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Example sentences for "archaeologic"

Lexicographically close words:
arcanum; arce; arced; arces; arch; archaeological; archaeologically; archaeologist; archaeologists; archaeology
  1. SIR: I have the honor to present herewith an illustrated catalogue of archaeologic and ethnologic collections, made under your direction in Arizona and New Mexico, during the field season of 1881.

  2. The following catalogue contains a descriptive enumeration of the archaeologic and ethnologic specimens collected in Arizona and New Mexico during the season of 1881.

  3. The Dean had swollen it to an enormous bladder; the Archaeologic poet pricked it with a pin; a sharp one indeed, and it burst.

  4. The Archaeologic Epistle I admire exceedingly, though I am sorry it attacks Mr. Bryant, whom I love and respect.

  5. And from all of them, insensibly, slowly, without archaeologic or aesthetic formulae, in the simple manner in which children learn all that is most important to know, this child learned.

  6. The student will find scattered throughout a wide range of archaeologic literature frequent but casual mention of works of art in shell.

  7. As the modern use of this currency has but little archaeologic interest, I will not enlarge upon the subject here.

  8. It was he who confirmed my father in his archaeologic researches, especially about Rome.

  9. Later on, when his studies and archaeologic researches took up his whole time, he engaged a tutor, Father Calvi.

  10. To reach a stage of art correspondingly low we shall have to go behind the heroic age--to pass down through more than the five prehistoric cities of the hill of Hissarlik and descend into the lowest archaeologic substratum.

  11. We started to go round the minster as master and pupil, but before we finished I had an uncomfortable impression that he knew more about it than I did--at least, from the archaeologic point of view.

  12. The architect, on the other hand, was by nature inclined to archaeologic and genealogic studies, and would not have been displeased if Mr Sharnall had handed over to him the perusal of these papers entirely.

  13. Cullerne lay remote from large centres, and archaeologic interest was at this time in so languishing a condition that few, except professed antiquaries, were aware of the grandeur of the abbey church.

  14. These precious geologic and archaeologic records furnish the only means we have of determining the age of Eoanthropus, the 'dawn man,' one of the most important and significant discoveries in the whole history of anthropology.

  15. Certainly the archaeologic testimony strongly supports this culture-invasion hypothesis and it appears to be strengthened in a measure by the study of the human types, although this study has not progressed beyond the stage of hypothesis.

  16. This grotto was frequented by the Men of the Old Stone Age from Acheulean to Azilian times, an archaeologic sequence surpassed only by that of the open camps along the terraces of the Somme.

  17. The various archaeologic and palaeontologic evidences for this general correlation theory of the Glacial Epoch are fully discussed in the succeeding chapters of this volume.

  18. Their archaeologic age appears to be early Aurignacian because they are found immediately above the layer which marks the close of Mousterian time and the last climate favorable to the warm fauna of mammals.

  19. Stratigraphic section showing the archaeologic layers of the great grotto of Castillo.

  20. Obermaier's chief service has been the comparison of the Upper Palaeolithic of the Danubian region with that of the Dordogne and northern Spain both in regard to the geologic age and the archaeologic and racial succession.

  21. Broad-headed skull of uncertain archaeologic age, either Palaeolithic or Neolithic, discovered at Grenelle, near Paris, in 1870.

  22. The first woman of eminence to take an active part in archaeologic excavation was the youngest sister of Napoleon Bonaparte, "the beautiful, clever and ambitious Caroline.

  23. Presently, with efforts the very vigour of which served as tonic to character, he began to wrestle at the granite again and resume his archaeologic studies.

  24. You are a knight of forlorn hopes, Grimbal," answered the Vicar, alluding to Martin's past search for Chris as much as to his present archaeologic ambitions.

  25. And throughout these romances one finds the same evidences of archaeologic study, of artistic observation, of imagination fostered by picturesque fact.

  26. I forgot to say that in point of archaeologic art the "Roman de la Momie" is Gautier's greatest work.

  27. Of all archaeologic finds in Ireland, "none is enveloped in greater mystery.

  28. I suppose the tendency is to feel that we're sneering at some valuable archaeologic work, and that Mr. Holder did make a veritable identification.

  29. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "archaeologic" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.