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Example sentences for "companye"

Lexicographically close words:
companions; companionship; companionships; companionway; company; companying; compar; comparable; comparaison; comparative
  1. Certes, it nere not leveful ne sittinge thing to Philosophie, to leten with-outen companye the wey of him that is innocent.

  2. But, axestow in somme, of what gilt I am accused, men seyn that I wolde save the companye of the senatours.

  3. And thus this companye of Muses y-blamed casten wrothly the chere dounward to the erthe; and, shewinge by reednesse hir shame, they passeden sorowfully the threshfold.

  4. Of every ordre som shrewe is, parde, 995 And god forbede that al a companye Sholde rewe a singuler mannes folye.

  5. And to the listes rit the companye By ordinaunce, thurgh-out the citee large, Hanged with cloth of gold, and nat with sarge.

  6. And curteys, as a man of your estaat; In companye we wol have no debaat.

  7. For Piers Alfonce seith: "ne tak no companye by the weye of a straunge man, but-if so be that thou have knowe him of a lenger tyme.

  8. And God, that sitteth heighe in magestee, Save al this companye grete and smale!

  9. Another remedie agayns Lecherie is, that a man or a womman eschue the companye of hem by whiche he douteth to be tempted; for al-be-it so that the dede is withstonden, yet is ther greet temptacioun.

  10. And he himselfe wente with his companye to Macaca, and boughte there greate quantitie of bread, and some Hogges, of one Taymaio.

  11. Cortes for this purpose sent tenne Spanyardes, all good marriners and Pylots, in companye of the Indians that Mutezuma sent on that voyage at his owne cost.

  12. Iames Velasques procéeded on hys iourney wyth a greate companye agaynste the Rebelles.

  13. He came to hys lodgyng, and all those of his companye whyche coulde not well bée lodged there, hée sente them to the greate Temple.

  14. With that the lords and the companye round With harty laughter were readye to swound; Att last said the lords, Full well wee may see, The bride and the beggar's behoulden to thee.

  15. Fast Robin hee hyed him to Litle John, He thought to loose him belive; The sheriffe and all his companye Fast after him did drive.

  16. Now when the faire companye everye one, Had heard the strange tale in the song he had showne, They all were amazed, as well they might bee, Both at the blinde beggar, and pretty Bessee.

  17. A common place shall bee, wyth wordes to exaggerate howe much it profiteth to keepe goodnesse, to bee in companye wyth good men, and contrarye howe greate myschyefe the companye of euyll men dothe cause.

  18. Bishopp with speed prepared then to sett forth the shepard with horsse and man; 84 the shepard was liuely with-out any doubt; I wott a royall companye came to the court.

  19. And giue hee smile then with his mouth, Then in his heart hee'le merry be; Then may hee gett him a loue where-euer he can, For small of his companye my part shalbe.

  20. A certayne Lord of that troupe and companye tooke Iulietta by the Hande to Daunce, wherein shee behaued hir selfe so well, and wyth so excellent grace, as shee wanne that Daye the prise of Honour from all the Damosels of Verona.

  21. Ogle defending the passage ag^t another companye of the enemye which play'd upon their retreate.

  22. Of the Lond where Wommen duellen with outen companye of men.

  23. And zif I hadde had companye and schippynge, for to go more bezonde, I trowe wel in certeyn, that wee scholde have seen alle the roundnesse of the firmament alle aboute.

  24. For I have often tymes passed and ryden the way, with gode companye of many lordes: God be thonked.

  25. And whan thei wil have ony companye of man, than thei drawen hem towardes the londes marchynge next to hem: and than thei have loves, that usen hem; and thei duellen with hem an 8 dayes or 10; and thanne gon hom azen.

  26. And zif his wif have no child, thei brenne hire with him; and seyn, that it is resoun, that sche make him companye in that other world, as sche did in this.

  27. For men seyn there, that it is resoun, that sche make him companye in that other world, as sche did in this.

  28. In Ebron, Josue, Calephe, and here companye comen first to aspyen, how thei myghte wynnen the lond of Beheste.

  29. LIV Robin hee hyed him to Little John, He thought to loose him belive[955]; The Sheriffe and all his companye Fast after him did drive.

  30. IX The King was angrye at that word; A long sword out he drew, And there before his royall companye His ownè Squire hee slew.

  31. Neyther is there anye ieopardie that they shulde be ignoraunt in the peoples tonge, for thei shall learne that whether they wyl or not by companye of men.

  32. Hit happed that I cam on a day 805 Into a place, ther I say, Trewly, the fayrest companye Of ladies, that ever man with ye Had seen togedres in oo place.

  33. I wol ye have the companye Of Bialacoil, as ye devyse; I wol him letten in no wyse.

  34. On Christmas Day in the morninge he was attended on to prayers by the whole companye of the Bacchelours, and some others of his Gentlemen Ushers, bare before him.

  35. But there was no helpe founde vnto Adam to beare him companye Then the LORde God cast a slomber on Adam/ and he slepte.

  36. James Hunter being a simple man, and without learnyng, and a Fletcher by occupation, so that he coulde be charged with no greate knowledge in Doctrine, yet because he often vsed the suspect companye of the rest, he was accused.

  37. Now let us ryde blyve, quickly For I wol holde companye with the Til it be so that thou forsake me.

  38. And that he went out of the city a lytle afore Milo rode furth with a great companye of stronge and mysche- uous knaues.

  39. These walke most times from their husbands companye a moneth and more to gether, being asociate with another as honest as her selfe.

  40. Once wyth muche threatninge and faire promises, I required to knowe of one companye who made their lycence.

  41. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "companye" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.