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Example sentences for "cushat"

Lexicographically close words:
curvilinear; curving; curyous; cuscus; cuse; cushion; cushioned; cushioning; cushions; cushiony
  1. It begins life as the Breamish, tumbling down the slopes of Cushat Law within sight of all the giants of the Cheviot range.

  2. Shyest of the winged sylvans, the cushat clapped not her wings away on the soft approach of such harmless footsteps to the pine that concealed her slender nest.

  3. No human eye ever saw the birds within a thousand feet of the lower earth; yet how often must they have stooped down on lamb and leveret, and struck the cushat in her very yew-tree in the centre of the wood!

  4. Around them the bee hummed unwitting; in a tree beyond them a cushat crooned and crooned.

  5. As if the branch on which he had been sitting were broken, away then went the crashing Cushat through the intermingling sprays.

  6. But couch where we might, no Cushat ever came near our insidious lair.

  7. The sudden whirr of a cushat is an incident, or the leaping of a lamb among the broom.

  8. For we are now in the very centre of the forest, and even the cushat haunts not here.

  9. FN#383] So they entered and found all manner fruits in view and birds of every kind and hue, such as ringdove, nightingale and curlew; and the turtle and the cushat sang their love lays on the sprays.

  10. The peregrines had killed cushat and partridge, the merlin its half-score of buntings and turtle-doves, and the ladies having had a surfeit of sport, were about setting faces homeward.

  11. It was like a muckle black corbie carrying off a cushat doo.

  12. But the cushat got free for a' that," said the wee wifie, with nods and smiles and shrill laughter.

  13. The cushat and the curlew have left the hill, and yet ye are abroad.

  14. I might have throttled a hare or so, or a brace of rabbits; or what dost think, dame, of a couple of moor-cocks or a cushat for a pie?

  15. I remember taking a young cushat from a tree and trying to rear it by hand, but it was almost full-grown, well-feathered, and too old for the purpose.

  16. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "cushat" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.