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Example sentences for "time passed"

  • What period of time passed, I shall never know.

  • So time passed, and night grasped the world, wrapping it in wrappings of impenetrable blackness.

  • Time passed, and the earth moved on, slowly traversing the tremendous face of the dead sun.

  • But as time passed on and sober reflection worked its influence upon me, I grew ashamed of the course I had adopted--and I now resolved to hush up to the utmost of my power the unhappy position in which I stood with regard to my wife.

  • Time passed on; and the position of the lovers--if such they could now be called--became daily more unhappy in respect to each other.

  • Time passed, and Autumn came to fold Green Summer in her brown and gold; Time passed, and Winter's tears of snow Dropped on the grave-mound of Rousseau.

  • As time passed, this fund expanded considerably and was used to improve elementary education.

  • As time passed, the old question of the state debt loomed more important and more controversial than ever.

  • Thus, the breach between the American colonies and the mother country became wider as time passed.

  • Time passed on, and I began to think less of what I had done; I began once more to take pleasure in my childish sports; I was active, and excelled at football and the like all the lads of my age.

  • Time passed on, my affairs prospered, and I enjoyed a certain portion of tranquillity.

  • Time passed away, and with it the review, which, contrary to the publisher's expectation, did not prove a successful speculation.

  • Time passed on, and Belle and I lived in the dingle; when I say lived, the reader must not imagine that we were always there.

  • I beseech thee for my son Onesimus, whom I begat in my bonds, which in time passed was to thee unprofitable: but now profitable both to thee and also to me, whom I have sent home again.

  • This influence of Europe upon America, however, became less and less as time passed on; and the development of the American nation has made its history constantly more independent.

  • As time passed on legislation became more and more minute and inclusive.

  • Time passed away, and with it the Review, which, contrary to the publisher's expectation, did not prove a successful speculation.

  • Time passed, and the shirt-collar came in a rag-bag to the paper-mill.

  • Time passed on, and one morning Gon lay before the house door, basking in the sun.

  • Time passed so quickly for both of them that the youth (for now he was quite a young man, and no more a lad) forgot altogether how long he had been there.

  • Time passed, and Thorfin prepared to return home; he dismissed his guests, and he and his men got into their boat to return home.

  • Time passed, and the shepherd was on the moors every day with the flock; his loud and deep-toned voice was often borne down on the wind as he shouted to the sheep, driving them to fold.

  • Time passed and I proceeded with my life in normal fashion, learning myself and increasing my understanding of human nature.

  • Was it within the bounds of possibility that she, as time passed to dim her sufferings and sense of loss, might look twice at this extraordinary being?

  • Time passed on--Alice and Rhapsody had almost climaxed the preparatory negotiations of an hymenial conclusion, when another contretemps came to pass--it was the grand finale.

  • Time passed on; one, two, or three years, are quickly passed and gone.

  • Time passed on, and the first cold air of the hour that succeeds to midnight crept through the bars of their cell.

  • Time passed--morning glided to noon--still not a sound nor motion.

  • Time passed on: the first ray of daylight slowly gleamed, when he thought he heard the door of the church close.

  • Time passed, all remained silent; nearly half an hour had elapsed since he had heard the steps upon the stairs.

  • This last apprehension died away as time passed, and no signs of fertility appeared.

  • TIME passed, and autumn was far advanced towards winter; still Maltravers lingered at Como.

  • In his efforts to recover the runaway he had at first taken much trouble, but as time passed he left it in the hands of Osman, who seemed even more anxious than his father to recover the lost slave.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "time passed" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    brief space; golden crown; its very; normal salt; organic life; she sat; the morrow; time became; time being; time come; time for; time have; time like; time passed; time past; time presses; time the; time there; time when; time will; times gone; times greater; times like; times more; times past; whole race