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Example sentences for "busiest"

Lexicographically close words:
bushy; busie; busied; busier; busies; busily; busines; business; businesse; businesses
  1. The busiest fishing season is in the early autumn, when herrings ascend the river in such shoals that forty or fifty thousand are frequently taken in a couple of days with a single net.

  2. Here, as everywhere else on the river, the summer is the busiest season.

  3. If he has hit hard and with spirit, he is puffing freely now, his lungs are fully expanded, his legs have had a deal of springing about to do, and his arms and chest have been busiest of all.

  4. The outer or more noticeable parts of the upper back, the arms, are busiest now; and this exercise directly tends to enlarge and strengthen them, and to add materially to the appearance of the arms.

  5. He probably is the busiest man on the three planets.

  6. Then, while the twisting, dodging invader was busiest with the tiny but relentless destroyers, Rodebush launched his heaviest weapon.

  7. Mackinaw, during the season of navigation, is one of the busiest little places in the world.

  8. There is a garrison at this point; the society is good, bad, and indifferent, and in the summer season it is one of the busiest little places in the country.

  9. Look there, observe but that fellow on the right hand, the rogue with the busiest face of the two; I'll tell thee his history.

  10. Among all the Slavs music is much loved, and the fields in the busiest harvest-time are melodious from song.

  11. The Russian Jews are the busiest of our alien population, and although at first among the poorest, a respectable middle class is growing up, and is marching towards wealth, if not as yet enrolled among the millionaires.

  12. And, besides, I think if we could help any of them, the very persons that enjoyed the storm the most would be the busiest to rescue them from it.

  13. To see this market in its busiest time, says Mr. Mayhew, "the visitor should be there about seven o'clock on a Friday morning.

  14. Of all these Sunday morning markets, the Brill, perhaps, furnishes the busiest scene; so that it may be taken as a type of the whole.

  15. The hot months are the busiest in the year and money's tightest.

  16. The port of Calcutta is one of the busiest in the world, and the banks of the Hugli rival the port of London in their show of shipping.

  17. There were only a few hundred men in Circle City at this time, most of the miners being away at the diggings, for this was one of the busiest times of the year.

  18. One fall a herd marched up one of the busiest mining gulches of Birch Creek and the miners stood in their cabin doors and shot them.

  19. Ascalon had not a thousandth part of this turmoil at its busiest season.

  20. It was afternoon, a week-day at the busiest portal of Jerusalem; but save for the fixed and pygmy sentry upon the tower, there was no living thing to be seen, no single sound to be heard.

  21. Truly, it is the busiest people who find time to do what is impossible to idle folk.

  22. Now see how long a letter I have written unto you, going the Apostle one better, with my own left hand: only the busiest man in England could have found time to do it.

  23. He was the busiest man in the convention; he was so busy that he got nothing done whatever.

  24. I knew of one on the busiest corner of a busy street in Chicago.

  25. On the busiest day we're not being overworked here.

  26. At this point along the Escolta are the busiest marts of local trade.

  27. Their busiest periods are the interval between autumn and Christmas and the time between the New Year and Easter.

  28. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "busiest" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.