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Example sentences for "speck"

Lexicographically close words:
speciosa; speciosum; specious; speciously; speciousness; specked; speckled; speckles; speckless; speckling
  1. He rode away down the sand slope towards the lake, and presently, with Hamza and the native guide, was but a moving speck in the pallid distance.

  2. Drone Baker was still a speck on the scope--a solitary traveler rushing toward them through the void.

  3. It occurred to him that Baker, measured against the expanse of the plain, would be but a speck of dust.

  4. Then there was Drone Charlie, at present just a minute speck somewhere in the great void between earth and her moon; but in somewhat less than forty-eight hours it would represent tons of metal hurtling over the rim of Arzachel.

  5. It was solid matter created of nothingness, floating in nothingness, a minute speck adrift in the terrible emptiness of the cosmos.

  6. A slight speck was observed on the horizon, between the dark flood and the azure sky.

  7. Duz yu speck me to slew frum wun eend to the tuther lak a skeeter hork?

  8. Nary time hab de boss axed me how much meal I had in de gum, ur how much taters I hab in de hill; und I haint nebber had but wun little speck ob munny sense freedom cum in de lan, und den it wus Federick munny.

  9. Don't speck hit is ergwine to do mars Jon no good do, but hit haint ergwine to pizen noboddy ef hit don't doo no good.

  10. Tell Miss Alice dat she needn't speck culled ladies is ergwine to mommick up dey sevs no mo, cooking wittles fur de white trash.

  11. The speck is removed, but the conjunctiva remains a little tender, and I wink again--still only a spasm.

  12. Palpebral tics are among those that ordinarily begin by a spasmodic reaction to an extraneous source of irritation, such as that yielded by a foreign body, a speck of dust, an eyelash, or by any form of conjunctival inflammation.

  13. Or again: a speck gets under my eyelid, and I wink--a spasmodic act independent of the cortex.

  14. One is apt to get into the habit of thinking that the set of a curtain, or a speck of dust on the mirror, are of more importance than the affairs of the universe.

  15. All at once a speck of light gleamed on the distant wave; it moved; it came nearer and nearer, and at ten o'clock that night the Monitor appeared.

  16. But how insignificant she looked; she was but a speck on the dark blue wave at night, and almost a laughable object by day.

  17. At every fleeting speck which arose from the bosom of the sea, the heart bounded, and the telescope was lifted to the eye.

  18. The person who committed this wanton act was described as a young man with a speck or blemish on his left eye That he had been lately among us was evident from his being newly shaved.

  19. I shouldn't wonder if there wa'n't a speck of it in the house.

  20. The next instant a speck of clear light shone out in the heart of this radiance: it was the flame of a lantern, and it seemed miles away.

  21. On the horizon's distant verge not even a speck was seen, But the cresting foam of breaking waves still shimmering between.

  22. The white speck of light was growing brighter and larger; and the small soft sounds were becoming tangible.

  23. The lighter containing the visitors had left and was now but a black speck behind the breakwater.

  24. Illustration: On the Terrace at Cacheuta] Not far above Cacheuta is Potrerillos, where it is pleasant to see a speck of green.

  25. At last, just as the clock was chiming the half-hour, a tiny red speck appeared under the yellow lamp, and began to move slowly up the road.

  26. Illustration: At last a tiny red speck appeared under the yellow lamp, and began to move slowly up the road.

  27. There will be a speck in the sky; people grow tense; the comet catches it; is that wigwagging on the roof, those challenges in fire, returned?

  28. Always ready to send shot and shell into a bulging speck in the sky that does not return the luminous signals.

  29. With a black thumb and forefinger he raised the wincing lid, and with the pointed blade of the jack-knife lifted, with delicacy and precision, the irritating iron speck from the eyeball.

  30. In these silent years together, the strong nature had drawn the weak nature to it, as a magnet draws a speck of iron.

  31. As the patient reader of the chapter on Pollens will remember, the anaphylaxis or sensitiveness of the patient to particular pollens is tested by rubbing a speck of different pollens into scratches on the skin.

  32. A drop of extract of different pollens or a speck of the pure pollen protein is rubbed into each scratch and the result awaited for fifteen minutes.

  33. As both of them looked aft, Christy did the same, and, after studying the speck he saw on the ocean, he was satisfied that it was the Bellevite, coming down upon the Yazoo with all her speed.

  34. A speck of white crawled up the watercourse.

  35. The dawn was breaking, and a speck of white showed on the dull silver of the stream.

  36. Happening to look back, we perceived the bright archway of light at the entrance diminished into a luminous speck in the distance.

  37. There she was indeed, a white speck shining out of the melting fog.

  38. I knew that pointed wing as well as I knew the shape of chimney-pots, but the wonder that I was seeing it with my bodily eyes, even as a speck upon the horizon, was overwhelming.

  39. God is nowhere; fellow-man in the way like a buzzing fly--else no more to be regarded than a speck of dust neither upon his person nor his garment.

  40. That in the moving speck of wet ink, for an instant something looked like a man the size of a mote!

  41. At the end of the line which made the "e" there was a tiny speck of blue ink.

  42. Irregular in shape, it looked like a speck of broken chinaware, just big enough to make its form discernible.

  43. But he and a tiny speck of the clay of the half-gods were entirely distinct, even if their names were the same.

  44. The ink speck was almost dry now, and nothing was hidden in it.

  45. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "speck" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
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