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Example sentences for "takeing"

Lexicographically close words:
tak; taka; takas; take; takee; taken; takeoff; takeover; taker; takers
  1. McNeal and Goodrich haveing recovered from the Louis veneri I detected them to desist from takeing the murcury or useing in future.

  2. Suspicions is grounded on the improbibility of the horses leaveing the grass and rushes of the river bottoms of which they are very fond, and takeing imediately out into the open dry plains where the grass is but Short and dry.

  3. Steel horses from the Mandins, they tell two Stories, we gave them nothing after takeing brackfast proceeded on- my Neck is yet verry painfull at times Spasms.

  4. Ordway Came up & after takeing a Sumptious Dinner we all Set out at 4 P M wind ahead as usial.

  5. River that the banks are falling in takeing with them large trees of Cotton woods which is the Common groth in the Bottoms Subject to the flud North 1 Me along the L.

  6. Lievana about comparisons betwixt the English and Duch, Damian takeing parte with the Duch and Jno.

  7. Speck the newes we heard of the takeing a bark or boate of theirs on the bar of Champa by a Portingale friggat, as also what Jor.

  8. We may remedy this by takeing one only Matter, that is tractable and easily reduceable into every sort of Figure.

  9. So he says "You crabbed at me a wile ago for not takeing a joke but it looks like you was the one that couldn't take them now.

  10. I wouldn't be setting here writeing this letter now but I would be takeing a plunge in one of them Berlin brewry vats.

  11. Dutchmans to make their next drive on this section and the birds that we are takeing their place was a bunch of yellow stiffs that was hard of hearing except when they was told to retreat and Gen.

  12. So I asked him what he meant and he repeated over again what he said about them takeing me in the intelligents dept.

  13. Lauras takeing stuff up to the front or bringing guys back that didn't duck quick enough and to see these Frenchmens march you would think it was fun but when they have been at it a wile they will loose some of their pep.

  14. So after repasting themselves, they made them ready for the journey with takeing repose that night.

  15. They also tooke the paines to put it up safe for mee, not takeing any of it for themselves.

  16. Therefore, takeing leave of Mr. Bridgar, I went with my people towards the vessell.

  17. At this Coˀte Hewe Placket was rebuked for takeing upon him to heale a pacient who ys deade and comaundement geven that he shall medle no more in surgerie.

  18. They went next to Annabo[10] and takeing provisions there they doubled the Cape and sailed to Madagascar, where they tooke more provisions and cleared the ship.

  19. The Injury wee received in takeing the Pallassadoes was that capt.

  20. That the first Information he received concerning the Said Andrew Haymas and Stephen Pereda's owning those wines, was after takeing the Said Snow and from the sd.

  21. Also we made knowne unto hym the takeing and keeping our men presoners, both English and Duch.

  22. Takeing along with him all the towne people, and their goods, leaveing all the grate guns naled up, and the howses emty", he left the place a prey to the rebels.

  23. The Takeing of the Holy League and Covenant.

  24. The takeing of the Holy League and Covenant.

  25. So he says "Your a game bird but they's no use of you takeing reckless chances so you want to be on the look out every minute till you get back.

  26. I wasn't realy laughing at him Al but when I am takeing a bath I feel so good that I am libel to bust out laughing at nothing you might say.

  27. Most of our gang is from Chi where they leave takeing care of the furnace to the janitor.

  28. Gods anger against a place or people which we truly desire may be prevented, by takeing away y^e ocation.

  29. Had we the art of takeing and saveing the Sturgeon it would prove a very great advantage, the Country affording Vinager, and all other Materialls to do it withall.

  30. They also Ordered the takeing downe of the Kings Armes and setting up the States, & the like by the Signe of the Kings head hanging before the doore of an Inne.

  31. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "takeing" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.