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Example sentences for "argueth"

Lexicographically close words:
arguable; argue; argued; arguer; argues; arguing; argument; argumenta; argumentation; argumentations
  1. For it is a meere folly to seeke for praise, and ambitious reputation by that, which argueth the infirmitie of our nature.

  2. The experience as well of all things as of persons and times proueth your ouer greedie desire of noueltie, of fame and vaine glorie, and argueth your great negligence in maintaining the truth.

  3. Would to God they might be called knights of honor, or by some other name, for the title of saint George argueth a wrong patrone.

  4. The Prophet David argueth thus, "Shall he that made the eye, not see?

  5. Besides the Text, he argueth from Reason, thus, If the Pope could erre in necessaries, then Christ hath not sufficiently provided for the Churches Salvation; because he hath commanded her to follow the Popes directions.

  6. That is, with such abundant clearness, as that nothing can cause men to refuse to admit them, but that which argueth them to be stark naught.

  7. The attire of an harlot is too frequently in our day the attire of professors; a vile thing, and argueth much wantonness and vileness of affections.

  8. But to plead the fewness of thy sins, or the comparative harmlessness of their quantity before God, argueth no sound knowledge of the nature of thy sin, and so no true sense of the nature or need of mercy.

  9. This also argueth a very great dispensation of grace and mercy to this Jerusalem.

  10. So, then, the names of the twelve being found in the foundations of this wall, it argueth that that doctrine is only true that is the doctrine of the twelve eye-witnesses of the Lord Jesus.

  11. This argueth great senselessness of God, and a heart greatly out of frame.

  12. This was an ill beginning indeed, and argueth that he began to harden himself in sin betimes.

  13. Christ himself argueth from the nature of God, who is a Spirit, against the hypocritical ceremoniousness of the Samaritans and Jews, John iv.

  14. Let them not mistake and think, that every stirring of corruption in the soul, argueth its dominion and prevailing power.

  15. Now a 'Johnny Noddy' argueth a mirror, and a mirror argueth a woman, and frequent use thereof argueth a beautiful woman.

  16. Shame for sin argueth sense of sin, yea, a right sense of sin, a godly sense of sin.

  17. The execution of two in the North is certain, and whereas it was done upon cold blood, that is, with so great stay after their condemnation, it argueth a deliberate resolution of what we may expect.

  18. Lastly, If the party examined be Unconstant, or contrary to himself, in his deliberate Answers, it argueth a Guilty Conscience, which stops the freedom of Utterance.

  19. And when the Limbs of miserable Creatures, are bent and disjointed so as could not possible be without a Luxation of Joints, were it not done by a preternatural Hand, and yet no hurt raised thereby that argueth Possession.

  20. This argueth that he was a black-mouthed young wretch indeed.

  21. This argueth that Mr. Badman had but little conscience.

  22. O how foolishly speaketh he which argueth me of foolishness!

  23. This is proceeding from evil to evil with a witness; This argueth that he was a black-mouthed young Wretch indeed.

  24. And Plinie vpon the same sayth, that it is no maruel though there be Sea by the North, where there is such abundance of moisture: which argueth that hee doubted not of a nauigable passage that way, through which those Indians came.

  25. It is blasphemous; for it argueth that the commandments of God are imperfect, and that by addition they are made perfect.

  26. As Tully argueth in his oracion for Milo agaynst Clodius by raciocinaci- on to proue that it was he that layde wayt [E.

  27. As Tully in his oracion now often alleged argueth against Clodius by signes goynge afore the dede / as that Clodius sayd thre dayes afore Mi- [E.

  28. What people soeuer inhabited there before, the ancient name argueth that they were rather Britains than anie other: for Armorica in the British toong signifieth as much as a countrie lieng vpon the sea.

  29. Thus unto fair conclusions argueth generous youth, And quickly he starteth on his course, knight-errant to do good.

  30. A man that can render a reason, is a man worthy of an answer; But he that argueth for victory, deserveth not the tenderness of Truth.

  31. A frequent similar effect argueth a constant cause: Yet who hath counted the links that bind an omen to its issue?

  32. Were there not a need-be of wisdom, nothing would be as it is; For essence without necessity argueth a moral weakness.

  33. He is a poor warder of his fame, who is ever on the watch to keep it spotless; Such care argueth debility, a garrison relying on its sentinel.

  34. This argueth that, as thou shalt know, so the way shall be made, by the communion that thou shalt have with God therein, sweet and pleasant to thee.

  35. Hooker) by Eadulphus, brother to Alpsius, Duke of Deuon and Cornwall, and by his being girded with a wall, argueth in times past to haue caried some valew.

  36. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "argueth" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.