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Example sentences for "snapdragon"

Lexicographically close words:
snakeskin; snakey; snaking; snaky; snap; snapdragons; snapped; snapper; snappers; snapping
  1. The healthy novelist must always play snapdragon with his principal characters; he must always be snatching the hero and heroine like raisins out of the fire.

  2. For instance, in the game of snapdragon (that admirable occupation) the conception is that raisins taste much nicer if they are brands saved from the burning.

  3. Then he backs out, and the gaping mouth springs shut after him - for the linaria is akin to the snapdragon in the garden.

  4. Perhaps two of the smallest flowers of that snapdragon which I see growing in the hedge would fit me.

  5. The pink snapdragon is best to use for the lady's head and the orange-colored one for the lion's.

  6. The blossoms of the cultivated snapdragon are very much larger than those of its wild cousin, called by some people butter-and-eggs, but the cultivated flowers grow on a stalk in the same way as the wild ones.

  7. The blossoms of the cultivated Snapdragon are large.

  8. The school-boys stirred up snapdragon again, and with the blue light upon his features the tutor made so horrible a grimace that MacGreedy swallowed the raisin with a start.

  9. The snapdragon burnt blue, and as the raisin-hunters stirred the flaming spirit, the ghastly light made the tutor look so hideous that the widow's little boy was on the eve of howling, and spilled the raisins he had just secured.

  10. The variety of snapdragon chosen was of medium height and with the yellow ground-color, and is known by horticulturists as A.

  11. The peloric snapdragon has five small unequal spurs at the base of its long tube, and in this respect agrees with the peloric toad-flax.

  12. The striped snapdragon shows a curve of its stripes with two summits, one corresponding to the average striped flowers, and the other to the pure red ones.

  13. Summing up once more the results of our pedigree-experiment, we may assert that the striped variety of the snapdragon is wholly permanent, including the two opposite types of uniform color and of stripes.

  14. As such, I have chosen the common snapdragon of the gardens, Antirrhinum majus.

  15. But the snapdragon is self-fertile and so is its peloric variety.

  16. We can put golden glow or that tall yellow snapdragon at the back of the yellow bed and tall larkspurs behind the blue flowers.

  17. Thus in the snapdragon (antirrhinum) we generally do not find a rudiment of a fifth stamen; but this may sometimes be seen.

  18. The clock struck ten; Mrs. Worfolk gave portentous utterance to the information that the snapdragon was burning beautiful; there was a rush for the pantry where the ceremony was to take place.

  19. The lesser snapdragon or calf's-snout, with the toadflaxes and fluellens, shares in the characteristic quaintness of its tribe.

  20. The very name of the snapdragon is a proof of its hold upon the imagination: what mediaeval romance and unfailing charm for children--and for adults--is conveyed in the word!

  21. Seen on the walls of some ancient ruin, the snapdragon is a wonder and a delight; it is to be regretted that its place is now so often usurped by the red valerian, in comparison a mere upstart and pretender.

  22. It was Mr. Britling who reopened the correspondence by writing a little apology for the corner of the small snapdragon bed, and this evoked an admirably touching reply.

  23. Many varieties of some of them, such as the great or common snapdragon (Antirrhinum majus), have been produced by gardeners.

  24. The lesser snapdragon grows in sandy soil, and is found in cornfields in the south of England and Ireland.

  25. The Snapdragon is especially adapted for fertilisation by Humble Bees.

  26. There's ne'er a plum in all that plucking so worth the burning as there was in Signer Guy Fawkes' snapdragon when ye proved not to be his lucky raisin.

  27. The snapdragon and the herb-betony had the reputation of averting the most subtle forms of witchcraft, and dill and flax were worn as talismans against sorcery.

  28. The snapdragon danced alone, and that was not so very bad either!

  29. There's ne'er a plum in all that plucking so worth the burning as there was in Signor Guy Fawkes' snapdragon when ye proved not to be his lucky raisin.

  30. When the first dryness of summer is beginning to make itself felt, the tall wandlike sprays of the little lilac snapdragon begin to appear along our dusty roadsides.

  31. The flowers of this pretty snapdragon are usually white, and the lower lip, with its great palate often dotted with dark color, takes up the major part of the blossom.

  32. Snapdragon still his changeling blossom shakes with the burden of the bees, And the strong bindweed creeps and winds and springs on high a conqueror.

  33. I sowed seed of twelve {21} named varieties of Snapdragon (Antirrhinum majus), and utter confusion was the result.

  34. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "snapdragon" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    color; flower; pigment; yellow