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Example sentences for "advocates"

Lexicographically close words:
advisory; advocacy; advocat; advocate; advocated; advocating; advocatus; advowson; advowsons; advyse
  1. But there is no doubt that the advocates of the common law were right in resisting the introduction of the pliant principles of the civilians.

  2. Certain advocates of cosmopolitanism in their agitation against patriotism often take advantage of the importance of home in the relation of a man to his country when they appeal to the "proletarians": "Do you own anything?

  3. But it is material to the present argument to declare what that conduct actually was, because it is of itself sufficient to confute all the pretexts by which the advocates of France have so long laboured to perplex the question of aggression.

  4. The most conspicuous of the advocates of it, with a crowd of imitators about him, has been Antoine Francois Felix Valalette, Comte Roselly de Lorgues, who began in 1844 to devote his energies to this end.

  5. He recounts the exertions he had made to send money to his advocates at Court, and tells Diego how he must somehow continue to get on as best he can till their Highnesses are content to give them back their power.

  6. It is held by some of these later advocates of the book that parts of the original Spanish text can be identified in Las Casas.

  7. The Catholic body has so far summoned enough advocates of historic truth to prevent the result which these enthusiasts have kept in view, notwithstanding the seeming acquiescence of Pius IX.

  8. But there is little need of particularizing other advocates of a belief which had within the range of credible history never ceased to have exponents.

  9. Rafn and other extreme advocates of the Norse discovery have made as much as they could of the supposition of Columbus's cognizance of the Norse voyages.

  10. It is claimed that all these friends became interested in his projects, and were advocates of them.

  11. And all science is not only progressive, but it appears to be bold and scornful and proud,--at least its advocates are and ever have been contemptuous of all other departments of knowledge but its own.

  12. But the philosopher could not resist the temptation of ridiculing the advocates of the old system.

  13. The New England States, after the war of independence, were the defenders and advocates of a federal and central power.

  14. Indeed it is practically the boast of its advocates that it must be.

  15. Its advocates have been met with neglect, contempt, or castigation, not with arguments.

  16. Indeed, until it is presented we are but acting on the maxim of its advocates by refusing to believe in its existence.

  17. Its advocates were afraid and ashamed to discuss it, and forbidding debate, they perpetrated in silence the most atrocious act that has ever disgraced an American Legislature[A].

  18. The advocates of slavery are always at their wits end when they try to press the Bible into their service.

  19. If the advocates of slavery insist upon taking the principle of interpretation into the Bible, and turning it loose, let them stand and draw in self-defence.

  20. He is telling them of the munificent rewards offered by slaveholders, for the heads of the most distinguished advocates for freedom in this country.

  21. The advocates of slavery find themselves at their wits end in pressing the Bible into their service.

  22. The advocates of slavery find themselves at their wit's end in pressing the Bible into their service.

  23. Whilst we regret, that the true-hearted sons of freedom in the Convention which formed it, could obtain no more concessions from the advocates of slavery, let us honor their sacred memory, and thank God for those they did obtain.

  24. This practice of attempting to put the boldest and most flagrant sins under the wing and sanction of the Bible, is chargeable on others as well as on the advocates of slavery.

  25. If the advocates of slavery insist upon taking this principle of interpretation into the Bible, and turning it loose, let them stand and draw in self-defence.

  26. It was hoped that this would awaken new enthusiasm on the part of the Church and the advocates of the old regime, and that it would check the spirit of ultra democracy which was threatening to sweep every thing before it.

  27. Cevallos had been considered the warmest advocates of Ferdinand.

  28. His greatest vengeance against England did not exceed that which the advocates of the bill of reform seek for to-day.

  29. He was also bound to watch with the utmost care, and thwart, if possible, the efforts of the Austrians, and other advocates of the old regime.

  30. The warmest advocates of the Allies have never yet ventured to utter a word in its defense.

  31. Indeed among the advocates of British claims there were those who denied that France had any rights whatever on the south side of the St. Lawrence.

  32. As they both defended the royal prerogative and were strong advocates of taxation by Parliament, they have found scant justice from American writers.

  33. Thus were two of the former advocates of the Princess of Wales enlisted under the banners of her most deadly enemies!

  34. How applicable are the words of Tartuffe to the advocates of this measure!

  35. Among its chief advocates at that early day was Mr. Whitney, one of the engineers in the construction of the Mohawk and Hudson River Railway.

  36. One of the persistent advocates of the plan was Theodore J.

  37. The advocates of the measure were persistent, however, and appealed to the courts; the town was indicted and fined for this neglect.

  38. They wish to see you act worthily of the rank you have acquired as freemen, and thereby to do credit to yourselves, and to justify the friends and advocates of your color in the eyes of the world.

  39. The abstract principles on which the doctrines of free trade are founded, are these; and we put it to the warmest advocates of those principles, whether they are not fairly stated.

  40. The advocates of free trade are not insensible to the superior advantages of the rising over the old state in agriculture, and of the latter over the former in manufactures.

  41. Our recent attempts, therefore, to introduce a general system of free trade among nations have proved a signal failure, on the admission of the most enlightened advocates for that species of policy.

  42. Berkeley advocates a Realism, which eliminates effective causation from the material world, concentrates it in Mind, and in physical research seeks among data of sense for their divinely maintained natural laws.

  43. The extravagant assertions of the papal advocates were met by more outspoken, more violent, and sometimes by unseemly language on the part of Luther.

  44. A notable example of this stupidity was when the advocates of Saratov asked the local Soviet authorities to permit them to open up an idle soap-factory to make soap, of which there was a great scarcity.

  45. Two tables were placed together in the middle of the room, though rather nearer the chimney, round which the advocates and the clerk of the court took their places.

  46. The advocates of gold monometallism believed that the issue of these dollars would speedily drive gold from the country.

  47. A number of Independent Republicans, including the most earnest advocates of civil service reform, were strongly opposed to Mr. Blaine, alleging him to be personally corrupt and the representative of corrupt political methods.

  48. A committee was appointed, consisting of several members, including all the leading advocates of both the policy of Mr. Duffy and that of Mr. Mitchel.

  49. It was this influence as exerted by the successive advocates of Holland, Paul Buys and Johan van Oldenbarneveldt, which rendered abortive the well-meant efforts of the earl of Leicester to centralize the government of the United Provinces.

  50. Yet, he never actually became a communist; his belief that the soil should belong to the tiller cannot really be combined with communism, which advocates the abolition of individual land-holdings.

  51. The advocates of all these reforms were also their beneficiaries, the merchants.

  52. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "advocates" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.