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Example sentences for "cockades"

Lexicographically close words:
cochlear; cochon; cock; cockade; cockaded; cockatoo; cockatoos; cockatrice; cockatrices; cockboat
  1. As no tricolor cockades could be procured, they exchanged shakos, and, in many cases, arms.

  2. The dauphin himself took the command of his men, and put them through their evolutions while she rode by his side; he then presented each of the officers to her separately, and she distributed cockades to the whole body.

  3. Harmless and innocent games succeeded each other in the huge amphitheatre; and the little men, with cockades of fern or two oak leaves fastened coquettishly to their hoods, bounded gaily across the subterranean streets.

  4. She felt quite safe with two broad black backs and two black cockades visible on the box under a large umbrella.

  5. The mourning cockades of the tall footmen and the long veil of the widow opposite reminded the young man of other similar drives.

  6. The multi-coloured cockades or the bows of ribbon in one shade?

  7. They ride with their cockades over the fields just as they did before.

  8. National cockades were sold in every corner of Paris; the sentinels stopped all who did not wear them; the young men piqued themselves upon breaking through this regulation, which was in some degree sanctioned by the acquiescence of Louis XVI.

  9. The custom of livery servants wearing cockades dates from the commencement of the eighteenth century, and was at first purely a military distinction.

  10. The servants of foreign ambassadors wear cockades in colour according to their nationalities.

  11. The Kentucky girls made cockades for us, and almost every soldier had one pinned on his hat.

  12. Everywhere could be seen Southern cockades made by the ladies and our sweethearts.

  13. You shall have a new halter, that you shall, with red cockades for the fair; and so shall you, stellato!

  14. Vaguely Marguerite discerned a group of men, soldiers no doubt, for there was a glint of arms and the suggestion of tricolour cockades and scarves.

  15. Officials, dressed in shabby uniforms and wearing tricolour cockades and scarves, were now quartered in Town Hall, and repaired daily to that roughly erected tent, accompanied by so many soldiers from the garrison.

  16. It also caused no small measure of annoyance that fishermen were ordered to wear tricolour cockades on their caps.

  17. He put the cockades into his pocket, and the hats and coats in a bundle, and went out, saying he must be at Billingsgate, to start at two by the Gravesend hoy.

  18. Yes; the chaise drove furiously into my yard with two gentlemen and Mr. Sandom, with white cockades in their hats.

  19. By his wife; and the paper they were quilled on was thrown into the fire and the ribband made use of for strings, they had not buckram, and they made up the cockades on paper.

  20. Yes, he brought the cockades back in his pocket, the ribband was taken off.

  21. Beside the Cross, beautiful Mrs. Murray of Broughton sat on horseback, a drawn sword in one hand, while with the other she distributed white cockades to the crowd.

  22. Before they had finished their talk he had heard all about the blue cockades that the girls had worn at Miss Patten's school, and of Sylvia's refusal to salute the palmetto flag.

  23. She told of the blue cockades that the other girls wore, of the palmetto flag, and of her failure to salute it, and handed him Miss Patten's note.

  24. Indeed, we may remark that all the officers and soldiers of the Highland army wore white cockades in hat or bonnet.

  25. And the men wore gold-laced hats with white cockades in them.

  26. The officers of the army, instead of wearing the national tricolored cockade, affectatiously displayed enormous cockades of white.

  27. Those among this awful horde who have bonnets on," continued the steward, "have fastened in them cockades of green cloth or paper, as a sign of hope.

  28. The rascals must have had some other reason than the cockades for attacking them!

  29. They wore little cockades in their bonnets, and sang the 'Marseillaise' to arouse the young men.

  30. As with the flight of locusts, these green leaves; green ribands from the neighboring shops; all green things are snatched and made cockades of.

  31. He has not sung 'Ca Ira' at the theatres, and he detests the tricolored cockades as much as you do.

  32. Citizen Genet organized his legions as he went along, and threw tricolored cockades from the windows of his carriage.

  33. Cockades 27 Execution of two criminals with a beheading machine 32 Versailles.

  34. Red and white cockades showed they were English--the Scots being distinguished by cockades of blue and white.

  35. Of recent years cockades have been reduced in size until they have become mere pigmies in connection with the uniform of "chauffeurs," or motorcar drivers.

  36. The part which cockades have played in history is considerable, but as they are now chiefly associated with the liveries of men-servants they will be considered later on in the book.

  37. Perhaps the ease with which it can be assumed is shown by the price lists of jobmasters, in which we find, after the charge for the hire of broughams and victorias, a footnote to the effect that cockades are "6d.

  38. In the majority of the cockades there is no trace of a spiral such as he indicates in his figure, though in the mourning cockade, concentric rings are very clearly shown.

  39. The books of an old-established firm of hat manufacturers show that as late as 1789 cockades were worn by gentlemen themselves.

  40. The cockades worn by the Royal servants on the front of their three-cornered hats on state occasions (see Figure 120) are large.

  41. The tri-coloured cockades had all disappeared, and the British colours were hoisted from every window.

  42. They stopped at a small village, and there purchased two tricolour cockades from the one shop it boasted, these forming conspicuous objects in the window, as a proof of the warm adherence of its owner to the Convention.

  43. The entire population, adorned with cockades and three-colored ribbons, seemed happy and contented, and refused to believe in the danger that threatened.

  44. The most zealous Napoleonists now became the most ardent royalists, and placed the largest white cockades in their hats, in order that they might the sooner attract the attention of the new rulers.

  45. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "cockades" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.