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Example sentences for "whitewashed"

Lexicographically close words:
whitetail; whitethorn; whitethroat; whitethroats; whitewash; whitewashing; whitewood; whith; whither; whithersoever
  1. The whitewashed appearance that much of the ginger has, as seen in the shops, is due to the fact of its being washed in whiting and water, or even coated with sulphate of lime.

  2. Among works whitewashed over by posterity were the frescoes with which he covered no less than five chapels in the church of Santa Croce.

  3. From the house behind a room opened on it, a big, shadowy room, whitewashed and stone-flagged, with a barred window high up near the ceiling.

  4. For Roy, the world outside that dim whitewashed bedroom ceased to exist.

  5. In a niche on the whitewashed wall there stood a figure of the Holy Virgin, painted in pale colours.

  6. On the wall, which was whitewashed and covered with deep cracks, a sprig of box had been placed behind the arms of a black, wooden cross.

  7. Five minutes later he was a black speck in the sky above the headland where the tall masts of a Wireless Station and a cluster of whitewashed cottages showed up white against the turf.

  8. Selby caught a glimpse of a flagged path leading through an orchard to a whitewashed cottage.

  9. Indeed, the row of cedars that fronted the little whitewashed house had been once the boundary of the college grounds.

  10. A rude but sturdy breakwater made a miniature harbor in which several small boats floated at their moorings; a whitewashed wharf jutted out into the waves; the stretch of rocky shore beyond had been roughly terraced into easy approach.

  11. I spent hours lying on my bed and staring at the whitewashed wall opposite, with the long shelf on which the knapsacks were packed.

  12. In the bare, whitewashed room the men lay groaning on their beds in all kinds of possible and impossible positions.

  13. As he did, of a sudden from the direction of the little whitewashed chapel, there drifted down to his ears a continuous moaning and groaning.

  14. The two rooms intended for the occupation of the children were neat and clean, but perfectly simple, with whitewashed walls, furnished only with wooden stools and benches, and plain deal tables.

  15. The old woman was sitting in her chimney corner, behind a little skreen of whitewashed wall, built out into the room, for the purpose of keeping those who sat at the fire from the blast of the door.

  16. In the principal room, or office usually styled, of the log fort, which was the whitewashed hut situated a few yards from the cliff brink, and beside the flagstaff, two men were creating conversation by a simple process of mutual disagreement.

  17. He saw the whitewashed factory shine beside the muddy river and a gang of naked negroes filling big barrels in a compound tunneled by land-crabs' holes.

  18. It was a poor place; small, whitewashed mud houses, a rusty iron store, and a row of squalid huts occupied a clearing in the forest.

  19. Behind the house spread a little kingdom, divided into fields of grass, wheat, tobacco, and corn, and dotted with whitewashed cabins filled with slaves.

  20. And that is where I live," she said, pointing to a large and sever structure whose walls had plainly not been whitewashed for many long years.

  21. The worst of it was that the plaster cracked and peeled off in flakes, and that the four whitewashed legs left visible traces upon everything else they touched.

  22. We have blacked the hats or whitewashed them, and have stuck feathers and flowers in them to give an air of gaiety to our otherwise sombre and sedate aspect.

  23. If the wall had been whitewashed in the meantime, the lime had scaled down to the original plaster.

  24. There was the huge whitewashed hall of the castle mill, and from its wall looked down in ghostly dimness out of the worm-eaten black frame the figure, in full armour, of its knightly builder.

  25. In the midst of this world of shade, nestle the whitewashed cabins of the small tillers; but though they swarm with children, it is not often that the inhabitants appear by the riverside.

  26. A picturesquely-dilapidated log house, with whitewashed porch in front, and a vine arbor at the rear, attracted our attention at the foot of the reach, near Grape Island.

  27. While the others were botanizing high on the mountain side, I went along a beach path toward a group of whitewashed cabins, intent on replenishing the canteen.

  28. The long uphill road, ever climbing to where far off showed the tiny whitewashed buildings which were the railway station, seemed interminable this morning.

  29. There were not more than a dozen whitewashed houses, all set in little gardens of wallflower and daffodil and early fruit blossom.

  30. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "whitewashed" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.