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Example sentences for "conforms"

Lexicographically close words:
conformist; conformists; conformitie; conformities; conformity; confort; conforte; confound; confounde; confounded
  1. Their structure in a general way conforms with that of other cells.

  2. Under these conditions its structure conforms to the type of the species, as do also the phenomena which it exhibits, and it can assimilate food, grow and multiply.

  3. The surface of the zone of the lithosphere that is saturated with water is called the water table, and though less accentuated it conforms in general to the relief of the country (Fig.

  4. How nearly Professor Schmoller conforms to this canon of continence is another question.

  5. Thus the progress of Language conforms to the general law, alike in the evolution of languages, in the evolution of families of words, and in the evolution of parts of speech.

  6. If, on the other hand, the object conforms to the nature of our faculty of intuition, I can then easily conceive the possibility of such an a priori knowledge.

  7. Though his uniform conforms to army regulations in cut and trimmings, it is often, like that of Sherman, worn threadbare.

  8. There are a few trivial diversities between Motherwell's manuscript, or my copy of it, and his printed text, which conforms to Buchan's.

  9. Excepting the Welsh translation, which conforms to the original, all other versions give Bernard's gab to Turpin, and most others Turpin's to Bernard.

  10. Hakluyt’s copy conforms more nearly than does that of Stow.

  11. The diverse orthography of the text conforms to the original.

  12. Now, on the contrary, it is only tolerated so long as it conforms to the fashion of the hour, so long as it ministers to the belittled taste of to-day.

  13. The act of a slave who yields to force, and not the act of a reasonable man and a Christian who conforms his will to that of God.

  14. The tube conforms in all respects to the simple epithelial tube which formed the alimentary canal of the ancient type of marine arthropods such as were dominant in the seas when the vertebrates first appeared.

  15. This observation conforms to the experience that chronic bowel disorders often follow in the wake of adult scurvy.

  16. The first interpretation is evidently the simplest and conforms to the long-established knowledge of caloric food factors.

  17. Movement conforms to the same manner of thinking; much of it barely disturbs the silken folds of the kimono.

  18. Apart from this it is distinguished from the others of the group mainly by the sequence in which steps are combined; in spirit, elemental steps and poses, it conforms to the type of its family.

  19. It in no way conforms to the fundamentals of Arabic dancing, and in fact it is a dance in name only.

  20. While it conforms to the structure of a picture-complete-in-each-bar, its treatment is more or less at variance with the idea of soothing.

  21. It has a definite surface that conforms to the broader surface irregularities.

  22. Fuses for general use are made in two different types--the plug type and the cartridge type--each of which conforms to the rules of the Underwriters Association.

  23. In the Carlovingian poems the marvellous is timid, and conforms to the Christian faith; the supernatural is produced directly by God or his envoys.

  24. In the latter it is a practical idea, adopted to bring about that which is not yet, but which can be realised by our conduct, namely, if it conforms to this idea.

  25. On the whole, it would appear that the clan organization of the Seri conforms closely with that characteristic of savagery elsewhere, especially among the American aborigines.

  26. But the derivative, mortality, conforms to the analogy of words ending in ty and has the accent on the last syllable but two.

  27. Dorian, conforms to the rules which are said by Aristoxenus to have prevailed in early Greek music.

  28. It may be observed here that although the scale in question does not fit into the Perfect System, it conforms to the general rules laid down by Aristoxenus for the melodious succession of intervals.

  29. In the latter it is a practical idea, adopted to bring about that which is not yet, but which can be realized by our conduct, namely, if it conforms to this idea.

  30. The exercise therefore conforms to the established exercise for great guns only as far as circumstances will admit.

  31. Of the manner in which the Eye conforms itself in order to see distinctly at different Distances.

  32. The Modulus of Nature, that is, the Pattern, after which she everywhere builds, and the Method to which she continually conforms is an Ideal, or Archetypical Man.

  33. This model conforms in most respects with the drawings and sketches made by Boas.

  34. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "conforms" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.