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Example sentences for "capercailzie"

Lexicographically close words:
capaz; caped; capelin; capensis; caper; capere; capered; capering; capers; capes
  1. On the polygamy of the Capercailzie and Great Bustard, see L.

  2. The Capercailzie and Black-cock (Tetrao urogallus and T.

  3. Birds which habitually fight during the breeding-season are generally ready to fight at all times; and the males of the capercailzie sometimes hold their balzens or leks at the usual place of assemblage during the autumn.

  4. The lek of the Capercailzie lasts from the end of March to the middle or even end of May.

  5. Kowalevsky that the female capercailzie sometimes steals away with a young male who has not dared to enter the arena with the older cocks; in the same manner as occasionally happens with the does of the red-deer in Scotland.

  6. Just then a handsome young capercailzie came to the log.

  7. Some hens favored the capercailzie and some gathered around the black cock.

  8. Just here the hens of the capercailzie and the black cock began a noisy clatter.

  9. The Capercailzie and Black-cock (Tetrao urogallus and T.

  10. Birds which habitually fight during the breeding-season are generally ready to fight at all times; and the males of the capercailzie sometimes hold their Balzen or leks at the usual place of assemblage during the autumn.

  11. Kovalevsky that the female capercailzie sometimes steals away with a young male who has not dared to enter the arena with the older cocks, in the same manner as occasionally happens with the does of the red-deer in Scotland.

  12. The lek of the capercailzie lasts from the end of March to the middle or even end of May.

  13. Further, when extirpated in a district, it is found that, as in the case of the capercailzie and the golden eagle, the neighboring regions in which the raven continues to exist fail for ages to furnish a fresh supply.

  14. The late Marquis of Breadalbane was at no small cost and trouble in re-introducing the species, and to some extent he succeeded; but the capercailzie is, I understand, still restricted to the Breadalbane woods.

  15. With the capercailzie the females flit round the male whilst he is parading at one of the places of assemblage, and solicit his attention" (pp.

  16. A capercailzie cock had finished his play, a neck stretched out from the brown-flecked pine branches, and his wings beat the air noisily when he rose.

  17. Big socks outside his boots allowed him to walk without a sound, for the capercailzie is easily alarmed.

  18. A capercailzie was perched in a tree just above him.

  19. The capercailzie stretches his neck, shuts his eyes, and hisses passionately towards the sunrise.

  20. He liked to stand at the edge of the bogs, looking at the capercailzie hen with all her brood.

  21. Having made a fair bag and been absent from the canoe for five hours they returned, and after cutting up a capercailzie and grilling it over the fire, they got the boat into the water and started.

  22. Godfrey was as fortunate as he had been before, shooting three capercailzie and nineteen grouse; while Luka brought down with his arrows four capercailzie, which he found sitting on stunted trees.

  23. And at the same time, the old story goes, were great birds, far taller than a man, who fed where now the bustards and the capercailzie are.

  24. Lightfoot brought to the cave the capercailzie and willow grouse and other birds which were good things for the larder, and Ab looked on admiringly.

  25. The bustard fed in the vast nut forests, the capercailzie was proud upon the moors, where the heath-cock was as jaunty, and the willow grouse and partridge were wise in covert to avoid the hungry snowy owl.

  26. But we came upon a hen capercailzie and her family dusting themselves in the road, and the gray-backed crow forebore to follow us farther.

  27. Eggs of course were his speciality, but the egg season was long past, and the capercailzie chicks were as big as partridges.

  28. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "capercailzie" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.