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Example sentences for "cordwainers"

Lexicographically close words:
corduroy; corduroyed; corduroying; corduroys; cordwainer; cordwood; core; cored; coreligionists; corer
  1. The cordwainers working on ladies' shoes entered upon a strike for higher wages in March 1836, and opened three months later a "manufactory" or a warehouse of their own.

  2. Fourteen years later, in 1806, the journeymen cordwainers of the same city, following their conviction in court on the charge of conspiracy brought in by their masters, opened up a cooperative shoe warehouse and store.

  3. The printers had organized nationally for the first time in 1836, but the organization lasted less than two years; likewise the cordwainers or shoemakers.

  4. Shoemakers and cordwainers may tan their leather, but all leather must be inspected and marked by a town official before it is sold.

  5. Of these cordwainers I read, that since the fifth of Richard II.

  6. This Basing lane west to the back gate of the Red Lion, in Wathling street, is of this Cordwainers street ward.

  7. Soper's lane was inhabited by cordwainers and curriers, after that the pepperers or grocers had seated themselves in a more open street, to wit, in Buckles bury, where they yet remain.

  8. The cordwainers were forbidden to mend shoes and the cobblers to make them.

  9. The Cordwainers held a prominent position, but in the reign of Edward I.

  10. Not so," he replied, "but let us take to making shoes, for there is not courage enough among cordwainers either to fight with us or to molest us.

  11. And thus they tarried there a year, until the cordwainers became envious, and took counsel concerning him.

  12. And therefore was he called one of the three makers of Gold Shoes; and, when they could be had from him, not a shoe nor hose was bought of any of the cordwainers in the town.

  13. But when the cordwainers perceived that their gains were failing (for as Manawyddan shaped the work, so Pryderi stitched it), they came together and took counsel, and agreed that they would slay them.

  14. And he had warning thereof, and it was told him how the cordwainers had agreed together to slay him.

  15. And except himself all the cordwainers in the town were idle, and without work.

  16. In 1792 the cordwainers of Philadelphia struck.

  17. In 1835 the cordwainers attending the National Trades Union' formed a preliminary organization and called a national cordwainers' convention.

  18. The master cordwainers had organized a society in 1792, and their journeymen had followed suit two years later.

  19. Another early instance of a strike occurred in New York City in 1809, when the cordwainers struck for higher wages and were hauled before the mayor's court on the charge of conspiracy.

  20. But when the cordwainers perceived that their gains were failing (for as Manawyddan shaped the work, so Kicva stitched it), they came together and took counsel, and agreed that they would slay them.

  21. And when they could be had from him, not a shoe nor hose was bought of any of the cordwainers in the town.

  22. For this grant and confirmation, however, the corvesars and cordwainers ought to pay me every year an ounce of gold.

  23. I grant also that the cordwainers who afterwards may come into the town of Oxford shall be of the same guild and shall have the same liberties and customs which the corvesars have and ought to have.

  24. Not so," he replied, "but let us take to making shoes, for there is not courage among cordwainers either to fight with us or to molest us.

  25. When the cordwainers perceived that their gains were failing they came together and took counsel, and agreed that they would slay them.

  26. When they could be had from him, not a shoe nor hose was bought of any of the cordwainers in the town.

  27. The Cordwainers were originally incorporated by Henry IV.

  28. This Fisher was a jolly fellow, if all the tales are true which are related of him, as, besides the sack drinking, he stipulated that the Cordwainers should give a grand feast on the same day yearly to all their tenants.

  29. The stone front, by Adam, has a sculptured medallion of a country girl spinning with a distaff, emblematic of the name of the lane, and of the thread used by cordwainers or shoemakers.

  30. Cordwainers and Cobblers," the latter term signifying dealers in shoes and shoemakers.

  31. There was many a quarrel between the cordwainers who made new boots and the cobblers who mended old ones, the cobblers complaining that the cordwainers were preventing them from gaining their living as they had done of old.

  32. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "cordwainers" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.