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Example sentences for "discoloration"

Lexicographically close words:
disclosure; disclosures; discoid; discoidal; discolor; discolorations; discolored; discolors; discolour; discolouration
  1. Give the order of preparation of ingredients for Scalloped Apples so that discoloration of the apples will be avoided.

  2. There should be no discoloration of the vegetable from the cutting utensil.

  3. If this coloration does not disappear in one minute, add drop by drop more of the potash lye until discoloration appears.

  4. A further discoloration may be effected by the addition of animal charcoal.

  5. To remove an acid stain on violet silk: Brush the discoloration with tincture of iodine, then saturate the spot well with a solution of hyposulphite of soda, and dry gradually.

  6. To Remove Discoloration from Bruises:--Apply a cloth wrung out in very hot water, and renew frequently until the pain ceases.

  7. To Erase Discoloration on Stone China:--Dishes and cups that are used for baking custards, puddings, etc.

  8. Among the unfavourable signs may be mentioned, a discoloration of the skin before the fourth day.

  9. Allow it to stay on until thoroughly dry, then brush off with a soft brush, and the discoloration will disappear like magic.

  10. All traces of discoloration from the fruit will have vanished when returned from the laundry.

  11. The burning or discoloration produced on the skin by the heat of the sun; tan.

  12. A long, narrow discoloration of the skin made by the blow of a lash, rod, or the like.

  13. It is to be noted here that the primary object in the use of this combination is not the discoloration of the teeth.

  14. Billard has published an extraordinary case of blue discoloration of the skin in a young laundress of sixteen.

  15. After a week's treatment with saline purgatives the discoloration was much less, but the patient still had articular pains, for which alkalies were prescribed; she did not again attend.

  16. The usual swelling and discoloration did not follow, but notwithstanding vigorous medical treatment the man died in six days.

  17. If the patient lives long enough, the discoloration of the extremity and the swelling may spread to the neck, chest and back.

  18. Mitchell Bruce has described an anomalous discoloration of the skin and mucous membranes resembling that produced by silver or cyanosis.

  19. The pains and discoloration had commenced two years before his admission, since which time the skin had been deepening in tint.

  20. Various fungi, such as tinea versicolor and the Mexican "Caraati," may produce discoloration on the skin.

  21. Melasma has been designated as an accidental and temporary blackish discoloration of the skin.

  22. Parvin gives portraits showing the venous congestion and discoloration of the lips.

  23. On the exposed portion of the graft union, discoloration indicated injury and dead cells, but on that part covered by the nest, all the cells were alive and green.

  24. The collar of a tree, which is a discoloration of its trunk resulting from contact with the ground, indicates how much of the tree was previously underground.

  25. Sometimes, in those cases where the discoloration is due to the diffusion of blood throughout the tissues, the blood can be washed out by saturating and rinsing the specimen in a 10- to 20-percent solution of citric acid.

  26. Side lighting is used when there are no wrinkles of any consequence and the ridge detail is clear but because of discoloration the ridges are not readily seen in the ground glass as there is lack of contrast between ridges and depressions.

  27. It was soon followed by great swelling and discoloration of the limb, which gradually extended downwards nearly to the middle of the forearm and upwards as far as the axilla.

  28. The acute symptoms are swelling and discoloration of the integuments, turgescence of the Schneiderian membrane, which covers the septum narium and the turbinated bones, and consequent obstruction to the passage of air.

  29. Cases occur of induration, often very extensive, in the neighbourhood of the anus, on one or both sides, with dark discoloration of the integuments, and burning pain.

  30. As the tumour subsides, the discoloration increases; the thinner parts of the effusion have been absorbed, and the clot then shines through the skin, imparting to it various hues.

  31. The enlargement, even in its early stage, is tense and painful; being attended with distention of the superficial veins, swelling of the surrounding structures, and slight discoloration of the skin.

  32. The bones nearest the surface are principally affected: a swelling gradually forms on the tibia or ulna, without discoloration of the integuments, and without pain occurring till after a long time.

  33. When one or more slight patches of discoloration are observed after division of the sac, it may be returned, it being most probable that the parts will recover after removal of the stricture.

  34. Discoloration caused by such practice is of little consequence, as desquamation must follow.

  35. Discoloration and rapid swelling take place from extravasation of blood into the cellular tissue, into the sheaths of the tendons, and perhaps into the synovial pouches, in consequence of laceration of the bloodvessels.

  36. M174) This Phoenician festival appears to have been a vernal one, for its date was determined by the discoloration of the river Adonis, and this has been observed by modern travellers to occur in spring.

