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Example sentences for "crones"

Lexicographically close words:
croiz; croked; cromlech; cromlechs; crone; cronies; crony; croodling; crook; crooked
  1. That virtue and beauty do not always go hand in hand is a frequent maxim of his:— Virtue dwells rarely in the bright-eyed and fair, But in wrinkled old crones with silver-white hair.

  2. It is believed by old crones that children born on Friday are doomed to misfortune.

  3. Here a hubbub of excited voices assailed the ear; an incessant rain of coins fell on the green cloth, from the ragged and the tailored, from quavering crones and little children.

  4. To which the crones replied, clapping their hands, "Bless de Lord!

  5. Rough fellows and old crones came in to talk about the spooks that had been seen in the neighboring hills.

  6. After all, a woman is as good as a man to beat the woods, and the mere word that deer are afoot makes cripples and crones young again.

  7. Cyclamen was one of the herbs prescribed by aged crones for a love potion, and by midwives it was esteemed a most precious and invaluable herb; but an expectant mother was cautioned to avoid and dread its presence.

  8. By day, these crones were often engaged in boiling syrup or the like household occupation; by night, they lay ambushed in the shadow or crouched along the palisade, filling the office of eunuchs to this harem, sole guards upon a tyrant life.

  9. Suspecting nothing, the crones gave him admittance; so he lay down in front of the fire, and made himself as comfortable as possible, waiting for the further action of his human accomplice without.

  10. Up he went to the hut of the old women, rapped, and asked hospitality for the night; and he was so polite and debonair that the crones could find no excuse for refusing him.

  11. Down the long line of carriers, the panting crones plied their withered old legs in vain; only two mishaps occurring among all the animals that made up the file.

  12. All beauty disappeared from the face of the young woman, her form changed, her countenance shrivelled, and she stood confessed before the party as Humpy, the youngest of the three Crones of Mersham.

  13. The kitten was never again seen by its former owners, but in all probability had been taken by the crones to form one of the guardian cats by which they were thus attended.

  14. As soon as Firminger saw the line which the crones took, he turned to Gower and said in a hasty tone, "Come on, mate, this must be seen to at once.

  15. Of course it was the Mersham crones who had done the thing, else why should it have occurred at the very time when Farmer Long was engaged on an expedition, the object of which was to search their cottage?

  16. You ban't afraid of no witches nor crones neither, be you?

  17. Whether to believe the little tailor or not I hardly know, but Bully Robus backed him up in the story, and as the three crones never again appeared in that part of the world, it may have been quite true.

  18. Subsequent inquiries proved that two (as usual) of the crones had been seen in the vicinity of the farm that day.

  19. Looking calmly back upon the whole history, I have no doubt at all but that the crones had bewitched the kitten when they met the children on that memorable afternoon, and that to this must be attributed all that afterwards occurred.

  20. The public had become tired of hanging withered old crones on the witch-gallows, and wanted exactly a creature like that, to give piquancy and zest to their terrible hunt after human life.

  21. And with an antique appropriateness to its functions the Flemish women, crones and maidens, all in their becoming cashmere hoods, and cloaks, and neat frills, still hurry on to the old Dom.

  22. Scattered round and picturesquely grouped were the crones and maidens aforesaid, on their wicker-chairs.

  23. So the two old crones ransacked the house undisturbed.

  24. He took up an ancient deed, and while he glanced over it, the shepherd pretended to tie his shoe-lace, and pocketed a spade-guinea which the crones had dropped on the floor.

  25. This had procured her the ill-will and ill-opinion of several other old crones inhabiting the same house, who made her the subject of their perpetual scandal.

  26. The old crones had come about her less from humanity than to discover the secrets of her den, the access to which she had hitherto strictly defended.

  27. Moons waxed and waned, and the crones by the cottage hearth had whiled away many a shadowy night with tales of Alice of the Combe.

  28. In Ireland, old crones tell marvelous tales about the hawthorns, and the banshees which have a predilection for them.

  29. The two old crones sat with the body all night and all the next day.

  30. The two old crones who had come to "lay out" the body crept about on tiptoe, their usual garrulity quenched by the sad and beautiful spectacle.

  31. For many hours the crones of the tribe had been going from lodge to lodge, in order to stimulate the tempers of the warriors to such a pass, as might leave but little room for mercy.

  32. For the most part, wrinkled old crones are the only decent women in his pages.

  33. These old crones are the respected members of the tribes.

  34. The old crones are stowed away beneath all this baggage, and with them the children too small to walk, the feeble old men, the invalids, and those too foot-sore to tramp the weary way.

  35. The young generation joined Margaret Henan in laughing at them, but the old crones continued to shake their heads.

  36. And then it happened-- the thing the old crones had been shaking their heads over for years.

  37. With the one exception of her mother, friends and relatives drifted back and acknowledged that they had been mistaken; though there were old crones who still abided by their opinion and who shook their heads ominously over their cups of tea.

  38. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "crones" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.