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Example sentences for "swapping"

Lexicographically close words:
swanky; swans; swansdown; swap; swapped; swaps; swar; sward; swarded; swards
  1. This swapping would continue until the mere theory of swapping for swapping's sake as exemplified in a paper called The Exchange and Mart was enough.

  2. We remained at the Mitchell ranch in Wyoming several days, fraternizing with our northern brothers, swapping yarns and having a good time generally.

  3. But in the matter of mint juleps, cocktails, and the swapping of yarns Main street stretched its dusty length between Republicans and Democrats as grim and impassable as a mountain barrier.

  4. Billy found the clerk swapping lies with the bartender and, procuring the desired information, climbed the stairs and hunted for room No.

  5. They sat and talked to the men around them, swapping notes and experiences, and in several instances found former friends and acquaintances.

  6. Tonet hung-around till after dark, swapping stories and banter with tio Batiste, and discussing the great catch with the men of the crew.

  7. They did so, and remained there all day, swapping yarns, sipping beer, and lunching, going back to the hotel that night.

  8. The farmer who exchanges eggs for dry goods is not being paid more for his eggs, save as the tax on the townspeople contributes a little to that end, but is in the main merely swapping more dollars.

  9. Swapping yarns" went on continually, and many were the wonderful stories told of great finds, perilous climbs, and escapes from starvation during the awful winter.

  10. The news of his return drew around him many of the motley ilk who made trading and swapping both a business and an avocation.

  11. I know I was swapping knives 'sight unseen' when I was wearing petticoats.

  12. Thirty or forty pilgrims had arrived from the ship, by the short routes, and much swapping of gossip had to be indulged in.

  13. We did every thing by mass-meeting, in the good old national way, from swapping off one empire for another on the programme of the voyage down to complaining of the cookery and the scarcity of napkins.

  14. There were a lot of 'Jaspers' sitting around the stove, chewing tobacco and swapping lies.

  15. There is in the history of this interesting mine a story of a man swapping a lot of Le Roi stock for a burro.

  16. Presently trainmen, swapping yarns at division stations, heard of the mysterious signal on other roads.

  17. Swapping he was from bill to eye, Swapping he was from wing to thigh; Swapping--his age and corporation Out-swapped all the winged creation.

  18. I wouldn't mind swapping places with you, to have Miss Ridsdale as a nurse," he added waggishly, as Mona appeared on the scene.

  19. Rather his confraternity describe their meetings as "swapping stories," the flow circulating.

  20. It was held that there must be in excelsis no "swapping of horses in crossing the stream," still turbid and dangerous.

  21. He dressed flashily, wore soft collars, was constantly swapping sporty scarfpins for sportier ones, and was inevitably the center, seldom part, of a group.

  22. Illustration] The Puritans now began to barter with the Indians, swapping square black bottles of liquid hell for farms in Massachusetts and additions to log towns.

  23. The same is true of another form of Australian "courtship" which may be called swapping girls, and which is far the most common way of getting a wife.

  24. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "swapping" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    agency; barter; brokerage; dealing; exchange; interchange; jobbing; merchandising; retailing; substitution; swap; swapping; switch; trade; trading; trafficking