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Example sentences for "coagulability"

Lexicographically close words:
coachmen; coactus; coadjutor; coadjutors; coagula; coagulable; coagulant; coagulate; coagulated; coagulates
  1. Cobra-venom to this mixture remains without effect upon the coagulability of the latter.

  2. The patient should drink large quantities of milk, which also increases the coagulability of the blood.

  3. The chloride and lactate of calcium, and extract of thymus gland have been employed to increase the coagulability of the blood.

  4. The bleeding from fresh skin punctures gives a further criterion of the quantity of blood, within certain limits, but is modified by changes in the coagulability of the blood.

  5. Remarks on methods of increasing and diminishing the coagulability of the blood.

  6. Recently Hayem has repeatedly called attention to a condition, that is probably closely connected with the coagulability of the blood.

  7. In every case of fatal septicæmia the post-mortem examination will show that the coagulability of the blood has been diminished or destroyed.

  8. In fact, it has been abundantly shown that in all cases of true septicæmia the coagulability of the blood is more or less diminished.

  9. In all cases of pyæmia multiplex the increased coagulability of the blood may be observed in the early stages of the disease, and steadily increases as the disease progresses.

  10. There is likewise in this disease an increased coagulability of the blood, and it steadily increases as the disease progresses.

  11. The coagulability of the blood is increased in diseases characterized by an excess of its fibrin-producing constituents, of which cirrhosis of the liver may be mentioned as one having this peculiarity.

  12. When present in the circulation they give rise, as we have seen, to an increased flow of lymph and to a change in the coagulability of the blood.

  13. With amphopeptone, there was far less narcosis and less diminution of blood-pressure, while the effect on the coagulability of the blood was more or less variable, frequently being entirely negative.

  14. As a class, the proteoses are characterized by far readier solubility in water than native proteids, by a far greater degree of diffusibility, by non-coagulability by heat and by alcohol, although precipitable by the latter agent.

  15. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "coagulability" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.