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Example sentences for "auric"

Lexicographically close words:
aureum; aureus; aurez; auri; auribus; auricle; auricles; auricular; auriculars; auriculas
  1. Auric chloride combines with the hydrochlorides of many organic bases--amines, alkaloids, &c.

  2. With concentrated ammonia auric oxide forms a black, highly explosive compound of the composition AuN2H3.

  3. Water decomposes it into gold and auric chloride.

  4. The potassium salt is obtained by crystallizing equivalent quantities of potassium and auric chlorides.

  5. H2O, forms colourless needles; it is obtained in the direct action of sodium thiosulphate on gold in the presence of an oxidizing agent, or by the addition of a dilute solution of auric chloride to a sodium thiosulphate solution.

  6. Auric sulphide, Au2S3, is an amorphous powder formed when lithium aurichloride is treated with dry sulphuretted hydrogen at -10 deg.

  7. Aurous oxide, Au2O, is obtained by cautiously adding potash to a solution of aurous bromide, or by boiling mixed solutions of auric chloride and mercurous nitrate.

  8. A person sunk in reverie, dream-states, or sleep, presents an interesting auric kaleidoscope, which possesses great beauty if the person be normal and of average morality.

  9. So intense are the vibrations of some of these mental storms that their effect is plainly felt by the average person, though he is not able to distinguish the colors or the great whirls and swirls of auric substance accompanying them.

  10. What color should we use in this form of auric protection?

  11. By the faithful, persevering, holding in mind of certain ideas and feelings, the individual may flood his aura with the vibrations and colors of such ideas and feelings, and thus charge it with auric energy and power.

  12. In the state of anger, or love-passion, for instance, the aura is violently disturbed, deep shades of color whirling and swirling in the depths and surface of the auric body.

  13. See yourself, mentally, as surrounded by this Great White Auric Circle of Protection, and let the idea sink into your consciousness.

  14. But the rainbow or spectrum lacks the peculiar semi-transparency of the auric colors, and also the constantly changing and dissolving body of colors of the aura.

  15. But, nevertheless, he will find that, from the knowledge of the auric or astral colors given in this little book, he will be able to obtain quite satisfactory and marked results in his practice.

  16. The same may be said of auric chloride.

  17. Auric chloride, palladious chloride, and mercuric chloride have been proposed, but are not of much use.

  18. Platinic chloride, picric or carbazotic acid, and auric chloride, however, do not give precipitates, except in concentrated solutions.

  19. When the perforations are of comparatively large size, the repairing is not so easy, owing to the auric chloride, on fusing, refusing to fill them.

  20. Add a solution of pure cyanide of potassium to a solution of pure auric chloride as long as a precipitate forms, carefully avoiding any excess; wash, and dry the precipitate.

  21. Green powder, somewhat soluble in potassium hydrate solution, and readily decomposing into metallic gold and auric oxide.

  22. It is seen as an oval mass of luminous mist of highly complex structure, and from its shape has sometimes been called the auric egg.

  23. But, in a general way, it may be said that each person has his or her distinctive astral auric colors, depending upon his or her general character or personality.

  24. Each mental state, or emotional manifestation, has its own particular shade or combination of shades of auric coloring.

  25. Under great emotional excitement the auric flames move around in swift circling whirlpools, or else swirl away from a centre.

  26. This beautiful kaleidoscopic spectacle has its own meaning to the occultist with clairvoyant vision, for he is thus able to read the character and general mental states of the person by means of studying his auric colors.

  27. In fact, many persons of but slight clairvoyant power, who cannot sense the auric colors, are able to perceive this prana aura without trouble.

  28. By boiling hyoscine hydrochloride with animal charcoal, and then precipitating with auric chloride, a good crystalline compound, melting at 198 deg.

  29. Employed as a developer, potassium ferricyanate develops an image in prussian blue, and auric chloride one in the characteristic violet metallic gold.

  30. The solution of ammonium sulphocyanate should be compounded with auric chloride to tone the picture at the same time it is fixed; thus: Ammonium sulphocyanate 35 parts Gold terchloride 0.

  31. But only a comparatively few are able to distinctly ~see~ these Auric Colors, by reason of their lack of development along these special lines.

  32. The auric acid combines immediately with potash and soda.

  33. In simple clairvoyance the clairvoyant person merely senses the auric emanations of other persons, such as the auric vibrations, colors, etc.

  34. This beautiful kaleidoscopic spectacle has its own meaning to the advanced occultist with clairvoyant vision, for he is able to read the character and general mental states of the person by means of studying his astral auric colors.

  35. I have explained these auric colors, and their meanings, in my little book entitled "The Human Aura.

  36. The beautiful kaleidoscopic spectacle of the Auric changes.

  37. But, in a general way, it may be said that each person has his or her or distinctive astral auric colors, depending upon his or her general character or personality.

  38. In fact, many persons of but slight clairvoyant power, who cannot sense the auric colors, are able to perceive this prana-aura without trouble.

  39. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "auric" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
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