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Example sentences for "advertence"

Lexicographically close words:
adversity; adversum; adversus; advert; adverted; adverting; advertise; advertised; advertisement; advertisements
  1. Thus such souls are preserved from even venial sins of advertence and, if they commit some inadvertently they are not imputed.

  2. What attracts the sensitive appetite, commonly allures also the affective will, though on advertence the elective will may reject it.

  3. Rather I should say the affective will is approached in this way: for it remains with the elective will, on advertence and consultation with reason, to decide whether or not it shall be won to consent.

  4. If there is a more difficult problem than the breaking of a bad habit it is the formation of a good one late in life because of the persistency of advertence and effort that is required.

  5. Lack of advertence always lessens pain and may even nullify it until it becomes exceedingly severe.

  6. Here as in all exercise, companionship which removes conscious attention from advertence to the will greatly aids.

  7. It is not necessary that advertence to the malice of the sin be clear or exact.

  8. It is not necessary that advertence to the malice of the sin be reflex (i.

  9. Though full advertence is required for a mortal sin, it is not required that this advertence be the most perfect.

  10. If the actual advertence to the act is imperfect, the voluntariety is diminished; if advertence is totally absent, all voluntariety is taken away.

  11. The second condition for a venial sin is that there be some advertence to the malice of the act.

  12. The advertence is not full when the matter is grave, and the act done without compulsion, for else the sin would not be venial but mortal.

  13. Attention is the voluntary application of the mind to that which is done, or the consideration or advertence of the mind given to an act.

  14. Lack of sufficient advertence or of full consent makes a mortal sin venial; (a) when without serious fault one does not advert to a gravely sinful act (e.

  15. In reality the latter person is blamable not for what he did, but for what he omitted to do, for want of due attention, for not thinking of the probable consequences of his act or for insufficient advertence to them.

  16. In rashness, again, the party adverts to the mischief which his act may cause, but, from insufficient advertence assumes that it will not ensue; the fault of the rash man is partial want of attention.

  17. Superficial attention is that advertence of soul which applies itself to the correct recitation of the words, avoiding errors of pronunciation, mutilation, transposition, etc.

  18. Is such internal attention, such deliberate application or mental advertence necessary for the valid recitation of the office?

  19. Internal attention is application or advertence of the mind.

  20. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "advertence" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.