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Example sentences for "thogh"

Lexicographically close words:
thocht; thochtless; thochts; thode; thof; thoght; thoghte; thole; tholed; tholes
  1. And thogh thee lyke nat a lover be, 490 +Spek wel of love; this penance yive I thee.

  2. Al-thogh thou mowe hit not y-see Above, hit goth yet alway under, 805 Although thou thenke hit a gret wonder.

  3. No wonder is thogh Iove hir stellifye, 525 +As telleth Agaton, for hir goodnesse!

  4. And thogh thee lesteth nat a lover be, 480 +Spek wel of love; this penance yeve I thee.

  5. No wonder is thogh Iove hir stellifye, +As telleth Agaton, for hir goodnesse!

  6. But of the lettre of Phillis wol I wryte A word or tweyne, al-thogh hit be but lyte.

  7. Tho stoden forth, on every rowe, Of hem which that I coude knowe, Thogh I hem noght by ordre telle, To make yow to long to dwelle.

  8. For whan men wene best to have acheved, Ful ofte it is al newe to beginne; The werre hath nothing siker, thogh he winne.

  9. Thogh Peters ship, as now, hath lost his stere, 230 It lyth in hem that barge for to stere.

  10. Eek, thogh I mighte duren ever, That I have doon, rekever I never .

  11. Worth up, if thou wolt, so it be by this lawe, that thou ne holde nat that I do thee wronge thogh thou 40 descende adoun, whan the resoun of my pley axeth it.

  12. And thogh that he seke tho thinges, wher shal he finde hem?

  13. Right on this same maner thanne, yif that the purviaunce of god seeth any thing present, than mot thilke thing ben by necessitee, al-thogh that it ne have no necessitee of his owne nature.

  14. But al-thogh the norisshinges of ditee of musike delyteth thee, thou 25 most suffren and forberen a litel of thilke delyte, whyle that I weve to thee resouns y-knit by ordre.

  15. By this manere thanne, al-thogh the prescience ne hadde never y-ben, yit algate or at the leeste weye it is certein thing, that the endes and bitydinges of thinges to comen sholden ben necessarie.

  16. The Law hath not bin dead, thogh it hath slept Those many had not dar'd to doe that euill If the first, that did th' Edict infringe Had answer'd for his deed.

  17. I say this house is as darke as Ignorance, thogh Ignorance were as darke as hell; and I say there was neuer man thus abus'd, I am no more madde then you are, make the triall of it in any constant question Clo.

  18. Thogh there the people had more absolute powre I say they norisht disobedience: fed, the ruin of the State Bru.

  19. I will praise any man that will praise me, thogh it cannot be denied what I haue done by Land Men.

  20. He is my very good friend and an Honourable Gentleman 1 We know him for no lesse, thogh we are but strangers to him.

  21. For it was, on to beholde As thogh the erthe envye wolde To be gayer than the heven To have mo floures, swiche seven As in the welken sterres be.

  22. Ne swa sleygh payntur never nan was, Thogh his sleght mught alle other pas, That couthe ymagyn of thair [devils'] gryslynes.

  23. Thogh paradis be miri and bright Cokaygn is of fairir sight.

  24. Remembre yow, myn owene lord so dere, I was your wyf, thogh I unworthy were.

  25. Suffyceth oon ensample in stories olde, I may not rekne hem alle, thogh I wolde.

  26. But of my deeth, thogh that ye have no routhe, Avyseth yow, er that ye breke your trouthe.

  27. As help me verray god omnipotent, Thogh I right now sholde make my testament, I ne owe hem nat a word that it nis quit.

  28. For in oure wil ther stiketh ever a nayl, To have an hoor heed and a grene tayl, As hath a leek; for thogh our might be goon, Our wil desireth folie ever in oon.

  29. And therfore, al-thogh ther be a difference bitwixe thise two causes of drenchinge, algates the ship is dreynt.

  30. But what she was, she wolde no man seye, For foul ne fair, thogh that she shulde deye.

  31. He may nat spare, al-thogh he were his brother; He moot as wel seye o word as another.

  32. For thogh I hadde yow to-morow ageyn, I might as wel holde Averill fro reyn, As holde yow, to make yow stedfast.

  33. For thogh so be that lovers be as trewe 200 As any metal that is forged newe, In many a cas hem tydeth ofte sorowe.

  34. What wonder is then, thogh that I besette My servise on suche oon, that may me knette To wele or wo, sith hit lyth in hir might?

  35. Therwith ye ben so mery and so iocounde, 5 That at a revel whan that I see you daunce, It is an oynement unto my wounde, Thogh ye to me ne do no daliaunce.

  36. But never-the-les, my righte lady swete, Thogh that I be unconning and unmete 75 To serve as I best coude ay your hynesse.

  37. To love is every herte fre, Bot in deceipte if that thou feignest And therupon thi lust atteignest, That thow hast wonne with thi wyle, Thogh it thee like for a whyle, Thou schalt it afterward repente.

  38. Betre is to wayte upon the tyde 1780 Than rowe ayein the stremes stronge: For thogh so be thee thenketh longe, Per cas the revolucion Of hevene and thi condicion Ne be noght yit of on acord.

  39. Wepende he keste hire ofte sithe, So was his herte al overcome; For thogh his Moder were come Fro deth to lyve out of the grave, He mihte nomor wonder have Than he hath whan that he hire sih.

  40. For as I wolde, thanne I thinke 220 As thogh I were at myn above, For so thurgh drunke I am of love, That al that mi sotye demeth Is soth, as thanne it to me semeth.

  41. Write in Civile this I finde: Thogh it be noght the houndes kinde To ete chaf, yit wol he werne An Oxe which comth to the berne, Therof to taken eny fode.

  42. Mi Sone, of that thou hast me said I holde me noght fulli paid: That thou wolt haten eny man, To that acorden I ne can, Thogh he have hindred thee tofore.

  43. I understond, have not be moch the lesse by fore Wytsontyde than it shold be thogh I had be at home by cause of resortyng of pepell theder; and yf the houshold were broke thay myzt have a gode excuse in that, whosome ever come.

  44. Item, as for your fader ys wyll, I wold ye shold take ryght gode counsell therin, as I am enformyd it may be prevyd, thogh no man take no charge thys twelfmonth.

  45. Wherof, thogh the lawe wille it not, were abated, if conscience required it, Cxl.

  46. Wher upon the said Paston lowly besecheth your good lordeship that if it may be preved this mater be trew that ye wille not be displesed thogh he desire to have his fre disposicion of the seid maner.

  47. No maruayle Menedemus thogh you be so disposyd, for all the world cannot make me to beleue yt, not & all doctoures of dyuynyte wold swere || it were trewe.

  48. When he hath past some time vpon this stage, His Reason then a litle seemes to wake; Which, thogh she spring, when sense doth fade with age, Yet can she here no perfect practise make.

  49. Then these defects in Senses' organs bee, Not in the soule or in her working might; She cannot lose her perfect power to see, Thogh mists and clouds do choke her window light.

  50. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "thogh" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.