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Example sentences for "companionship"

Lexicographically close words:
companionable; companionably; companioned; companionless; companions; companionships; companionway; company; companye; companying
  1. As it was, with the wild companionship of Moses, he turned misery herself into a scarecrow of mirth rather than of terror.

  2. The primal instinct of the herd asserted itself, the need of human companionship of any sort.

  3. It was only that she gave him during those few days something he had not found at home, companionship and quiet intelligent talk.

  4. Although the best of comrades and one who found companionship most exhilarating, he had a bed-rock of deep reserve, and "to such as he did not like, he became as a precipice.

  5. And thinking of what companionship he would have with Admetus, Heracles left the feasting hall and came to where the servants were standing about in silence.

  6. He thought that Medea, that strange woman, could not keep a companionship with Jason.

  7. The companionship of Admetus brought happiness to many on the voyage, but the hero to whom it gave the most happiness was Heracles.

  8. It was a wonderful companionship into which they had drifted.

  9. It was not until then, that he realised how dear during these last few months her companionship had been to him.

  10. He had come into the club almost lighthearted, thinking only of Cicely and of the pleasant days of companionship which might still be theirs.

  11. He was in that mood when companionship of some sort is a necessity.

  12. My brother has always had so much distrust of the companionship of women for me.

  13. I noticed that Zara seemed to regret the frequent companionship of Ivan Petroffsky and her brother, and a shade of sorrow or vexation often crossed her fair face when she saw them together absorbed in conversation or argument.

  14. But it looks a grave question whether the yearning for Idolatry, (the desire of companionship with images,) is right.

  15. He could not be "hail-fellow-well-met" with every pushing follower who made it a pride to be on terms of companionship with the leader of the party.

  16. When I entered Parliament I was brought much into companionship with the members of this interesting Fourth party.

  17. For the first time during my recollection, British Liberalism and Irish Nationalism were in true companionship and concord.

  18. He was never left alone without becoming deeply melancholy, yet no companionship save Honor's seemed to suit him for many minutes together.

  19. I was only thinking of the natural companionship of bears and monkeys.

  20. To her Mr. Morrison's return meant the breaking up of the pleasant companionship of the winter, and she was not in the least glad to see him.

  21. Her moody friend was a puzzle to her, and she by no means begrudged her any companionship that would make her happier.

  22. She cared nothing now for lake and mountain; human companionship was her supreme need.

  23. In the moment, by the very fact, of admitting that Monica and he ought not to be living together, he became more worthy of his wife's companionship than ever hitherto.

  24. For casual amour the odalisque could still prevail with him; but for the life of wedlock, the durable companionship of man and woman, intellect was his first requirement.

  25. She had not understood until now how terrible would be the prospect of living here for a long time with no companionship but her husband's.

  26. I have liked your companionship all the way from Seascale.

  27. Your companionship is far too precious to me, and I dare to think that mine is not without value for you.

  28. Miss Abercrombie had written recommending it to her as a Girls' Club where she would probably get companionship and advice on the question of work.

  29. Joan realized that friendship, if their brief companionship could have been called such, counted for very little in Rose's life.

  30. In the field, in the rude cabin, in the press-room, in the factory she was thrown into the companionship of coarse and ignorant men.

  31. And cannot personal service and companionship be coupled with friendship and love where it belongs and whence it can never be divorced without degradation and pain?

  32. As daily I went up the stair And down the stair, I did not mind the Bygone there - The Present once to me; Its moving meek companionship I wished might ever be, There was in that companionship Something of ecstasy.

  33. But he who admits Ambition to the companionship of Love, admits a giant that outstrides the gentler footsteps of its comrade.

  34. Nor was lively companionship and assistance of this sort all that the future philosopher and critic owed to the friend of his youth: he probably owes him his life also, and hence the world is, in a sense, indebted to M.

  35. And he craved a little companionship more than ever.

  36. And even if she could not Mr. Meredith felt that he needed a little decent human companionship after his dose of Mrs. Davis--something to take the taste of her out of his soul.

  37. A hearty laugh is indicative of sympathy, companionship and general sociability, as well as a well developed sense of humor.

  38. I was so delighted with the companionship of my new friend that I took no notice of the direction in which he was leading me.

  39. Freedom, and my companionship were still what she liked best.

  40. It would have been abnormal to him to seek companionship in an hour of exaltation: desecration to drown the pure delights of the intellect in the artificial ecstasy of alcohol.

  41. During the following six weeks he was frequently seen in Moscow and seemed to cling to the companionship of Kashkine; who, in a measure, began to replace Rubinstein with him.

  42. To her, accustomed for so many years to a regular routine of life and the continual companionship of girls of her own age, the fashionable mode of existence in her father's house was confusing and unpleasant.

  43. But your companionship in these last weeks has meant for me more than I can tell you now; and, in my empty home in Petersburg, I shall carefully consider the honor you have done me.

  44. Once there, it took him less than a week to perceive that, while his vague hopes of companionship were scarcely to be realized, he was to drink to its dregs his preconceived cup of unhappiness.

  45. It was towards this, then, towards young companionship and youthful pleasures, that his heart turned with irresistible longing.

  46. For in all existence there can be no such isolation as that of the woman cast out from among her kind, yet too much one of them to endure the companionship of others.

  47. He even divined the one or two half-hearted attempts on his mother's part to obtain for him at least the occasional companionship of her own nephews and second-cousins.

  48. Of course Major Crawford could not set out on a mission so important without the companionship of his wife.

  49. Harwood was beginning to think, now that Mr. Despard's mission in life had been performed, there could be no reason why his companionship should be sought.

  50. The effect of long companionship with Boswell's Johnson is just this.

  51. In one of his Discourses Sir Joshua, mindful no doubt of his own experience, recommends that young artists seek the companionship of such a man merely as a tonic to their art.

  52. It adds a new world to one's own, it increases one's acquaintance among people who think, it gives intimate companionship with a great and friendly man.

  53. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "companionship" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.