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Example sentences for "antiscorbutic"

Lexicographically close words:
antiquitus; antiquity; antiquo; antiquorum; antiquum; antisepsis; antiseptic; antiseptics; antiserum; antislavery
  1. In spite of the very able arguments and the instances adduced on the other side, it seems to me that the probability is still in favour of the vegetable acid being the active or curative agent in these antiscorbutic vegetables.

  2. When combined with the juice of Scurvy grass and of Seville oranges it makes the popular antiscorbutic medicine known as "Spring juices.

  3. Invalids have often preferred this plant to the Scurvy grass as an antiscorbutic remedy.

  4. If eaten in its fresh state, as a salad, it is the most effectual of all the antiscorbutic plants, the leaves being admirable also to cure swollen and spongy gums.

  5. If eaten as a salad in its fresh state it is the most effectual of all the antiscorbutic plants.

  6. An infusion made with water will bring out the antiscorbutic virtues of the plant which are specially aromatic, and cordial.

  7. Fonssagrives says that the antiscorbutic action of lemon juice is due rather to the vegetable juice itself than to the citric acid which it contains.

  8. Used principally as food; it possesses the antiscorbutic properties common to the greater part of the Cruciferæ.

  9. The ripe fruit possesses antiscorbutic properties; the unripe fruit is used in treating dysentery.

  10. With acids and condiments it makes a salad which an educated palate cannot help relishing; and as a powerful and condensed heat-making and antiscorbutic food it has no rival.

  11. The disease is believed to be directly due to a deficiency in the diet of the antiscorbutic vitamine, known as "Water soluble C.

  12. C the loss in antiscorbutic power amounted to 90% in the cooked leaves over the raw material.

  13. This substance is rich in the antiscorbutic vitamine, and according to experiments made by Sherman, LeMer and Campbell, loses fifty per cent.

  14. The third member of the vitamine family is known for its antiscorbutic property; that is, it is the best known cure and preventive of scurvy.

  15. It was stated to us some weeks ago by a very old inhabitant of that Island, that this fact alone caused many ships to pass without calling for needful supplies of antiscorbutic material.

  16. Infusion of malt (sweet wort, malt tea) is laxative, and has been recommended as an antiscorbutic and tonic.

  17. As several of these antiscorbutic articles are not generally known, a more particular account of them may not be amiss.

  18. This was undoubtedly owing to the many antiscorbutic articles we had on board, and to the great attention of the surgeon, who was remarkably careful to apply them in time.

  19. This plant was formerly considered of great use in several diseases, and was applied externally to wounds and ulcers; but if it have any peculiar efficacy, it is to be derived from its antiscorbutic virtue.

  20. Sorrel taken in considerable quantities, or used prepared for food, will be found of great advantage when a refrigerant and antiscorbutic regimen is required.

  21. It has long been considered as the most effectual of all the antiscorbutic plants; and its sensible qualities are sufficiently powerful to confirm this opinion.

  22. The leaves of the plant discover a viscid sweetishness, accompanied with a more durable saponaceous pungency and warmth: these seem capable of answering some useful purposes, as a stimulating, aperient, antiscorbutic medicine.

  23. As to the antiscorbutic remedies, with which we were amply supplied, we had no opportunity of trying their effects, as there did not appear the slightest symptoms of the scurvy, in either ship, during the whole voyage.

  24. Sauer-kraut is an antiscorbutic of considerable virtue, and should not be overlooked in laying in stores for a distant cruise.

  25. Its juice is now an essential for culinary purposes; but as an antiscorbutic its value is still greater.

  26. As far as I am aware, the antiscorbutic properties of nuts have not been studied.

  27. The third, the so-called antiscorbutic vitamine because of its action as preventative and cure for scurvy, is found in certain fruits and vegetables.

  28. An Investigation of Beer for Antineuritic and Antiscorbutic Potency, Jour.

  29. These effusions rarely progress to what may be termed the clinical degree and under antiscorbutic treatment are rapidly absorbed.

  30. This food brings about scurvy almost invariably unless an antiscorbutic is added to the dietary.

  31. In milk the antiscorbutic factor diminishes with age, especially following pasteurization, in the course of which most of the acid-forming bacteria have been destroyed.

  32. The reaction of the antiscorbutic vitamine in this regard is not a simple one, and cannot be expressed by a mere statement of the degree of heat and the length of exposure.

  33. Lemon juice or orange juice may be dried and lose little of its antiscorbutic power.

  34. The blood possibly varies greatly in this respect according to the diet of the individual, or even according to the interval elapsing after the ingestion of antiscorbutic food.

  35. It is evident that the mere heating or sterilization of milk, although it reduces the antiscorbutic vitamine, does not do so to a degree sufficient to lead to the production of clinical scurvy.

  36. Is it of no moment whether the infant receive its quota of antiscorbutic every few hours through the medium of the breast milk, or only once a day in the form of orange juice or tomato?

  37. In view of the fact that grapes are used considerably in the treatment of infantile scurvy, it is of importance to realize that they are poor in the antiscorbutic principle.

  38. As the antiscorbutic vitamine is not entirely destroyed by pasteurization, the severity of the disorder will be in inverse ratio to the amount of milk which is consumed.

  39. The antiscorbutic status of milk heated to various heights of temperature and subjected to various degrees of aging furnishes problems of great practical importance.

  40. It has not only the appearance, but the watery acrid taste of the antiscorbutic plants, and yet differs materially from the whole tribe; so that we looked upon it as a production entirely peculiar to the place.

  41. Rob of Lemon and Orange is an antiscorbutic we were not without.

  42. The sour lemon is highly valued for its antiscorbutic properties, and is largely employed as a flavoring ingredient in culinary preparations, and in making a popular refreshing beverage.

  43. The nutritive value of the cabbage is not high, nearly ninety per cent being water; but it forms an agreeable variety in the list of vegetable foods, and is said to possess marked antiscorbutic virtue.

  44. The antiscorbutic value of dry and germinated seeds.

  45. The relative content of antiscorbutic principle in lemons and limes.

  46. Certain of the vegetables such as potatoes have a substantial value in this respect, but meat and most prepared milks are low in antiscorbutic values.

  47. The effect of heat on the antiscorbutic properties of some milk products.

  48. The effect of age, heat, and reaction upon antiscorbutic foods, J.

  49. La Mer and Campbell have presented some evidence to show that the antiscorbutic vitamine has a direct effect upon the adrenal glands.

  50. The effect of heat on the antiscorbutic accessory factor of vegetable and fruit juices.

  51. The influence of the diet of the cow upon the nutritive and antiscorbutic properties of milk.

  52. Relation of fodder to the antiscorbutic potency and salt content of milk.

  53. The antiscorbutic property of desiccated and cooked vegetables.

  54. Comparison between the antiscorbutic properties of fresh, heated, and dried cow's milk.

  55. Furthermore, Cohen and Mendel demonstrated that in their experiments pure lactose neither prevented nor cured scurvy while Harden and Zilva could find no antiscorbutic value in either cane sugar, fructose, or sirup.

  56. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "antiscorbutic" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.