  37. The discoloration of the river and the sea was observed by H.

  38. Renan remarked the discoloration at the beginning of February (Mission de Phenicie, p.

  39. There was protrusion and discoloration of the tongue, and fighting at the corners of the mouth, and intense anxiety of countenance.

  40. The extreme discoloration of the tissues, and of the mucous membrane more particularly, the disappearance of the subcutaneous blood-vessels, and the extreme feebleness of the animal, are the principal symptoms.

  41. The prevailing symptom of this disease in the dog is a yellow discoloration of the skin and the mucous membranes of greater or less intensity.

  42. A diffuse soft fluctuating swelling, sometimes accompanied by pulsation, but oftener without, developed, and not uncommonly diffusion was accompanied by some discoloration of the surface and elevation of the general temperature.

  43. There was much discoloration from ecchymosis, but no pulsation could be detected.

  44. In the late post-mortem examinations I witnessed, a yellow discoloration of the softened cord was the only macroscopic evidence of hæmorrhage.

  45. In any case it is subsequently obscured by the development of a narrow ring of discoloration due to the contusion.

  46. There was considerable proptosis, oedema and discoloration of the eyelid, and subconjunctival ecchymosis, but the movements of the eyeball could be made and light could be distinguished.

  47. Evidence of mediastinal hæmorrhage existed in the presence of subcutaneous discoloration of the abdominal wall, below the ensiform cartilage and extending slightly over the costal margin of the thorax.

  48. There were minor signs of pulmonary injury, 'coughing day and night,' and slight discoloration of the sputum on three or four occasions.

  49. Such discoloration is of little moment for most of the uses to which the sludge may be put.

  50. That this is actually so is verified by the yellowish or brownish discoloration of the wet wrappings and by their offensive odor.

  51. The Head Bath Loss or discoloration of the hair is generally due to the lack of hair-building elements in the blood or to sluggish circulation in the scalp and a diseased condition of the hair follicles.

  52. A greenish discoloration is also seen over the upper and middle part of the sternum.

  53. The discoloration continues to increase until the body is cold, when it is entirely arrested.

  54. In cadaveric lividity there is no elevation of the skin and the discoloration terminates abruptly.

  55. Putrefaction commences when a body is kept under the most favorable conditions, in from six to twelve days, as a slight greenish discoloration of the abdomen which gradually spreads throughout the body.

  56. This discoloration is due to the action of the gases developed by decomposition on the coloring matter of the blood, and has no pathological significance.

  57. Two cases of the bluish-black discoloration of the skin from taking nitrate of silver have also come under my observation.

  58. EIGHT TO TEN DAYS after death the discoloration becomes more intense, the face and neck presenting a shade of reddish-green.

  59. Just above thyroid cartilage extending on right side from median line in front to spinous process was a dirty brown deep furrow with congested walls; on left side a line of discoloration due to direct action of rope.

  60. If an ecchymosis is extensive and deep, especially if it occupies a cavity, there may be nothing to see in the skin for four or five days, and then often only a yellowish discoloration instead of a dark blue color.

  61. In conditions of putrefaction no redness or line of demarcation exists, and the green discoloration and other conditions of the skin will suffice to establish the diagnosis.

  62. Some of these succeed in removing the fungi and discoloration from the surface of the grain, but have no effects upon the parts within.

  63. The disease is manifested by a redness and discoloration of the exposed parts of the body.

  64. If the bark be cut or scraped a reddish discoloration is found.

  65. The discoloration is characteristic of that which has previously been observed as resulting from treating a document with a solution of silver nitrate.

  66. Can you account in any way for the discoloration of the card 820?

  67. There are only two small areas of discoloration on this document, one of them being along the upper edge just above the figure "9," and the other along the right edge just opposite the figure "5.

  68. The discoloration mentioned was on the documents when I first saw them.

  69. From its discoloration this ivory should be at least five hundred years old.

  70. Just before her was a large discoloration of the snow.

  71. It is the property of alum to make the gluten tough, and to prevent its discoloration by heat, as well as to check the action of the yeast or ferment upon it.

  72. At first my suspicions were aroused by a curious discoloration of the mouth, which I noticed when I first saw the body; but, strangely enough, this had disappeared yesterday when I made the post-mortem.

  73. Upon her hand after death was a strange discoloration which puzzled the doctors.

  74. I therefore am of opinion that this curious discoloration is evidence in some way or other of murder.

  75. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "discoloration" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
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