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Example sentences for "consolidations"

Lexicographically close words:
consolidate; consolidated; consolidates; consolidating; consolidation; consoling; consolingly; consomme; consonance; consonances
  1. But while most men see the benefit which has resulted from the consolidations already effected, there are but few who are not opposed to further consolidations.

  2. Having attained this, it is proposed to stop further consolidations and prevent the establishment of monopoly.

  3. Some well-recognized peculiarities of the so-called pneumonias of influenza give weight to the view that the consolidations are not, in the beginning, pneumonic at all.

  4. White and Guitéras attributed the consolidations of the lung to congestive collapse due to enlargement of the tracheal and bronchial glands and "disturbance of the great nervous tract about the root of the lung.

  5. We have, however, not yet assured for the future that adequate system of transportation through consolidations which was the objective of the Congress in the transportation act.

  6. I have again proposed several grant consolidations in the 1982 budget, including a new proposal that would consolidate several highway programs.

  7. The law for consolidations is not sufficiently effective to be expeditious.

  8. In making the consolidations no reduction should be made in the total number of officers of the Army, of whom there are now too few to perform the duties imposed by law.

  9. While, consolidations can and should be made under the present law until it is changed, vet the provisions of the act of 1920 have not been found fully adequate to meet the needs of other methods of consolidation.

  10. I recommend that the Congress authorize such consolidations tinder the supervision of the Interstate Commerce Commission, with power to approve or disapprove when proposed parts are excluded or new parts added.

  11. The consolidations need to be carried out with due regard to public interest and to the rights and established life of various communities in our country.

  12. The second issue, the evils of big business, received renewed attention, although an old complaint, because of the many industrial consolidations of the years immediately preceding.

  13. Yet, though this great change in traffic routes took place in the course of the war, the actual consolidations of the various small railroads into great trunk lines did not begin until after peace had been assured.

  14. In the course of the Civil War, as already noted, through traffic routes from New York to Chicago had been established, and in the succeeding years the consolidations of the great competing systems into trunk lines had taken place.

  15. All the reroutings and consolidations of this sort by no means had been confined to the western portions of the land.

  16. The most notable consolidations of passenger service under the government administration came, however, in the central portions of the land.

  17. Easy money led to many consolidations of transportation properties and to very many large commitments.

  18. During this year many consolidations and a number of foreclosures occurred.

  19. It is based on a hasty inference that great consolidations are of necessity monopolies.

  20. The people have at last risen against this, and consolidations will only be tolerated when confidence is established that the masses will be benefited.

  21. I am going to use the Consolidated Companies as an example, and urge immediate active enforcement of the Sherman Act against all consolidations which aim at monopolies or the restraint of trade.

  22. Provided the public received the benefits of such economies as your consolidations effected.

  23. The economic principles on which the regulation of all such consolidations rests apply especially to the closer unions which take the corporate shape.

  24. Does this mean that the consolidations themselves are thus condemned?

  25. Consolidations of the kind that require vigorous treatment by the state have their special home in America.

  26. It was in the consummation of these combinations, integrations and consolidations that the investment banker came into his own as the keystone in the modern industrial arch.

  27. Through consolidations of competitive or potentially competitive banks and trust companies which consolidations in turn have recently been brought under sympathetic management" (p.

  28. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "consolidations" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.