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Example sentences for "tush"

Lexicographically close words:
turtles; turves; turvy; turvydom; tus; tushes; tusk; tusked; tusker; tuskers
  1. Tush man, aboadments must not now affright vs: By faire or foule meanes we must enter in, For hither will our friends repaire to vs Hast.

  2. Tush (sayd I) you speak you cannot tell what, behold I am a man made all of iron, and have never desire to sleepe, and am more quicke of sight than Lynx or Argus.

  3. Then one of them said, Tush we little esteeme the mischiefe he did yesterday, but now we are contented that to morrow his stones shall not onely be cut off, but also his head.

  4. The filthy gutter slushes, The clouds are full of rain, But doomed is he who tushes To tush and tush again.

  5. At this age, one tush may be peeping through.

  6. As a general rule, the lower tush becomes blunt, or rounded at its point and edges, and also of considerable length, while the upper is often so diminished as to be worn almost to the level of the gum.

  7. The inclination of the young tush is oblique, standing forward, and the situation is comparatively near to the incisors.

  8. At eight years off, the gum of the lower corner tooth has become square, and the lower tush blunt.

  9. The upper tush is usually much diminished, while the lower is long, especially in stallions kept for service.

  10. The Gum of the lower Corner Teeth has become Square, and the lower Tush blunt.

  11. Tush were it ten times higher, Ile pull it downe.

  12. DAVE Ahm on mah way to kill me a turkey gobbler, but if you and Lum thinks y'all's tush hawgs Ah'll stop long enough to take you down a button-hole lower.

  13. TUSH HAWG Come on here, Nunkie--and take a hand!

  14. TUSH HAWG is seated at table so that he faces audience.

  15. Turns up his cards--he has four aces and king) TUSH HAWG (showing his cards) Youse a liar!

  16. Enter the Mikado, attended by Pish-Tush and Court.

  17. Colonel scattering a pinch of snuff in his vehemence, "I say pish, man--tush and the devil!

  18. And with a blast doth puff against such as would him correct Tush Tush saith he I have no dread.

  19. The word tush occurs frequently and quaintly: "Tush I an sure to fail;" "Tush God forgetteth this.

  20. Tush is a conservative old soul; he always gambles on measles, and of course every now and then he wins.

  21. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "tush" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.