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Example sentences for "virtuous woman"

  • On the other hand, If you can be so good and generous as to make me your Wife, you may promise your self all the Obedience and Tenderness with which Gratitude can inspire a virtuous Woman.

  • On the manner of living of a virtuous Woman, and of her behaviour during the absence of her Husband.

  • Thus ends the manner of living of a virtuous woman.

  • A virtuous woman, who has affection for her husband, should act in conformity with his wishes as if he were a divine being, and with his consent should take upon herself the whole care of his family.

  • Several princes received this handsome couple at their courts, saying it was but right to show honour to this woman who had the courage to renounce her empire over the world of fashion, to become a virtuous woman.

  • At this the provost was in great glee, saying to the constable that someone had certainly deceived him, that his wife was a virtuous woman, and was more astonished than any of them at these proceedings.

  • To these she replied that she would still have smiles to bestow upon those lords who would come and see how she played the role of a virtuous woman.

  • A virtuous woman--especially when she loves another man--can resist Apollo.

  • If I win, if in Athens there can be found a virtuous woman, strong enough to resist you, you shall give me Lampecja--I wish for nothing more.

  • She had the character of a very sober, virtuous woman, and never made any acknowledgment of fraud in this transaction.

  • This sober, virtuous woman, a party concerned, years subsequently made profession of religion, continued long to live a useful and respected life, and never made acknowledgment of fraud.

  • She had the character of a very sober, virtuous woman, and never made any acknowledgment of fraud in the transaction.

  • Some of these nominally respectable places are so largely patronized by this class, that a virtuous woman is in constant danger of being insulted should she chance to enter one of them.

  • It is a place in which no virtuous woman is ever seen, and in which an honest man ought to be ashamed to show his face.

  • Yes, when the fit took him, and could commend her too extremely, saying she was a good, godly, virtuous woman.

  • So also speaks the writer of the Book of Proverbs, in the twelfth chapter, and the fourth verse: "A virtuous woman is a crown to her husband: but she that maketh ashamed is as rottenness in his bones.

  • His question, "Who can find a virtuous woman?

  • It expresses the Syrian's noblest idea of the true wife and the real home-maker:-- Who can find a virtuous woman?

  • The wife told him that he was perverse; for no one could seduce a virtuous woman, and a vicious woman no husband could guard successfully.

  • And what happened to the old woman, who preferred the gold of an impostor to the kindness of a virtuous woman?

  • I pray you," said Hircan, "tell me what words you know of so foul as to sicken both the heart and soul of a virtuous woman.

  • Wishing to recover the lost ewe which he had so badly watched, he wrote many letters to her begging her to return to him, and saying that he would take her back if she were willing to be a virtuous woman.

  • But you must not give the name of virtuous woman to her who, in her struggle against an involuntary passion, has yielded nothing to her lover whom she idolizes.

  • Then she became a dissolute creature, as soon as men ceased to be intently occupied in intestine war, for the same reason that she was a virtuous woman in the midst of civil disturbances.

  • A virtuous woman has in her heart one fibre less or one fibre more than other women; she is either stupid or sublime.

  • Thus did this young lady, under the guise of a virtuous woman, like the hypocrite she was, live in such wantonness that reason, conscience, order and moderation found no place within her.

  • Thus that splendor and equipage, to secure which I have sacrificed a virtuous woman, is taken from me.

  • Has he not, by false pretensions, misled a virtuous woman, and induced her to form a connection with him?

  • I should like my Virtuous Woman to be fond of gardening, and at all events read in Bacon's Essays how God Almighty first planted a garden.

  • But, married or single, rich or poor, Solomon's Virtuous Woman gives us principles to go on.

  • This 'virtuous woman' is neither a doll nor a graduate nor a public character.

  • A virtuous woman is a crown to her husband: but she that maketh ashamed is as rottenness in his bones.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "virtuous woman" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    chiefly applied; come tell; come what; cubic feet per hour; former slave; gallant forecastle; her young bairn she; historical research; light divine; looked over; male issue; modern system; neutral nations; ordinary cases; parliamentary vote; quick look; situated about; small girl; startled look; virtuous conduct; virtuous life; virtuous woman; watering places; white beneath