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Example sentences for "could obtain"

  • The family were French, and I remained with them for six months before I could obtain a passage home, during which I learnt their language, and a very fair allowance of Spanish to boot.

  • When the man found that he could obtain nothing at the door, he went down on the lower deck, and commenced distributing prints of a black man kneeling in chains and saying, "Am not I your brother?

  • I assured him that if I were permitted to write to Monsieur de Villardin I should soon receive sufficient supplies, and, therefore, that I needed not to take advantage of his liberal offer, if he could obtain for me that permission.

  • At all events, I could obtain no answer, and remained that day and the next, without hearing anything more upon the subject.

  • He asked an explanation; and, seeing that it might save our dear girl from misery, I told him that, if I could obtain permission, I would satisfy him of the fact.

  • But events were not progressing smoothly, I could obtain no favourable answer to my entreaty for a relief party.

  • Despite entreaties for corn, we could obtain no more than two ears per man per day.

  • We sent for him, and after a short interview enlisted him on condition that he could obtain leave of absence.

  • Tar, pitch and turpentine of America, coming in competition with the same articles produced in the south western parts of France, we could obtain no greater reduction, than two and a-half per cent.

  • He said he could obtain a letter of safe conduct which would protect him to Paris, but that, immediately on his arrival here, he would be liable to arrest.

  • Mr. Grand, by refusing to make payments without my order in many cases, has obliged me to interfere till I could obtain instructions to him from the treasury as to the manner in which he should govern himself.

  • We could obtain no useful information from the European merchants of Zanzibar, who are mostly ignorant of everything beyond the island.

  • India, I might best employ any local leave I could obtain, in completing my already commenced collections of the fauna of that country and its adjacent hill-ranges?

  • We however took with us the tongues and other portions of the animals we had killed, so that we had abundance of provisions which would last us until we could obtain venison or fall in with another herd of buffalo.

  • For some time she gave me no chance, as, unless I could obtain a broadside shot, there was no use in firing.

  • Finally, they begged me to let them know how I could obtain my liberty, and urged me to write to them.

  • Dafalla was instructed to extend the Mahdist territory as far as possible in all directions, and to send back to Omdurman as many slaves and as much ivory as he could obtain.

  • The indignation of my father was great, but, as he could obtain no redress, he retired once again to his Government of Blaye.

  • We were all in the greatest embarrassment, when it fortunately came into the head of one of our lawyers to remind us of a privilege we possessed, by which, without much difficulty, we could obtain what we required.

  • Therefore the Imperialists entered the Papal States, laid them under contribution, ravaged them, lived there in true Tartar style, and snapped their fingers at the Pope, who cried aloud as he could obtain no redress and no assistance.

  • We travelled night and day without going to bed, until we reached Madrid, using such vehicles as we could obtain.

  • While thus occupied, he formed the design of traversing Africa as soon as he could obtain furlough, visiting the Mountains of the Moon and descending the Nile with the same object in view.

  • He then put Mr Anderson on his horse and conveyed him to the next village, where, however, a solitary fowl was the only food he could obtain.

  • The mayor was present, and the committee authorized him to employ as many policemen as they could get--five hundred if he could obtain them--and a number of gentlemen present pledged themselves for the payment of this police force.

  • Thence he proceeded on whatever quadruped of the equine species he could obtain, which was capable of shaking the dust from its feet nimbly.

  • It occurred to him that if out of six traps he could obtain two skins, out of one hundred he could obtain thirty-three, and so on, in proportion.

  • I have lived in short with numbers of people surrounding me, as if I were not in the world at all, and the moment that I asked a question, a deep silence fell upon every one, and I could obtain no reply.

  • More than an hour passed before I could obtain an audience; and when I was admitted to present your Highness's letter, I found Monsieur de Villequier with her.

  • Life remained but a moment after he had done his errand, and hastened to a point where he could obtain a better view of the approaching cavalry force.

  • Leaving Life in command, with orders to move to the train if the enemy approached it, he made his way over to the point where he could obtain a better view of the troopers in the water.

  • The rifleman walked over to a point where he could obtain a better view of the other window.

  • I had no doubt that I should soon find myself in some place where I could obtain food.

  • The priest addressed him, counselled him, exhorted him, and, like myself, could obtain no word from him.

  • For myself I did not care, as I knew that I could obtain employment at home, or could go to sea; but then I could not hope for a long time to come to make enough to support them.

  • We could obtain no yams, but we got instead some enormous plantains, which served us instead of potatoes.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "could obtain" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    avail myself; could bring; could command; could confide; could endure; could ever; could gather; could judge; could just; could keep; could like; could mean; could not; could not bring himself; could not help feeling; could not help smiling; could play; could procure; could reach; could reply; could sell; could think; even where; fair woman; indulged himself; over twenty