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Example sentences for "smooth paste"

  • Just before you put in the parsnips, stir in a table-spoonful of thickening made with butter and flour, mixed to a smooth paste.

  • After it has simmered steadily for half an hour, and been skimmed, have ready a quarter of a pound of fresh butter, mixed into a smooth paste with a heaped table-spoonful of flour.

  • This is a table-spoonful or more of flour mixed to a smooth paste with a little water, and enriched with a tea-spoonful of good butter, or beef-dripping.

  • Cut up cheese; put it into a mortar with Crisco, and pound until it becomes a smooth paste; then season with salt and red pepper to taste.

  • One-half pound almonds, blanched and pounded, with a teaspoonful essence of lemon, till a smooth paste.

  • After stirring to a smooth paste, spread between the layers of the cake.

  • Wet it with cold water and stir with a spoon or knife till a smooth paste.

  • Season with salt, pepper, and vinegar, and add enough olive-oil to make a smooth paste.

  • Make a stuffing of two cupfuls of bread-crumbs, one cupful of butter, two eggs well beaten, and enough cold water to make a smooth paste.

  • IV Drain a bottle of anchovies and mash fine with enough butter to make a smooth paste.

  • Add one half bean of garlic, chopped very fine, and enough olive-oil to make a smooth paste.

  • For six eggs add a quarter of a pound of sweet butter, a half teaspoonful of curry, and beat into a smooth paste.

  • Take one pound of flour and one cup of water and make a smooth paste, but not too soft.

  • Stir in the flour with a wooden spoon, and work well until it is a smooth paste.

  • Take one pound and a half of rice, and boil it gently over a slow fire in three quarts of water about five hours, stirring it, and afterwards beating it up into a smooth paste.

  • Reduce paper to a smooth paste by boiling it in water; then add an equal weight each of sifted whiting and good size; boil to a proper consistence, and use.

  • Blanch and pound the almonds to a smooth paste with a spoonful of water; warm the butter, mix the almonds with this, and add the other ingredients, leaving out the whites of 2 eggs, and be particular that these are well beaten.

  • Put the cocoa into a breakfast-cup, pour over it sufficient cold milk to make it into a smooth paste; then add equal quantities of boiling milk and boiling water, and stir all well together.

  • Blanch and pound the almonds in a mortar to a smooth paste; melt the butter, dredge in the flour, and add the sugar and pounded almonds.

  • Mix one cup of flour, six tablespoonfuls of mustard, and one tablespoonful of turmeric with enough vinegar to make a smooth paste, add one cup of granulated sugar and sufficient vinegar to make two quarts in all.

  • Beat together until it is a fine, smooth paste.

  • GAME Bits of cold broiled or roasted game may be chopped very fine, rubbed to a smooth paste either in a bowl or mortar.

  • They must be pounded till they become a smooth paste; mixing together the sweet and the bitter almonds, and removing them, as you go on, from the mortar to a plate.

  • Work hominy, butter, and salt to a smooth paste; beat in the eggs, finally the chopped meat, after peppering and salting it.

  • Scald the milk, rub the chocolate to a smooth paste in a little cold milk.

  • Salt, and stir up with the eggs to a smooth paste.

  • Vinegar to make a smooth paste—that from celery, or onion pickle, if you have it.

  • Mix the proportion as given on the box with water into a smooth paste, then add a pint of boiling water and boil for fifteen or twenty minutes.

  • When cereal flours are used, the flour should be rubbed to a smooth paste with a little cold water and added slowly to boiling water, stirring constantly until it is thoroughly mixed.

  • Blend cornstarch with 2 tablespoons water to make a smooth paste.

  • In cup, place cornstarch; add water and blend to form a smooth paste.

  • In small bowl, make a smooth paste of milk and flour.

  • Stir in olive oil slowly until it is a smooth paste.

  • Hollenberger Mix one pint flour: one pint milk to a smooth paste.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "smooth paste" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    being baffled; black ivory; board ships; cooking pots; country gentlemen; dear brethren; distinctly understood; fifth year; flattered himself; four parts; her return; just happened; keep you; meat packing; our sins; really have; rose water; short flight; small hand; smooth and; smooth batter; smooth face; smooth paste; smooth surface; strange dream; take his