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Example sentences for "horridly"

Lexicographically close words:
horrible; horribles; horribly; horrid; horrida; horridus; horrific; horrified; horrify; horrifying
  1. That is a horridly expensive way of seeing pictures,' said the Vicar's wife; 'I hate paying a shilling for seeing a single picture.

  2. My poor child, how horridly ill you are looking,' Miss Wendover exclaimed, holding Ida by both hands and looking searchingly into her face.

  3. Which I call horridly mean of him,' protested Horatio, who had come across the fields expressly to announce this fact to Ida.

  4. His name is Alonzo; he's four feet high; and he's horridly savage.

  5. You are horridly conceited; do you know it?

  6. In the quiet of the evening his voice sounded strange to him, horridly shouting; he shook his clinched fists at the church as he raved.

  7. Then suddenly full comprehension broke upon him, and, horridly startled and shocked with a brand-new realization of the tragedy, he fairly blurted out his astonishing information.

  8. She has made herself horridly conspicuous among conspicuous people; she has been indiscreet to the outer edge of effrontery.

  9. Oh, it really is too bad, Mrs. Fane; it is certainly horridly impertinent of people to say such things.

  10. He was looking horridly thin and worn, she wrote.

  11. And we fooles of Nature, So horridly to shake our disposition, With thoughts beyond thee; reaches of our Soules, Say, why is this?

  12. Mr. Elliott came in and discomposed us; I was horridly tired of him.

  13. At present it is horridly cross and uncomfortable; I fear we shall have a cold season; we cannot eat our summer and have our summer.

  14. How horridly he looked at her with his blood-shot eyes, and why did he wag his tongue like that?

  15. It is horridly bad for them, too, to live just like young bears.

  16. I would go and sit with Jane, and pet her and hold her hand and bathe her head, though I knew it made her horridly uncomfortable at first; but I thought she ought to learn to be petted in a Christian way, when she was sick.

  17. What is the use of people's loving each other in this horridly cold, stingy, silent way?

  18. When he dances or is on horseback he looks very well, but he walks horridly ill.

  19. But the person who had gained most by this affair is Dantin, who is horridly avaricious.

  20. It was formerly the custom to swear horridly on all occasions; the King detested this practice, and soon abolished it.

  21. Myst Court must be a horridly dull place, at least for those who are not sportsmen!

  22. The blow fell upon me in so horridly public a way!

  23. It was such a horridly short hour; it was gone before I had time to do much.

  24. Then he becomes merely depressing, a kind of drag and lowering influence upon his friends; and, too, a horridly ageing influence upon them.

  25. The pain had been horridly severe, or I should hardly have noticed its cessation.

  26. The Black Dwarfs wear black jackets and caps, are not handsome like the others, but on the contrary are horridly ugly, with weeping eyes, like blacksmiths and colliers.

  27. It's horridly pokey to live in those little country towns.

  28. Really it took the Senior Surgeon quite a long while to work out the three special arguments that should best protect him, he thought, from the horridly embarrassing idea of being married in June.

  29. Perceptibly across the Senior Surgeon's horridly quiet shoulders a little twitch wrinkled and was gone again.

  30. Horridly from some unlocatable quarter of the engine an alarming little tremor quickened suddenly and was hushed again.

  31. Whenever his eyes turned behind him they met the mongrel's eyes that were fixed on him; the eyes that were filled with that uncanny, beaten look as if it had been horridly cowed.

  32. Yellow, horridly decayed things they were, with the two eye-teeth on either side surprisingly pointed, like fangs.

  33. Her foolish, stilly gliding played horridly on his raw nerves.

  34. He knew that it was trickling horridly still into the low ceilinged room.

  35. She knew, almost as horridly as if she had looked in on it, the mucky thing that was happening; the intuitive sixth sense of her hovered over him with great wings that wanted to spread.

  36. From the taste of it he remembered horridly the litter of tall glasses beside the gilt clock.

  37. You know, Mark, he is most horridly jealous.

  38. You told Sybil that Mark had lied to you, and acted goodness knows how horridly concerning me, and the truth was he had merely lost his head for a single instant, and what was it after all?

  39. And yet you know how horridly she treated poor Colonel Faversham, Jimmy.

  40. I know you are horridly jealous," she continued, "because you always change the subject when I mention his name.

  41. It was that cold late summer, and her funeral was in the middle of a hail-storm, horridly chilly.

  42. I know I wish I could, if it was not so horridly tiresome.

  43. My uncle and aunt Edward were horridly savage, chiefly because I hindered them from going to Italy; and Mrs. George Gardner thought I had been deluding Mark!

  44. That would have worried some people, and made them horridly cross.

  45. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "horridly" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
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    atrociously; awfully; dreadfully; flagrantly; frightfully; grimly; grossly; hideously; horribly; horridly; infamously; outrageously; terribly; terrifically; tremendously