not get the half the value for them: I must keep them by me till I go to Amsterdam, where such things are understood; but I shall leave them with you in pledge for my debt.

  42. The guild of silversmiths of Toledo must have been most important, for in 1423 they already formed a brotherhood or guild under the protection of St. Eloy, in which they agreed to help the members of the guild in every way.

  43. Although the greater part of these silversmiths were Spaniards, the Milanese artist, Jacome de Trezzo was very celebrated during the reign of Philip II.

  44. Unfortunately a great part of the treasure has been lost, for the labourers, who were the first to find it, sold several objects to the silversmiths at Toledo, who melted and destroyed specimens of the highest artistic interest.

  45. In the Municipal Ordinances of Toledo of the year 1494, some laws relating to silversmiths appeared; they are, however, uninteresting.

  46. No great silversmiths remained at Valladolid, Leon, Toledo, or Seville.

  47. In the opposite door del Reloj, these reliefs have been copied in 1713 by the silversmiths ZurreƱo y Dominguez.

  48. And when, after his contests with the church silversmiths there, he departs from thence, whither does he betake himself?

  49. The evidence, furnished by the church silversmiths of these days, is composed of chalices: under the Pagan dispensation, the evidence furnished by the church silversmiths of the church of the Ephesian Diana, was composed of shrines.

  50. To the honour, the plaintiffs added the profit, of being silversmiths to that same Excellent Church.

  51. To the value of that sort of evidence, which it is the province of silversmiths to furnish, no established church was ever insensible.

  52. But the provost of the silversmiths is one of those who withstands them to the best of his power, and should matters come to serious rioting his house might be attacked.

  53. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "silversmiths" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.