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Example sentences for "apparant"

Lexicographically close words:
appallingly; appals; appanage; appanages; apparance; apparatus; apparatuses; appareat; appareil; apparel
  1. In this there is no cause to blame Loue of blindnesse, for all the inequality of our houses, apparant vpon the first sight and shew of the same.

  2. It is apparant foule-play, and 'tis shame That Greatnesse should so grossely offer it; So thriue it in your game, and so farewell Pem.

  3. My gracious Father, by your Kingly leaue, Ile draw it as Apparant to the Crowne, And in that quarrell, vse it to the death Clif.

  4. Her chamber is aloft, far from the ground, And built so sheluing, that one cannot climbe it Without apparant hazard of his life Val.

  5. If you can mak't apparant That you haue tasted her in Bed; my hand, And Ring is yours.

  6. Sirs, take your places, and be vigilant: If any noyse or Souldier you perceiue Neere to the walles, by some apparant signe Let vs haue knowledge at the Court of Guard Sent.

  7. As neere as I could sift him on that argument, On some apparant danger seene in him, Aym'd at your Highnesse, no inueterate malice Kin.

  8. Sidenote: Iohn earle of Lincolne proclaimed heire apparant to the crowne.

  9. For if you consider and wiselie ponder all things in your mind, you shall perceiue, that we haue manifest causes, and apparant tokens of triumph and victorie.

  10. And vpon Christmasse day, the king caused him to sit at his table aboue all his owne children, in high estate, as representing the personage of the heire apparant to the crowne.

  11. For after this apparant peace (but inward discord) diuerse of the nobles smallie regarding their honors, forgot their oth, and brake their promise boldlie.

  12. Sidenote: The duke of Yorke proclaimed heire apparant & protectour of the realme.

  13. And vpon the saturdaie next insuing, Richard duke of Yorke was by sound of trumpet solemnelie proclamed heire apparant to the crowne of England, and protectour of the realme.

  14. Chief who was Encamped with 2 others on a Small Island in the river, he Soon joind me, I found him a Chearfull man with apparant Siencerity, I gave him a medal &c.

  15. I See Very little difference between the apparant face of the Country here and that of the plains of the Missouri.

  16. The great mercie of God that had so gratiouslie reuealed vnto him the treason at hand, whereby the true harts of those afore him made so eminent & apparant in his eie, as they might be right sure he would neuer forget it.

  17. Of this merveile which thei sihe So apparant tofore here yhe, Of that the king him hath misbore, Here othes thei have alle swore 5280 That thei wol stonde be the riht.

  18. A parlement, er that thei wente, Thei setten unto this entente, 1550 To puten Rome in full espeir That Moris was apparant heir And scholde abide with hem stille, For such was al the londes wille.

  19. A2] After he had taken great paines to finish it, I tooke vpon mee to reuise and correct it, that nothing might passe but matter of Fact, apparant against them by record.

  20. It is therefore now time no longer wilfully to striue, both against the prouidence of God, and the Iustice of the Land: the more you labour to acquit your selues, the more euident and apparant you make your offences to the World.

  21. Sir, to mine and all mens iudgements you seemed dead in this world, wherefore I as your next heire apparant tooke that as mine owne, and not as yours.

  22. Then burne the clothes, with which you wipe the ground That no apparant signe of blood be found.

  23. The deedes apparant and the offens past pardon.

  24. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "apparant" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.