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Example sentences for "appointive"

Lexicographically close words:
appointed; appointee; appointees; appointeth; appointing; appointment; appointments; appoints; apporte; apporter
  1. As the organizations increase in size, appointive offices increase relatively in number, until among officers of the United States only two are elected.

  2. For an appointive office, the appointment is usually good until the end of the next legislature or for the remainder of the term.

  3. Provision was made for an appointive executive council with powers to make ordinances for the province, but no provision was made for a provincial assembly.

  4. Now, in place of the ancient appointive system, the people demanded an elective judiciary which should be responsible to them and bring the courts to them.

  5. In some States, as, for example, in Indiana, it is appointive by a non-partisan board.

  6. Never was appointive officer so oblivious of facts in his reports to his superior, as was Carrington.

  7. Thus for the second time these two highest appointive offices of the National Government were held simultaneously by the same man.

  8. Petitions were rejected for License suffrage, for a vote on school nominations and to enable women to vote for the appointing officer if the Boston school board should be made appointive instead of elective.

  9. By the provisions of the law even the jury lists could be controlled by appointive officers.

  10. Their Assembly was dissolved, a Tory held each appointive position, Boston was filled with soldiers, and the harbor was guarded by ships of war.

  11. In those states the appointive offices came to be used as bribes or as rewards for partisan services.

  12. Though there is no evidence that Nott tried to render the Burgesses submissive to his will by bribing them with offices, the Assembly thought this a golden opportunity to weaken the Governor's appointive power.

  13. The Great Sachem made appointments as follows to fill vacancies in the appointive Great Chiefs:-- George W.

  14. Ellerkamp as Great Tocakon, raised the following elective and appointive Great Chiefs: Lewis L.

  15. After an appropriate address he proceeded to raise the elective and appointive Great Chiefs as follows: John I.

  16. Smith proceeded to raise the elective and appointive Great Chiefs, with the assistance of Past Great Sachem Willie Walker, of No.

  17. Great Keeper of Wampum Great Sachem Fite announced the following as Appointive Chiefs: J.

  18. The annual salaries of the appointive state officers and employes herein enumerated shall be as follows: Department of Industrial Relations: Director of industrial relations, six thousand five hundred dollars.

  19. As a result of all the foregoing, the state service in the appointive state departments, shown by said investigations to be wasteful and inefficient, is becoming increasingly demoralized.

  20. When Colonel Leavenworth was starting from Detroit, Michigan, he was intrusted by the governor of the Territory of Michigan with blank commissions for appointive county officers for Crawford County, included in that territory.

  21. California is heading in the same direction, for it has made appointive its state printer, three railroad commissioners, and clerk of the supreme court.

  22. In his proposed amendment to the platform, he asserted that Cleveland had used the veto power to thwart the will of the people, and the appointive power to subsidize the press and debauch Congress.

  23. In order to reduce the length of the ballot, the appointive power of the mayor is being increased.

  24. For example, both the appointive and the treaty-making powers of the President are shared by the Senate.

  25. Each party, upon coming into power, habitually turned out appointive officials placed in office by the opposition party.

  26. Though the Constitution provides that the appointive power of the President shall be exercised with the advice and consent of the Senate, custom virtually prohibits the Senate from challenging the President's Cabinet appointments.

  27. In the effort to shorten the ballot and concentrate responsibility for the state administration upon some one official, various states are increasing the appointive power of the Governor.

  28. This does not, however, include appointive or elective offices.

  29. Appointive positions, also, which women might legally hold are practically withheld from them because of their lack of the ballot.

  30. A bill to make the Boston School Board appointive instead of elective, which would have deprived women of their School Suffrage, was defeated.

  31. They are also found as clerks, copyists and stenographers in the various elective and appointive State, city and county offices.

  32. Women are thus barred from every elective and appointive office, even that of notary public.

  33. They are employed as court stenographers, and in various subordinate appointive offices.

  34. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "appointive" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.