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Example sentences for "couldest"

Lexicographically close words:
coughs; could; coulda; coulde; couldent; couldna; couldnae; couldnt; couldst; couldt
  1. Iesus said unto him: ye if thou couldest believe, all things are possible to him that believeth.

  2. Iesus answered: Thou couldest have no power at all against me, except it were given unto thee from above.

  3. Couldest not thou watch with me one hour?

  4. Jesus answered, Thou couldest have no power at all against me, except it were given thee from above: therefore he that delivered me unto thee hath the greater sin.

  5. But fulfil this my one request; since thou couldest not receive aught for thy fellow monks, yet for thyself accept a little money for sustenance, and a cloak to cover thee.

  6. How couldest thou be in Bassorah yesterday and in Cairo yesternight and withal awake in Damascus this morning?

  7. She understood me and made answer, also by signs, "How couldest thou bring all this evil upon me?

  8. How couldest thou be in Bassorah yesterday and Cairo yesternight and withal awake in Damascus this morning?

  9. Remember, that thou couldest not have been redeemed by any other or less price than the precious blood of Christ (1 Pet.

  10. Yea and if thou couldest haue stayned the Name of hir with Infamy, that was thine onely Refuge, and Defender, thou wouldest gladly haue giuen cause to the common people, to thinke lesse than Honesty of hir.

  11. Couldest not thou (that so often in his life time diddest spurne and kicke him) defend him now at the point of death by the like meane?

  12. These rotten feet of thine ran well enough, but they cannot walke: thou couldest mince it finely even now with the gentlewoman, that thou seemedst to passe the horse Pegasus in swiftnesse.

  13. At which I was as if I had been raised out of a grave, and cried out again, Lord, how couldest thou find out such a word as this?

  14. Then it seems thou couldest not at all times please thy like.

  15. What sayest thou, landlord, will it not cut thy soul, when thou shalt see that thou couldest not be content to miss of heaven thyself, but thou must labour to hinder others also?

  16. Couldest thou (sinner) if thou hadst been allowed, thyself express what thou wouldest have expressed, the greatness of the love thou wantest, with words that could have suited thee better?

  17. How couldest thou think it, when the Fathers and the kindred have made this body that thou lovest, and the voice of their songs is in the speech thou deemest sweet?

  18. Thou hast played the whore also with the Assyrians, because thou wast unsatiable; yea, thou hast played the harlot with them, and yet couldest not be satisfied.

  19. Urge me not again: not all the inducements I trust that even thou couldest offer would make me forget my fealty!

  20. Thou couldest not read any book before this; neither couldest thou write it with thy right hand: then had the gainsayers justly doubted of the divine original thereof.

  21. If thou couldest see, when the unbelievers shall tremble,z and shall find no refuge, and shall be taken from a near place,a and shall say, We believe in him!

  22. He answered, This shall be a separation between me and thee; but I will first declare unto thee the signification of that which thou couldest not bear with patience.

  23. But if thou couldest see when the unjust doers shall be set before their LORD!

  24. This is the interpretation of that which thou couldest not bear with patience.

  25. But if thou couldest see, when they shall be set before their LORD!

  26. He answered, Did I not tell thee that thou couldest not bear with me?

  27. For if I wist thou couldest not loue, I would the lesse esteme thee.

  28. And sithe thou couldest not conteyne from suche dishonest loue, I woulde it had pleased God, that thou haddest taken a manne, equall to thyne estate.

  29. And hadst thou departed privily thou couldest not have escaped being slain or taken.

  30. Thou couldest have no power against me, except it was given thee from above.

  31. Thou couldest have no power against me, except it were given thee from above.

  32. Jesus answered, 'Thou couldest have no power against me, except it were given thee from above: Therefore he that delivered me unto thee hath the greater sin.

  33. Couldest Thou despise and reject from Thy aid the tears of such an one, wherewith she begged of Thee not gold or silver, nor any mutable or passing good, but the salvation of her son's soul?

  34. If thou couldest by thy Circes craft chaunge thin husband into an hogge, or a bore wouldest thou do it?

  35. Then forget not then what greater plesure couldest thou shew them then to se the deuorsed from thine husband and to led a wydowes lyfe.

  36. But howe couldest thou fashyon thye selfe after hys wyll and mynde, that eyther woulde not be at home or elles be as freshe as a saulte heryng.

  37. Even were it not so, thou couldest not be held in any wise guilty by law either of God or man.

  38. I trow thou wilt make a pretty boy, and wilt find thyself more fitted for our new life thus habited, and canst rove in the forest thus clad, an thou hast a mind that way, more safely than thou couldest in a maid's dress.

  39. I marvel that thou couldest drink of this drink that I have charmed, and yet take no hurt.

  40. He has not escaped, and I would that thou couldest speak, and tell me where he is lurking.

  41. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "couldest" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.