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Example sentences for "typifying"

Lexicographically close words:
typical; typically; typified; typifies; typify; typing; typis; typist; typists; typo
  1. These two pillars, therefore, stand for the two great spiritual principles that are the basis of all Life: Jachin typifying the Unity resulting from Being, and Boaz typifying the Unity resulting from Love.

  2. The idols representing the god are, with one exception, decked with red beards, typifying by their colour the element under his control.

  3. The sign of this suit is represented throughout as engraved with the pentigram, typifying the correspondence of the four elements in human nature and that by which they may be governed.

  4. Here may be seen the Passion of Christ, surrounded by scenes from the Old Testament typifying it; likewise His Resurrection and its ancient types; and other significant incidents in the life of the Saviour and His virgin mother.

  5. There the immolation of the typifying lamb and the celebration of the Passover suggest the passion of the true Lamb and our redemption.

  6. Yet one more feature of Dante's typifying inclusiveness of the past.

  7. He began it with the idea of assisting in bringing about the reconciliation between the Panther, typifying the Church of England, and the Hind, typifying the Church of Rome.

  8. In the middle Eocene formations of North America occurs the more specialized Hintatherium (or Dinoceras), typifying the family Uintatheriidae, which also contains species sometimes separated as Tinoceras.

  9. In the basal Eocene of North America the Amblypoda were represented by extremely primitive, five-toed, small ungulates such as Periptychus and Pantolambda, each of these typifying a family.

  10. By this time the great steamboat--the wonderful apparition so aptly typifying Heaven and hell--had passed.

  11. These beautiful compositions, more especially the last, The Deluge, typifying winter, will repay careful study.

  12. On the central pillar stands Christ in act of blessing; below Him, bas-reliefs typifying the seven liberal arts.

  13. They have become interesting as exhibiting these traits and not as typifying human motives; they show an animal psychology.

  14. This seems to hint that the tale is symbolic, typifying the change of seasons.

  15. The sufferings of Paris during the siege are summed up in a cartoon entitled "Germany's Ally," in which the figure of Famine is laying its cold, gaunt hand on the head of the unhappy woman typifying the stricken city.

  16. On the other side, equally hideous and threatening, gleam the sharpened teeth of the face typifying the Dreyfus Party.

  17. That of immolation, you answer, as typifying the grand offering.

  18. Mythologically, he is the type of the sun-god (as a brief scrutiny of the poem will show), his adventures typifying the course of the solar luminary through the heavens and into the Underworld.

  19. He sides now with the gods, now with the giants, thus typifying the twofold nature of fire as a friend and an enemy.

  20. It refers us to the water mixed with the ashes of the red-heifer, which was sprinkled with a hyssop on the unclean, typifying the precious blood of Christ in its cleansing power (Heb.

  21. Allegorical personages, typifying slander and jealousy, mentioned in the Romaunt de la Rose.

  22. It is frequently represented in the catacombs, typifying the words of St Paul, who calls hope "the anchor of the soul, both sure and steadfast.

  23. The SUN and the MOON have been considered as signs of Pagan origin, typifying Apollo and Diana.

  24. All these forms and figures surround a globe of enormous size, typifying the Earth, over the surface of which streams of water are thrown from the reptilian chain motive.

  25. Next come two recumbent figures, a man and a woman, the first, Sorrow, the other typifying Final Slumber.

  26. The tall, slender shaft, a column of travertine by day and a column of light by night, supports a sphere upon which is poised a statue typifying the dawn of day.

  27. Above the portal's curve is a globe, typifying the world-wide scope of the exhibit within.

  28. The decorative designs in the vestibule are sculptured figures and accompanying insignia typifying the manufacture and use of machinery by man.

  29. The frieze in low relief, encircling the bases of the columns and representing the genii of mechanics, is repeated from the larger entrance, as are also the figures in the spandrels, typifying the application of power to machinery.

  30. The lace was faded and tarnished, and the coat hung loosely enough about his thin and shrunken figure; but the ancient uniform seemed to mark the age of the old man, typifying that past, forever gone, of which he had been so splendid a figure.

  31. In the first variation a musical element is introduced typifying Don Quixote's feminine ideal--Dulcinea of Toboso.

  32. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "typifying" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    apish; figurative; graphic; ideographic; illustrative; imitative; mimetic; pictographic; pictorial; portraying; representative; symbolizing; typifying; vivid