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Example sentences for "canonico"

Lexicographically close words:
canonesses; canonic; canonical; canonically; canonicity; canonis; canonisation; canonised; canonist; canonists
  1. Say ten thousand years old," said Giovanni, and he said it without being in the least embarrassed, but then he is not a canonico and has not Moses hanging as a dead weight on him.

  2. What went far to confirm us at first in our credulity was the residence, in another part of the palace, of the Canonico Falier, a lineal descendant of the unhappy doge.

  3. According to the Canonico Passini, this decoration is in very slight relief, and is executed in what can scarcely be regarded as a true vitrified enamel.

  4. Footnote 37: The contents have been described by the late Canonico Passini, in a magnificent work published by Ongania of Venice, in which nearly every piece of importance is reproduced in colour or by photography.

  5. The Canonico Passini thinks that the rings of glass have been fitted on subsequently, and that is the impression that I formed when examining the vase (hgt.

  6. The Canonico Tonarelli writes in a letter from Parma, that in an estimate in the archives of the Chapter, dated 1354, the Fabbriceria was denominated Domus laborerii seu fabricae .

  7. This inscription, for which I am indebted to Canonico Pietro Tonarelli, is especially valuable, not only in fixing the epoch of Giovanni Buono da Bissoni's work, but as proof of the organization of the lodge and the brotherhood of its members.

  8. The canonico is furious with us for this delay," said Jekyl, laughing, as he returned from a peep into the salon.

  9. Twice had the canonico fallen asleep, and started up with terror at what he called a "fantasma di fame.

  10. The canonico but ill replaced his Eminence.

  11. The canonico rose and placed his chair for Ferris beside the pillow, on which lay a brass crucifix, and then softly left the room, exchanging a glance of affectionate intelligence with the sick man.

  12. The canonico in the anteroom bowed austerely to him as he passed through; the old woman refused with a harsh "Nothing!

  13. I trust the canonico did not misapply his station and power, by taking the fish at any unreasonably low price; and that he gave his blessing to the remainder, and to the poor fishermen and to their nets.

  14. The offer was declined; but Assunta told Simplizio to carry it himself, and to walk by the side of Ser Canonico quite up to the church porch, having seen what a sad, dangerous beast his reverence had under him.

  15. Parties of young and old passed the canonico and his attendant with mute respect, bowing and bare-headed; for that ebony staff threw its spell over the tongue, which the frank and hearty salutation of the bearer was inadequate to break.

  16. The canonico was prompt in the execution of the command.

  17. Next he asked the canonico to what market he was taking those young slaves, pointing to the abbates.

  18. The master drew out his scales, and desired the canonico to weigh with his own hand five ounces.

  19. The canonico clapped his hands, and declared that even some of the apostles had been more pertinacious recusants of the faith.

  20. The canonico engulfed the whole, and instantly threw himself back in convulsive agony.

  21. If you must know,' answered the Frate, reddening, 'it was because I am making a visit to the Canonico of Parma.

  22. Hence, although they indeed both professed and felt esteem for Canonico Petrarca, they abstained from expressing it at the villetta.

  23. The canonico asked of the master whether he knew the contents of the letter; he replied no.

  24. A young poet, the most celebrated in the town, approached the canonico with a long scroll of verses, which fell below the knee, beginning: How shall we welcome our illustrious guest?

  25. While he was a canonico he was a jolly fellow; not very generous; for jolly fellows are seldom that; but he would give a friend a dinner, a flask of wine or two in preference, and a piece of advice as readily as either.

  26. The canonico had not tasted wine for two months: a longer abstinence than ever canonico endured before.

  27. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "canonico" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.