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Example sentences for "cantilever"

Lexicographically close words:
canticles; cantidad; cantie; cantilena; cantilene; cantilevers; cantina; cantine; canting; cantle
  1. Another form of cantilever foundations was employed in the case of some premises at Carr's Lane, Birmingham, partly built over the Great Western railway tunnel (fig.

  2. Cantilever beam~--a bar resting upon one support or fulcrum, or that portion of any beam projecting out of a wall or beyond a support.

  3. For cantilever and continuous beams, and beams rigidly fixed at one or both ends, as well as for different methods of loading, different forms of cross section, etc.

  4. But the cantilever bridge over the Forth in Scotland has a span more than a hundred feet longer than the East River bridge.

  5. Young Corliss, then twenty-one years of age, proposed to build a cantilever bridge.

  6. At first it was used without the vertical, but the cantilever action of the unsupported ends caused cracks.

  7. Details of Cantilever Girders for Mezzanine Floor for Four-Story Garage.

  8. Detail of Column and Cantilever Column Footing for Four-Story Garage.

  9. It was hard to believe, as he looked back over it, that the whole great span was incurably disabled, was already as good as condemned, because something was out of line in the lower chord of the cantilever arm.

  10. Alexander, still standing at the end of the river span, saw the lower chord of the cantilever arm give a little, like an elbow bending.

  11. Every one had heard of the new cantilever bridge in Canada.

  12. This big fellow must have been a sheriff out in Montana, and he must have been a sheriff for bad men to dodge; his neighbor is talking about his last job, a sky-high cantilever down in Peru.

  13. He has finally thrown a great cantilever over it, from Manhattan to Long Island.

  14. They could span that narrow cleft only on the cantilever principle, and when they began to balance their cantilever, there was not enough room for the back arm.

  15. The first of these cantilever bridges built in the United States was of iron.

  16. This river we crossed by a wooden bridge, built on the cantilever principle, and which a couple of months later was washed away.

  17. The chief feature was the Ferris Wheel, described in engineering terms as a cantilever bridge wrought around two enormous bicycle wheels.

  18. The suspension bridge, instanced by the stupendous East River bridge between New York and Brooklyn, was supplanted by the cantilever type, consisting of trusswork beams poised upon piers and meeting each other mid-stream.

  19. This massive structure, of the cantilever type, is shown in Fig.

  20. Among the patents granted for bridges the most important are those relating to the cantilever type, among which may be mentioned those to Bender, Latrobe, and Smith, No.

  21. On the way up, their caravan had crossed a stream by means of a bridge constructed on the cantilever principle, as is common in that country.

  22. Fazl assisted him along the cantilever pathway, midway in which they met several of the garrison who were coming, somewhat late, to assist in the landing.

  23. The enemy's first shell flew high, striking the cliff above the cantilever gangway, and bespattering the sheds and the compounds with fragments of rock.

  24. He raced across the bridge and on to the cantilever pathway, and had just turned the corner when he heard a tremendous explosion behind him.

  25. When he was half-way along the cantilever pathway he caught sight of Ditta Lal waddling towards him at a pace dangerous to a man of apoplectic habit.

  26. Each of the first two of these traveling gantries used was equipped with a belt conveyor working on a cantilever arm, as shown by Figs.

  27. But now, at the end of August, just as we had about completed our cantilever bridge, who should arrive but this very man Gill and three other men with a large tent and camping outfit.

  28. There is one more piece of work done by our society which yet remains to be described, and that is the cantilever bridge.

  29. But on the whole it was a very creditable structure when completed, though it had only half as long a span as our cantilever bridge over the lagoon.

  30. Reddy certainly had the bridge fever, because soon after we had left he started to work, with the rest of the boys, on a cantilever bridge across Cedar Brook.

  31. All the strains are concentrated upon the bases of the cantilever piers, and the whole structure gives a remarkable impression of combined lightness and strength, as well as of colossal size.

  32. I will promise you never to speak to Paul Lessingham again, if you will promise me never to speak to Lord Cantilever again,--or to recognise him if you meet him in the street.

  33. Lord Cantilever is the head of his party.

  34. The cantilever portion has the appearance of a vast elongated diamond.

  35. What is called the cantilever system has of late years to a great extent superseded the suspension construction.

  36. This is the great Cantilever bridge you have heard so much about," said the Deacon to little May.

  37. The conductor then called "all aboard," and the train again started on its way, and very shortly crossed the Niagara River over the magnificent steel Cantilever bridge which the Michigan Central people have just erected at this point.

  38. With Niagara Falls and the Cantilever bridge the Michigan Central people are able to show their passengers the greatest work of nature and of man to be found in the country.

  39. A short distance beyond the cantilever towers they came to the foremost of the on-shift steel workers, who had halted in their shoreward run when they saw that the outcoming party showed no sign of halting.

  40. I'd have sworn my cantilever was the only one that could span Michamac Strait.

  41. A few yards beyond they came to the end of the extension arm of the cantilever and out upon the uncompleted first section of the central, or suspension, span.

  42. From this viewpoint there was no relieving glimpse of the shoreward curving anchor-arm that balanced the outer half of the north cantilever alike in line and weight.

  43. Before they had gone a hundred feet every man in the crowd knew that at any moment the huge cantilever might crash down with them to certain destruction in the chasm, yet not one turned back.

  44. Allows for a longer suspension span on cantilever bridges.

  45. That was before I succeeded with my--plans for the Michamac cantilever bridge and went to take charge of the construction as resident engineer.

  46. From across the broad gap, the eye followed the curve of the bottom-chords of the north cantilever away down into the abyss toward the far shore of the strait, where the lofty towers upreared upon their massive piers.

  47. One of the dimensional figures on a blueprint of the south cantilever had caught his glance, and he had bent over to peer at it.

  48. North cantilever is completed; ditto the south, except for part of the timbering and flooring.

  49. But his eyes scrutinized with fierce eagerness the immense webs of steel posts and diagonals that ran up on either side, under the grand vertical curves of the top-chords, almost to the peaks of the cantilever towers.

  50. Here we reach the economical limit of a length for simple trusses; beyond 600 feet the engineer is obliged to have recourse either to a cantilever or a suspension bridge.

  51. Illustration: Kentucky river cantilever bridge] The first cantilever bridge in America was designed by C.

  52. There is now under construction near Quebec a cantilever bridge whose channel span of 1,800 feet will be the longest in the world.

  53. As scaffolding was out of the question in both cases, each bridge was built out from its piers on the cantilever principle.

  54. As a rule the difficulty is met by employing cantilever spans which require no scaffolding for their construction.

  55. From the cantilever arms, DA and BE, will be suspended the central truss, AB, of 675 feet.

  56. The Queensboro Bridge, of cantilever type, between Long Island and Fifty-ninth Street, was opened in 1909.

  57. The steel cantilever bridge across the river at Tchernavoda is one of the great railway bridges of the world.

  58. From the roofs of the structures lacy spires soared heavenward; inter-connected by long, slim cantilever bridges whose prodigious spans seemed out of all proportion to the gossamer delicacy of their construction.

  59. There's Mellen, for instance; he's in Chihuahua building a cantilever bridge.

  60. In 1882 it was decided that plans should be made on the cantilever principle; a steel cantilever bridge should be made—a principle as old as the science of engineering.

  61. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "cantilever" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.