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Example sentences for "appallingly"

Lexicographically close words:
apoynted; appal; appall; appalled; appalling; appals; appanage; appanages; apparance; apparant
  1. He congratulated me on being my father's daughter, and asked when the Professor was going to bring out another pamphlet on some appallingly learned subject, the name of which I could not possibly pronounce.

  2. The Grand Duke was certainly the most appallingly wicked person I had ever imagined.

  3. To the clever, highly-trained mind of the Girton girl Toni's whole personality was so appallingly feeble.

  4. I admit she is a Philistine, appallingly ignorant, and her taste in art is false.

  5. She was appallingly narrow, but her consciousness of wider things gave to her narrowness a pathetic charm.

  6. Although their melodies would appear appallingly melancholy to European ears, it did not follow that they were so to them.

  7. At crucial moments the stroke of twelve or one o'clock is sure to be sounded appallingly by some abbey bell or castle clock or other rusty horologue.

  8. This fictive sermon on dual nature, the ascendence of evil over the nobler soul if it be indulged, seems yet an appallingly real story of human life.

  9. And yet, there was the message, appallingly simple, direct, threatening.

  10. The thing was so appallingly mysterious, so utterly without reasonable explanation.

  11. To her young eyes he looked rather appallingly neglected.

  12. The doctor seemed appallingly slow, appallingly deliberate and immovable and ruthless in his perceptions.

  13. In another moment the car leaped forward, turned a corner at an appallingly sharp angle, and went racing along a dark side-street at a speed that made the lamp-posts slip by us like wraiths.

  14. I was very young, and appallingly ignorant.

  15. Art has suffered appallingly in every branch from the mania for cultivation of dexterity in accomplishment.

  16. Yet it seems appallingly rude and direct to say that Miss X.

  17. With language, of course--an appallingly bad piece of machinery, which grows worse and worse every day.

  18. Our last two days in the trenches were appallingly wet.

  19. Their heat-rays boiled the water for hundreds of yards before them and their torpedoes were exploding against the Nevian defenses in one appallingly continuous concussion.

  20. His country has suffered appallingly under Ottoman rule, and a pure-blooded Turk can seldom be decently civil to him and considers him almost beneath contempt.

  21. Solid enough in matter, thoughtful beyond the average, it was delivered in a style appallingly wooden, with an utter absence of that arresting, dramatic power that the preacher had shown in his children's class.

  22. I'm appallingly correct in my forms of speech.

  23. Most appallingly vivid is my recollection of a certain scar here on my left arm, where you set your pearly teeth some years ago.

  24. Hitherto he had blindly worshiped at one shrine, and now the image was shattered, the shrine was empty--so appallingly empty that he was ready to fill it at any cost.

  25. It was appallingly still and strange, and she lay down and listened for the sounds that did not come.

  26. Immediately beyond Madonna di Campiglio the highway begins its descent from the pass in a series of appallingly sharp turns.

  27. The case will interest you, my dear chap; it is so startlingly original in its methods of procedure, so complex, so weird, and so appallingly mysterious.

  28. Although Archibald Blair was by no means shabby; on the contrary, rather appallingly dapper.

  29. The death rate among prostitutes also increased appallingly during the reign of that law.

  30. Off we went again, slanting back across the approaching line of dogs and beaters, now closer together as they drew on towards the nets, and already appallingly close to us.

  31. We found in the shed two fine young cows with udders appallingly distended.

  32. Sunday was an appallingly long day to get through.

  33. She encountered girls who talked appallingly about breeding dogs and babies, about Freudian erotics, and new schools of art, Futurism, Vorticism.

  34. And the Tremolino, in a fierce breeze and in much smoother water, swung on easily under her one sail, with something appallingly careless in the joyous freedom of her motion.

  35. When we slowly recover from the tumult and passion of some violent distress, a peculiar stillness falls upon the Mind, and the atmosphere around it becomes in that stillness appallingly clear.

  36. He'd had a vacation from that, and it made him appallingly depressed to take another dose of it now.

  37. His hands were wetly, pinkly, unnaturally clean, but his round, rosy, sunny little face was appallingly streaked and black.

  38. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "appallingly" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    awfully; dreadfully; frightfully; grimly; hideously; horribly; horridly; terribly; terrifically; tremendously