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Example sentences for "constructions"

Lexicographically close words:
constructing; construction; constructional; constructionist; constructionists; constructive; constructively; constructiveness; constructor; constructors
  1. Some very remarkable bridges and other constructions of this class, to permit the free passage of water under the line, have been built.

  2. Reason had built up her noblest constructions as if in sport, to pull them down again.

  3. Several of the most important surveys and constructions directed by recent laws have been suspended in consequence of the want of adequate force in these corps.

  4. Upon the basis of such ideal constructions one makes universal judgments.

  5. Browning may use constructions so erratic that the ordinary reader does not know what he is reading about; Carlyle may forge a new word rather than take the trouble to find one that other people have used.

  6. Coherence is secured by keeping together matters related in thought; by a wise choice and placing of all words which bind sentences together; and by the use of parallel constructions for parallel ideas.

  7. Coherence, so necessary to the easy understanding of a paragraph, is gained in three ways: by the order in which the sentences are arranged; by the use of parallel constructions for parallel ideas; and by the use of connectives.

  8. A third principle of arrangement is the use of parallel constructions for parallel thoughts.

  9. There could hardly be a better example of the value of parallel constructions for the purpose of avoiding confusion, and linking together parts that are related.

  10. All the above-mentioned constructions are composed of earth or stone; though a combination of these materials in the same work is by no means rare.

  11. Such constructions would undeniably be the most simple and efficient for the purposes desired.

  12. In the space enclosed by these various constructions are stacked up, in faultless order, parallelograms of cannons and pyramids of bullets.

  13. The ground on which the first constructions were raised had previously been occupied by market-gardeners and by a mill, which was demolished.

  14. These remains of the old girdle-wall, whose existence by many persons is scarcely suspected, are all that survives of the constructions of the sixteenth century.

  15. Previously they had been employed to guard civic monuments, and to assist at constructions and demolitions; but it was found that the money they so earned was too often spent in a manner which neither morality nor good taste could sanction.

  16. It abounds in constructions which cannot be justified by strict rules of syntax, e.

  17. Constructions verging on the illegitimate, as sciet, quae poena sequetur (iv.

  18. The diction is severely classical, free from Greek constructions and antiquated harshness.

  19. Slipshod constructions like this occur throughout the treatise on the Latin tongue, though, it is true, they are almost entirely absent from that on husbandry, which is a much more finished work.

  20. It is full of harsh constructions [59] and misplaced epithets, but on the other hand contains some pretty lines.

  21. What are the main differences in Latin between the language and constructions of poetry and those of prose?

  22. Unquestionably a great majority of roads of the past have not been constructions of engineering, and of all places requiring care, skill, and engineering, the street roads are the places.

  23. They apprehend that Congress, by putting constructions upon the constitution, will govern by its own arbitrary discretion; and therefore that it ought to be bound to exercise the powers expressly given, and those only.

  24. Sir, if there be modern constructions of the constitution, I will venture to say there is the same of Treaties.

  25. He concluded, with wishing that the bill might be allowed to have a second reading, as constructions had been imputed to it which it certainly would not bear.

  26. The megalithic constructions do not all date back to the same epoch.

  27. Tribes which were compelled to seek in hunting their means of every-day existence, could never have succeeded in raising constructions of this kind.

  28. In order to complete the enumeration of the lacustrine constructions of Europe, we may state that they have been found in Denmark in the Lake of Maribo, and in England in the county of Norfolk.

  29. It was certainly to be supposed that the southern slopes of the Alps, which were all dotted over with large and beautiful lakes, must likewise contain constructions of a similar character; this, at least, was M.

  30. The enormous amount of labour which would be involved in constructions of this kind has led to the idea that they were not raised except in honour of chiefs and other great personages.

  31. The number of piles which must have been used in some of these constructions is really surprising.

  32. In the environs of Lubtow the lacustrine constructions have the same characteristics as those of Robenhausen, on the Lake of Pfaeffikon (Switzerland).

  33. With these constructions we must also connect the crannoges or artificial islands of Ireland, the first of which was discovered in 1836 by Sir W.

  34. Lastly, the name tenevieres or steinbergs (mountains of stone) is given to constructions of a peculiar character in which the piles are kept up by masses of stone which have been brought to the spot.

  35. It was the first great church built in the Early English style, and its spire is among the most imposing Gothic constructions in existence.

  36. The Peruvians, moreover, surrounded their chief towns with strong walls, in comparison with which the Cyclopean constructions of the old world seem small, stunted, and almost contemptible.

  37. It is clear that we have put different constructions upon some of the composite entries concerning large manors.

  38. The difference between us is not altogether due to my faulty arithmetic; but arises from the different constructions that we put upon a few composite entries.

  39. They consist merely of constructions built from the materials of the civilizations which had preceded it.

  40. I have never seen any constructions like these vaults, and think they probably dated from a very ancient period.

  41. We could not discuss constructions and readings, and suggest other endings.

  42. His writing is also extremely metaphorical; technical terms are thrown in helter-skelter whenever the meaning would benefit; and the boldest constructions at every turn are suddenly brought into being.

  43. But both of them reconstructed sentences or whole stories, changed bad constructions into good ones, added what material they would, Matthew combining this with his Marcan material while Luke kept it for the most part distinct.

  44. Such constructions would be easily corrected by Matthew and Luke; they would not easily be inserted into the narratives of Matthew and Luke by Mark.

  45. It must be remembered that the world has moved apace, and that a mighty gulf separates us from that eventful period, in which practical statesmen were compelled to deal with institutions as then existing.

  46. There is Who heeds, Who holds them all In His large love, and boundless thought.

  47. The taller and younger of the two was Abraham Lincoln; the other, his personal friend and former preceptor, John T.

  48. Earlier in their political careers, both had been earnest supporters of the administration of President Monroe, but at its close the leaders last named, with Adams and Crawford, were aspirants to the great office.

  49. The constantly recurring "River and Harbor Bill," with its enormous sum total of appropriations, is a striking object lesson of the vicious character of such methods.

  50. The worst effect of this decision will be its lesson to the young men of our country.

  51. The complaint to-day is not of scarcity, but that "of the making of many books there is no end.

  52. He therefore accorded a high value to imagination and intuition, and to all ideal constructions of life and its meanings which are based on science.

  53. In his constructions at Pasargadae he combined massiveness with elegance, and manifested a taste at once simple and refined.

  54. The only respect in which the bridge of Xerxes differed from constructions with which the Persians were thoroughly familiar, was in its superior solidity and strength.

  55. If such constructions are in two compartments or in three so as to insure clearing by changing from one to another, they will make the water much more wholesome and sweeter to use.

  56. This postulate is not so essential, however, as the one about the circle, because we are not so concerned with constructions here as we are in plane geometry.

  57. We, on the other hand, make some little attempt to classify our propositions within each book, and we make no attempt to construct our figures before using them, or at least to prove that the constructions are correct.

  58. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "constructions" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.