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Example sentences for "adverting"

Lexicographically close words:
adversum; adversus; advert; adverted; advertence; advertise; advertised; advertisement; advertisements; advertiser
  1. He then proceeds to perjure himself, adverting to what he says, but not thinking about his previous fear (virtual fear).

  2. Francois," feelingly urged the taller officer, again adverting to his vow, "you recollect the oath you so solemnly pledged upon the cross of your Saviour.

  3. Then adverting in bitterness to the influence supposed to be exercised over him,--"What my father has said is false.

  4. Clara, laughingly, and without adverting to the hyperbolical compliment of the dark-eyed officer who had just spoken.

  5. Without adverting again to the corruption, reaching far back into the centuries, existing before his time, we shall simply describe some of the conditions that as a young man he witnessed or which were prevalent synchronously with his youth.

  6. One of these--and is well worth adverting to, for it exists to a greater degree than ever before--was the robbery of the people in the transportation of mails.

  7. Before adverting to the complications with France which were thenceforth to absorb his energies, I must refer to some incidents of the session and summer of the year 1792.

  8. Some members emphasized their loyalty by adverting tartly to the connections of Thomas Paine and English reformers with the French Jacobins.

  9. Before adverting to this matter, we may note that Muir settled down by no means unhappily at Sydney, and bought a farm which he named Huntershill, after his birthplace.

  10. Next, adverting to the religious feuds in Ireland, he remarked on the danger of granting concessions to the Irish Catholics while Ireland remained a distinct kingdom.

  11. And that nothing may hinder you from complying with my request at once, I hereby promise, without adverting to your many and great obligations to me, to pay you every cent which he took from your drawer.

  12. I answer by adverting to the spectacle which is now witnessed in all the Islands of the former proprietors of slaves, now employers of free laborers, using every endeavor to prevent emigration.

  13. But the earliest specific notice of syphilis in England which I remember to have met with is in 1502; and in this notice the malady is spoken of under the same name that I have been adverting to, of “French pox.

  14. We are but too apt to consider things in the state in which we find them, without sufficiently adverting to the causes by which they have been produced, and possibly may be upheld.

  15. While news of fresh disasters from Spain and Moscow were every day arriving, what comfort could a citizen of France find in adverting to past victories?

  16. Then, adverting for the first time to the matter which had brought me to him, he said, 'Your government has made me no official communication of the arrival of this house.

  17. His plans, like his practice, are all despotic, and are formed without adverting to constitutional restrictions.

  18. But, before adverting to his future fate, we must complete, in a few words, the consequences of his abdication, and offer some remarks on the circumstances by which it was extorted and enforced.

  19. Veracity, which he inculcates with great earnestness, adverting especially to impartiality and honesty in our enquiries after truth.

  20. Adverting to the usual example of the love of money, he remarks that the benevolent man might begin with an interested affection, but might end with a disinterested delight in doing good.

  21. Adverting to this judgment, it is not Derry alone that is interested in the abolition of the Irish Society.

  22. Thus the entire work would be strictly on the plan of the Philosophia Entomologica of Fabricius, only giving a much greater extent to the Oeconomia and Usus, and adverting to these in the first place instead of in the last.

  23. I shall close my list of the indirect benefits derived from insects, by adverting to the very singular apparent subserviency of some of them to the functions of certain vegetables.

  24. For this manner of speaking is common among the Platonists, with whose doctrines Augustine was imbued; and the lack of adverting to this has been to some an occasion of error.

  25. Nor is it to be imputed as a fault to the man who consented to his being arbitrator, without adverting to the fact that he was appointed ordinary judge by the prince.

  26. Let not this seem a harsh position; it can appear so only from not adverting to what was shewn to be the essential nature of true Religion.

  27. In 1712 a message from the Crown, adverting to the undesirable character of the new development of newspaper enterprise, recommended that a remedy be found without delay.

  28. I have, in taking this brief view, confined myself exclusively to the decrees and orders of the two Governments, without adverting to other causes of complaint on either side.

  29. This will be proved by adverting to the causes of the war.

  30. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "adverting" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.