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Example sentences for "affably"

Lexicographically close words:
aferd; afero; aff; affability; affable; affair; affaire; affaires; affairs; affayres
  1. Not by no means,' acquiesced Mr. Weller, affably but magisterially.

  2. I thought so,' said Mr. Jackson, more affably than before.

  3. One of them called Achoe, verie affably and with a pleasant countenance said vnto mee, Poliphile take that Christal vessel and bring mee some of that fresh water.

  4. The master listened very affably to her gossip, but gave Ulita a cold look, evidently failing to remember her former "good services.

  5. Peals of laughter rose, Yudushka was displeased, but he affably joined in the merriment.

  6. I been bicycling," responded daddy affably and saluted every one, beginning with Val and ending with Rupert.

  7. Farmer Scone, affably familiar, but without raising his hand to his cap.

  8. The personal conductor of the tour affably waited until the moat performance was over, and then conducted his party inside the park to the Chateau.

  9. But with other dogs of his own sex, acquaintance, however affably begun, would soon ripen into a fight, unless the new comrade were too small and weak or had reasons of his own for declining the test of battle.

  10. Having thus established our popularity, he proceeded to make himself at home, welcoming most affably the dog-owners who called to complain of his exploits.

  11. Look, he is talking affably to a human being.

  12. Malcourt yawned, glanced at the grape-fruit, then affably at Hamil.

  13. He hummed a bar or two of a new waltz, took a puff at his cigarette, winked affably at the idol, put on his coat, and without a second glance at the glass went out whistling a lively tune.

  14. She affably condescended, and they prolonged the social meal, or their after-dinner converse, for considerably more than two hours.

  15. I saw her make the effort to converse affably with Dr.

  16. How affably he took off his white hat as he came in; the children staring up at him!

  17. So he affably put in his pocket the order which admitted "Editor of Pall Mall Gazette and friend" to that place of recreation, and paid with the coin of the realm a sufficient sum to enable him to cross Waterloo Bridge.

  18. When Crocker arrived, excited and keyed to the whirring sound of the ticker, Forshay, a splendid American imitation of an English aristocrat, drew him affably into an inner room.

  19. Finally on the outskirts of the crowd I caught a glimpse of three Moro women, and forced my way to them, shaking hands and smiling as affably as possible.

  20. Behrman saluted both men affably and sat down near the desk, drawing the links of his heavy watch chain through his fat fingers.

  21. He leaned forward and smiled affably at her.

  22. Ten minutes later Sam Gembitz walked into the elevator of his late place of business and smiled affably at the elevator boy, who returned his greeting with a perfunctory nod.

  23. None of them understood that these trifles were agonizing to their hostess, and, indeed, it was hard to understand it, as Olga Mihalovna went on all the time smiling affably and talking nonsense.

  24. It seemed to him that they were entirely preoccupied with concealing their ignorance and discontent with life, and he, too, to conceal his uneasiness, smiled affably and talked of trivialities.

  25. Nikitin smiled affably and helped Masha to look after their guests, but after dinner he went to his study and shut the door.

  26. Olga Mihalovna was sitting at the rudder; she was smiling affably and talking a great deal to entertain her visitors, while she glanced stealthily at her husband.

  27. People called to offer their congratulations; and the vicar talked affably of the imitative tendency of marriage, seeming to ascribe Prudence's good fortune to the example set by her sister.

  28. Although the child had not slept through all the long, dark hours, the shapeless doll had borne her such good company, rustling affably whenever conversation was in order, that she had forgotten to be afraid.

  29. And yet as he sat there in evening dress, smoking his cigar and chatting affably with the handsome Englishwoman, his outward appearance was that of a somewhat superior man.

  30. We sat at our small table chatting affably through the meal, yet I saw how intense was her desire to know the true reason of my presence.

  31. He was somewhat flattered by the fact that, although Georgette responded affably enough to the salutations of her other neighbors, he had never seen one of them in her room; so that she had really done him a favor by consenting to receive him.

  32. She was at a window on the ground floor; it was she who had called me, and, as I looked up, she bowed affably to me.

  33. It seemed to amuse Georgette, who would respond affably with a little nod to the salutations addressed to her from every floor.

  34. Yet nothing could have been less judge-like than Mr. Morgan's bearing; nothing more affably respectful than the manner of his greeting.

  35. Mr. Morgan smiled as affably as ever; he offered Mr. Nash his cigar-case.

  36. Mr. Morgan went affably on, diplomatically ignoring the singularity of the other's attitude.

  37. When they reached the palace, the king, seeing how beautiful the thrush looked with his golden feathers, received him affably and placed him at the head of the table.

  38. God, who listens patiently to the weakness of his creatures, received the cuckoo affably and said to him, "Go home in peace, the wish of your wife shall be fulfilled.

  39. For example: it is etiquette that before eight o'clock one may wander the decks at will in one's pyjamas, converse affably with fair ladies in pigtail and kimono, and be not abashed.

  40. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "affably" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.