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Example sentences for "straight ahead"

  • From long experience he knew that the way to cross a ford was to go straight ahead.

  • If you keep on straight ahead you'll git to the station!

  • If you'd stop tryin' to fly and go straight ahead we'd do better.

  • It might have been an eagle but for the unnatural, straight ahead motion of its flight.

  • But each time, one of the rowers would pull forward with desperate strength while the other steered or slapped back at the water till the blade finally dug in against the fume: straight ahead, blocking out the screaming fear, determined.

  • Like a hole broken in the side of some ancient subterranean dungeon, straight ahead of him, larger than natural life, he saw the yawning blackness of the Commodores' cave.

  • Straight ahead on ND 8 to the abandoned workings of the STATE MINE, =0.

  • Straight ahead on the county highway to a small store and filling station, where is the junction with an unimproved dirt road, =29 m.

  • Straight ahead of them the road was sunlit, and the long slanting sunbeams appeared to hurry on before them as if to light up and glorify the land of promise.

  • He was very near to the main ride now; straight ahead of him, say two hundred yards away, on the other side of the invisible ride lay the invisible rocks.

  • All that day, till mid-afternoon, he journeyed swiftly, straight ahead, taking no precaution save to keep always a vigilant watch and to avoid dark coverts whence tiger or leopard might spring upon him.

  • Skirting a bit of jungle, so dense with massive cane and thorned creepers that nothing could penetrate it, they came suddenly upon a space of barren gray plain, and saw, straight ahead, the opening of the valley.

  • Straight ahead, and not fifty paces distant, there opened before them a spacious cave-mouth, with a somewhat wider strip of beach before it.

  • They dashed on straight ahead, paying no heed whatever either to the people on the rafts or to the other beasts coming down the steep.

  • He asked the second question with feverish impatience, "From here is it straight ahead, to the left, or the right?

  • But, see here," protested Danbury, "the fighting is straight ahead.

  • This time she bade him continue straight ahead.

  • Keep to the middle, and go straight ahead.

  • Straight ahead, looking neither to right nor to left, went the countryman; he turned the corner of the block, a corner without a light.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "straight ahead" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    attend church; bring them; comparative religion; dinna think; drink wine; each column; electric lighting; formic acid; front gate; given space; narrow path; other crime; quite happy; refresh themselves; shake hands; shalt thou; straight ahead; straight course; straight line; straight lines; straight replied; straightened himself; sudden onset; this plan; upon earth; will lose