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Example sentences for "both hemispheres"

  • It is to be observed that in some cases a severe winter extends to both hemispheres, sometimes to one only, and in a few cases to a part of a hemisphere only.

  • They breed in the great northern marshes of both hemispheres.

  • A large and handsome bird, inhabiting the Arctic regions during the summer months, and in winter descending a few degrees to the south in both hemispheres.

  • First among these in size and dignity is the Great Northern Diver, a native of high latitudes in both hemispheres, never perhaps coming farther south than the Shetlands for breeding purposes, and visiting our waters only during winter.

  • The Barn or White Owl is said to be the most generally diffused of all the tribe, being found in almost all latitudes of both hemispheres, and it appears to be everywhere an object of terror to the ignorant.

  • The existence of these friction 'conglomerates', which are met with in enormous masses in both hemispheres, testifies the intensity of the force with which the erupted rocks have been propelled from the interior through the earth's crust.

  • In the very considerable number of earthquakes which I have experienced in both hemispheres, alike on land and at sea, the two first-named kinds of motion have often appeared to me to occur simultaneously.

  • A genus of which all the well-known species are thus placed in a single region of America can scarcely have a species common to both hemispheres; it would be too great an exception to the law of geographical botany.

  • Most of these varieties exist in the gardens of the warm and temperate regions of both hemispheres.

  • I do not examine whether Phaseolus vulgaris existed in both hemispheres previous to cultivation, because examples of this nature are exceedingly rare among non-aquatic phanerogamous plants of tropical countries.

  • Seals inhabit seacoasts, and are found principally in the higher latitudes of both hemispheres.

  • Pinicola enucleator), which inhabits the northern parts of both hemispheres.

  • The tree itself, which was brought from Constantinople in the beginning of the sixteenth century, and is now common in the temperate zones of both hemispheres.

  • Notwithstanding the swimming rambles of fishes, it is only the pelagic or oceanic tribes of them that are common to both hemispheres.

  • See my dissertation on the domestic animals of both hemispheres, 1832.

  • There are yet many such extant on America, in the libraries of both hemispheres.

  • These lead to the giants of both hemispheres or ancient men of renown.

  • In passing from the perigee to the apogee the axis will pass over the latitudes intermediate between R and R′ in both hemispheres, neither reaching to the equator E, nor to the pole P.

  • In the direction of the New Continent, in both hemispheres, these limits extend beyond the tropics eight or nine degrees; while in the vicinity of Africa, the variable winds prevail far beyond the parallel of 28 or 27 degrees.

  • I find that if the whole heavens were as rich in stars as the Pleiades, there would be only thirty-three millions in both hemispheres.

  • A number of species from the tropics of both hemispheres.

  • Divine Providence, gave to the sheep and cattle upon a thousand hills in both hemispheres?

  • The numerous species are widely diffused over the greater part of the habitable world, though most abundant in the warm latitudes of both hemispheres.

  • Sea-bears and sea-lions are widely distributed, especially in the temperate regions of both hemispheres, though absent from the coasts of the North Atlantic.

  • On the contrary, most of the groups into which the family may be divided have representatives in both hemispheres.

  • A considerable genus of nearly universal distribution, though mainly found in temperate regions of both hemispheres.

  • A large genus of very general distribution, but much commoner in temperate regions of both hemispheres.

  • A very large genus, principally characteristic of temperate regions in both hemispheres.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "both hemispheres" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    annual meeting; both ancient and modern; both are; both chambers; both church and state; both civil and criminal; both directions; both figures; both flanks; both from; both gold and silver; both hemispheres; both horse and foot; both kinds; both nations; both pairs; both parties; both poles; both species; both surfaces; both their; both those; both were; both wings; invited them; perfect charity