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Example sentences for "demarcate"

Lexicographically close words:
demandeth; demandez; demanding; demandis; demands; demarcated; demarcating; demarcation; demarch; demarkation
  1. In the winter of 1897 a Joint Commission was appointed to ascertain and demarcate on the ground the frontier defined in the revised Convention.

  2. General Liu and I proposed to demarcate south of the Taiping.

  3. Mr. George, with one of the Chinese Commissioners, was deputed to demarcate north of the Taiping as far as the high conical peak in latitude 25 deg.

  4. Some thinkers have identified the two, while others regard Epistemology as a subdivision of logic; others demarcate their relative spheres by confining logic to the science of the laws of thought, i.

  5. Brackets [ ] and footnotes: Brackets are used to demarcate footnotes and Transcriber’s Notes, each of which is clearly identified.

  6. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "demarcate" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    analyze; blaze; blemish; blotch; bound; brand; chalk; characterize; check; circumscribe; dash; define; delimit; demarcate; describe; determine; differentiate; discolor; discriminate; distinguish; divide; dot; earmark; enclose; engrave; fix; freckle; gash; hatch; impress; imprint; keynote; line; mark; mottle; nick; notch; pencil; pepper; point; prick; print; punch; punctuate; puncture; restrict; riddle; scar; scarify; score; scratch; screen; seal; seam; segregate; select; separate; sever; sieve; sift; sort; specify; speck; splotch; spot; stain; stake; stamp; stigmatize; streak; striate; stripe; subdivide; surround; tattoo; tick; trace; underline; underscore; winnow