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Example sentences for "tole"

Lexicographically close words:
tolde; toldest; toldo; toldos; toldt; toled; tolerable; tolerably; tolerance; tolerances
  1. Mars Dugal' wuz feelin' so kine dat he had brung up a bairl er cider, en tole de niggers all fer ter he'p deyselves.

  2. She tole me out o’ her own mouf to put’em on de fiar; she warn’t gwine pesta wid ’em.

  3. I know’d it; could a’ tole you dat mese’f.

  4. He had a pie a piece cooked next day and a pan of hot biscuits and brown gravy, tole 'em to fill up.

  5. Papa tole my son to take care of me and since he died my son gone stone blind.

  6. White folks tole me 'bout it and hope me see 'bout gettin' it.

  7. The Yankees come slipping back to tole her off.

  8. He tole 'em he knowed they got tired of corn batter cakes, milk and molasses but it was best he had to give them till the War was done.

  9. She called me to the bed and tole me who to stay with.

  10. Tole us all good-bye, said he'd never get back alive.

  11. Is I evah tole you 'bout de curious way I won Anna Liza?

  12. Ole pappy tole me 'bout how cum the whites an' the blacks an' the Injuns get all mixed up.

  13. But ah ain't seed it, though Oncle Shep Brown done tole me all 'bout et.

  14. De Capin tole me fer to come and get my dinnah.

  15. You gib me paper terbacker, an' tole me hab some tea made, sah, and I done jes as you tole me, sah.

  16. He thinks they are probably joking; but still they seem to be greatly in earnest, and he knows little of these Yankees, and thinks maybe his "massa tole him de truff about dem, after all.

  17. Marse so dat he wuz 'blevin ev'y think dat us tole him bout Sa'day night and Sunday morning.

  18. She tole us dat it wuz er earthquake and it wasn't no day o' Judgment.

  19. In de day him ole and pore and wretched, Got to tote de load and swing de hoe, Got to do jest what de white folks tole him, Got to trabel when dey tole him go.

  20. Mars Tom, he could a got de cow fer fifteen, en I tole him so.

  21. Mars Tom, he TOLE de man de truck would make him bline.

  22. I tole him 'twan't no sech ting; but la sakes!

  23. H'yer I goes now, I jes tole her dis yer bressed mornin' dat it tuk a fool fer luck.

  24. I tole him I didn't know dat ar, and didn't reckon he did.

  25. I didn't know nary ting 'bout it, but I spunked up an' tole him ebbery ting in de house dar was mine.

  26. Yer see, it must ha' been nigh about a half-hour atter Nimbus left afore Berry went off; jes dat er way I tole yer "bout.

  27. No wonder he is smile till you hear heem half a mile, For dat morning he was tole hees leetle broder Let de cattle out de gate, so he know it's purty late By de tam dem cow was findin' out each oder.

  28. It don't tak' long for tole de news "Bateese come off de State.

  29. I was mad, I was, an' I marched 'em to the house an' tole their mother.

  30. I tole them I thought they'd be havin' trouble when they was ready to return to the haunts o' the pale-face; but Master Bobby said their clothes would cover it up.

  31. I don know nothin about it, an I've tole yer.

  32. I've allus tole 'er as she'll end 'er days on the parish.

  33. Dat's what I tole 'em all I going to do, and I ain't nevah coming back no mo' till Marse Marcy come too.

  34. The Missus done tole me two men shot on the Hattie and las' night I dreamed you one of 'em," said he.

  35. She tole me that I had the makin' of a man in me, an' then she tuck holt of me an' give me a new start.

  36. I tole Jim Hardesty ef they ever got to Jed's ears 'Gene 'd pay purty dearly fer them.

  37. Gene tole the boys that night that he'd made love to you ever sence you was children and that he could tell Jed Sherrod some things ef he was a mind to.

  38. I tole Miss Ellis I should, 'case I knows all de way.

  39. I done tole all dat down at de p'lice station.

  40. I done tole you dat was five minutes arftuh two.

  41. I jes' tole you, boss, he done shave it off.

  42. I tole you dar warn't nothin' to be skeered uv him foh," said Mattie.

  43. De gals is eating thar breakfast, and missus tole me to let her tell you; but, poor creeter!

  44. He tole her he was going away on business, but he wanted her to go ahead about buying you and de chillern, and he would help her all he could.

  45. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "tole" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.

    Some related collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    tolerably good; tolerably large; tolerably well