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Example sentences for "are called"

  • These representations, in so far as they are connected and determinable in this relation (in space and time) according to laws of the unity of experience, are called objects.

  • The determinations of a substance, which are only particular modes of its existence, are called accidents.

  • But if we are called upon to explain what we mean by substance, and wish to avoid the vice of reasoning in a circle, the answer is by no means so easy.

  • You cannot call upon a sinner to believe, until you admit the existence of that very truth, you wish him to believe, God's promise of eternal life in Christ, is the gospel we are called upon to believe with a sincere heart.

  • There we are called upon to anchor our faith and hope even within the veil.

  • In our text, we are called upon to forgive one another, as God has forgiven us.

  • In the same manner we are called upon to secure an interest--an eternal life in the Saviour.

  • These mobs, by the way, are called "abolition mobs.

  • It is no man of straw, with whom in making out such proof we are called to contend.

  • Metals that are brittle when hot are called &?

  • But these here spoken of are called giants, as being not only tall in stature, but violent and savage in their dispositions, and mere monsters of cruelty and lust.

  • Hence the wicked, who refuse to be subject to the divine law, are called in scripture the children of Belial.

  • THE THIRD BOOK OF KINGS This and the following Book are called by the holy fathers the third and fourth book of Kings; but by the Hebrews, the first and second.

  • Canaan and the regnum c[oe]lorum are called Tír Tairngiri, and in a gloss to 1 Cor.

  • We are called to meet the price of this peace.

  • But the system which these officers are called upon to administer is in many respects ill adapted to present-day conditions.

  • We are called as a people to give testimony in the sight of the world to our faith that the future shall belong to the free.

  • Some degree of dimness remained upon the moral sight; and we are called to observe, not so much the accuracy of their conceptions as the fervour of their love.

  • The appeal is powerful when we are called upon to be "followers of them who," though circumstanced as we are, "through faith and patience inherit the promises.

  • In like manner stall fed cattle, which are being fattened for the public sacrifices, are called opimi.

  • Four centuriae adjoining, so that there are two on each side, are called a saltus in the distribution of the public lands.

  • O LORD, art in the midst of us, and we are called by thy name; leave us not.

  • When we are called upon to "think before we speak", a distinct psychological process is required.

  • The very crown and flower of our best minds and noblest characters are called for to bring up children: "That our childhood may pass with the best you can give-- And our manhood so live!

  • It is not to the North nor to the Republican party that the malcontents are called on to submit, but to the laws and to the benign intentions of the Constitution, as they were understood by its framers.

  • For though during its term of office the government be practically as independent of the popular will as that of Russia, yet every fourth year the people are called upon to pronounce upon the conduct of their affairs.

  • It is of importance, especially considering the part which what are called the "leading minds" of the South are expected to play in reconstruction, to keep clearly before our eyes the motives and the manner of the Rebellion.

  • These words that by their form indicate the speaker, the hearer, or the person or thing spoken of, are called +Personal Pronouns+.

  • Adjectives of the second class define by pointing out or numbering, and so are called +Definitive adjectives+.

  • Transitive means passing over, and so all those verbs that express an action that passes over from a doer to something which receives, are called +Transitive verbs+.

  • Adjectives of the first class describe by giving a quality, and so are called +Descriptive adjectives+.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "are called" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    after time; are accustomed; are all; are also; are apt; are bound; are but; are compelled; are found; are led; are often; are only; are ready; are still; are the; are those; are unable; are used; are you; being bound; commercial fertilizer; each stanza; getting ready; informed them; rare instances; when either