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Example sentences for "snapping"

Lexicographically close words:
snapdragon; snapdragons; snapped; snapper; snappers; snappish; snappy; snaps; snapshot; snapshots
  1. What a jolly snapping of teeth over a tough old goose stuffed with onions that night, with two respectable colored ladies and a case-bottle of rum beside them!

  2. The ground is dry, and the snapping of a twig might betray us.

  3. When within a mile of the point where the scout had been ordered to join us, we heard a crackling and snapping in the brush at the side of the road.

  4. All hesitated at the strange and cruel command, until a whip, snapping close to their bare backs, started them.

  5. The kitchen fire was already snapping merrily in the stove, however, and the table was spread before the latter made her appearance.

  6. What I said was true," Elisha acclaimed, rising in triumph and snapping his finger at Eleazer.

  7. Put these cows in the pen first," said Jack, snapping his fingers and waltzing airily in his saddle.

  8. She looked down at him, her eyes blazing with anger; and then, snapping the empty cartridges out of the Colt's, she handed it back to a puncher.

  9. To-morrow morning we will put a stop to the snapping of some of them," he answered.

  10. Nearer at hand I could hear the alligators snapping their jaws as they caught some unfortunate fish or wild-fowl; while their snorts, as they chased each other, came from all sides.

  11. In the heart of the plantation the branches were still snapping as the trees bent before the fury of the gale.

  12. Outside the wind was roaring like an angry lion and snapping tree branches like matchwood.

  13. The next moment the sound of snapping twigs fell distinctly on his ear.

  14. But Dorothy was like her mother, whose passing was as the snapping of a rudder chain in a storm.

  15. Some of them fell under machine-gun fire snapping from the houses or under shrapnel bursting overhead.

  16. Already Dandtan's heels were above the snapping jaws of a morgel.

  17. A morgel had leaped from the grass, its teeth snapping about Garin's wrist, forcing him to drop Kepta.

  18. I went into Alice's room tying my bonnet; he was there, leaning over the baby's crib, who lay in it crowing and laughing at the snapping of his fingers.

  19. The smell of the garden herbs came in faintly, and now and then I heard a noise in the water-butt under the spout, the snapping of an old rafter, or something falling behind the wall.

  20. He aroused the waiter with snapping fingers.

  21. He found his sister alone in the "front" room, ensconced on the bearskin rug before a snapping and fragrant fire of cedar wood.

  22. The sound of the snapping wings of the grasshoppers came through the~windows, and a locust high in a poplar sent down his ringing whir.

  23. Out of the May weed the grasshoppers sprang, buzzing and snapping their dull red wings.

  24. A short, sharp sound broke the momentary silence: it was caused by the snapping of one of the gilded fan-sticks under the pressure of the white, rigid fingers that clasped it.

  25. The snapping of a strap, or the slipping of a buckle, might have hurled him into eternity.

  26. There was no rustling of leaves, no snapping of twigs, no crackling of dead sticks under the pressure of hand or knee, no signs of human presence within that dark shrubbery.

  27. Such a dual cross pressure was due, eventually, to mean one of two things:--either the snapping of the spine or else the breaking of the neck.

  28. But as the man had had the wit to seize the dog by the scruff of the neck and to keep himself out of the reach of the luckless creature's vainly snapping jaws, these protests went for nothing.

  29. Out they came in a rage, fluffing their feathers and snapping their beaks, and stood on each side of the hole to talk the affair over.

  30. As he entered he heard a confused sound of shrill, angry chattering, explosive hissing, and savage snapping of beaks.

  31. He sat there, straight and stiff, for a while, snapping his terrible beak and hissing at them like an angry cat.

  32. They were snapping their strong hooked beaks like castanets, and hissing indignantly.

  33. But she had gone out, taking Jolly and Holly, and the house was empty; alone in the garden the dog Balthasar lay in the shade snapping at flies.

  34. In a denser islet of shade, Scruff lay snapping at a fly.

  35. Looking back, it was difficult for him to tell when the snapping of his defences had begun.

  36. And snapping off a sprig of geranium, she pressed it to her lips.

  37. Then, seizing the branches, snapping them in his haste, he dragged the skiff along through the sluggish water, the gnats dancing in his face.

  38. Cautiously he looked around the edge of the towering mass, waiting--his beam flashed out, and there was a snapping sound as the ray caught a reaching hand and hurled its owner against a mighty transformer of some sort.

  39. Snapping to attention, he spoke briefly and rapidly, saluted and retired with his two men.

  40. Occasionally there sounded stray shots like the snapping of cords.

  41. In a hollow, they came upon several groups of the famed seventy-fives spread about through the woods, hidden by piles of underbrush, like snapping dogs, howling and sticking up their gray muzzles.

  42. Soon I thought I heard a snapping of a branch away off up the mountain.

  43. I crawled nearer until I was within one hundred and fifty yards of him, when at the snapping of a twig he raised his head with its crown of branching horn.

  44. I heard a faint noise as of a snapping branch, then some light thuds along the ground, and to the left of us out of the dark forest, a dainty creature flitted along the trail and playfully splashed into the water.

  45. Some of them even may be seen snapping off their assegais in preparation for a charge.

  46. And in an open glade, in an angle formed by two bushes of bristling thorns, stood the boar, the dogs springing and snapping around him, but none of them quite liking to tackle him.

  47. The snapping of his bill, as he darted after them, was like the shutting of a watch-case.

  48. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "snapping" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
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    clack; click; crack; crackle; monstrous; sizzling; snap; snapping; spanking; very