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Example sentences for "smudge"

Lexicographically close words:
smouched; smoulder; smouldered; smouldering; smout; smudged; smudges; smudgy; smug; smuggle
  1. Such is the story of the hole which you have marked, and of the smudge upon the wood.

  2. There--no illusion--a faint blackish smudge was visible on the horizon, with a slight hazing in a small area of the burning sky.

  3. The faint smudge had grown to a rolling wall of black, far away, maybe not so far.

  4. Reuben left the cottage with the green shutters before the sun had entered the smudge of horizon clouds.

  5. He said one of them went in to tell Major Grumpy about the smudge message and that he had been chased out again.

  6. After the fire was burning up we piled some of the damp grass and stuff on top of it and that made a smudge that went way up in the air.

  7. I said, "Yes, but it would be nice if he'd go off on a lonely mountain and talk, like the smudge fire.

  8. A smudge signal is no good for a fellow that's near-sighted.

  9. So this is the smudge signal that we decided to send, and, good night, little we knew what it would lead to.

  10. That's Pee-wee's trade mark--a smudge on his face.

  11. I guess any one could see that smudge maybe fifty miles, especially on account of it being up on the top of a mountain.

  12. You've got to get away off if you want to read a smudge signal.

  13. Even if the telegraph operator at Grumpy's Cross-roads should see that smudge he'd read the message, all right.

  14. Anyway this is the way you send a smudge signal.

  15. It has to be just like that if you want to send a smudge message.

  16. Kennon got a glimpse of gray concrete on one of the larger islands, a smudge of green trees, and white beaches against which the yellow waters dashed in smothers of foam.

  17. Alexander pointed at a smudge on the horizon that quickly resolved into an irregular chain of tiny islets that slipped below them.

  18. It's my nightmare that some day I'll let the stencil slip and make a smudge on the wall.

  19. And a nice smudge she's made of it too, in places.

  20. From early morning of the second day out of Honolulu keen eyes scanned the eastern horizon through powerful glasses, until about two bells of the afternoon watch a slight smudge became visible about two points north of east.

  21. One morning, at the beginning of his fourth month of solitude, the mucker saw a smudge of smoke upon the horizon.

  22. A smudge of smoke issued from the funnel, curled the masts, and rose straight upward in the Arctic air.

  23. The smudge of smoke had widened to a splotch which streaked the horizon; a ship of some kind was dashing parallel to the course taken by the Pole Star.

  24. The figure started, half leaned away, then swung about and disappeared in the gloom of the smudge astern where the funnel smoke drifted and swirled.

  25. The screw thrashed at its best speed, and the smudge of smoke which drifted toward the north blotted out the view of North Devon Island along which the course had led them.

  26. Every one had crowded to the side-rails to stare at the land or at the smudge of smoke which marked Long Island, and the stern of the ship was deserted.

  27. The whistle of the tender was blowing shrilly, and, when he reached the pier, he saw far out at sea the smudge of smoke against the sky, which told that one of the steamers was approaching.

  28. Foyle had got good eyesight, but he could make out nothing but a smudge where Wrington pointed--a smudge emphasised by a tiny point of twinkling light.

  29. According to him the clergy declared that “whoever had a smudge on his rochet was guilty of a mortal sin.

  30. Mrs. Nolak had already faded out, a little black smudge far down the snowy street.

  31. It was a quite unnecessary appeal, for Joyce, who was presently sitting with his wife in a sheltered quarter of the deck, had not the slightest interest in the smoking cone which was as yet a mere smudge upon the horizon.

  32. When told of the smoke smudge he evinced comparatively little interest.

  33. But a steamer smudge over the port quarter, with the Lass's bow headed due north, was an entirely different thing.

  34. The smudge of smoke had quickly resolved itself into a stubby, gray steam-vessel with a few bright brass guns forward and a black cloud belching from her funnel.

  35. The smudge on the rails ahead grew swiftly larger.

  36. The party in the heavy freight engine, that lumbered after in pursuit, their eyes fixed on the smudge of smoke on ahead that marked the path of the fugitive, suddenly raised a shout.

  37. By the roadside the dust lay thick and grey, and, on either hand, stretching on toward the horizon, losing itself in a mere smudge in the distance, ran the illimitable parallels of the wire fence.

  38. He sat close to a smudge and smoked his pipe.

  39. The heavy gloves, the netting, the smudge fires were at best an insufficient protection.

  40. The old miner turned from rearranging the boughs of green fir on the smudge to see that his patient was awake and his mind normal.

  41. Gordon, on his way back, passed behind the guard, who was sitting tailor fashion before a smudge with a muley shotgun across his knees.

  42. The traveler had lost his matches and had been unable to light smudge fires.

  43. They built smudge fires of green wood and on the lee side of these another one of dry sticks.

  44. He lit a smudge fire to the windward side of him, fed him small quantities of food at intervals, and arranged a sleeping-place for him with mosquito netting for protection.

  45. I'm good on reading smudge signals, even though I never sent many and I never have to have the handbook when I read the code, that's one thing.

  46. I didn't see how any fellow could manage a smudge and send it so fast and keep his spaces.

  47. Resolutely he continued to refuse to notice the daily little black smudge upon Dolly's cheek.

  48. Dolly's cheerful greeting with its subtle, plaintive undercurrent, and the faint smudge upon her cheek.

  49. He chooses those that are unusually brown with a smudge of the cooking-tin, and these he calls "dirty bums.

  50. There is an engaging smudge across his nose, as if he had been led off on high adventure to the dusty corners behind the apple barrel.

  51. Butler, as he stepped around the smudge to enable him to get a better view of the men whom he had come upon so unexpectedly, to them.

  52. A moment later and a second smudge appeared and then a third, to be followed almost immediately by a fourth.

  53. Frank had taken the bridge half an hour before and now was studying a faint smudge on the eastern horizon.

  54. Hardly was the work completed, when Frank perceived a dark smudge upon the distant horizon.

  55. A smudge on his nose and a smear on his cheek.

  56. Ainsworth found to his satisfaction that the dense smudge relieved him of his winged assailants.

  57. Britton's steam-yacht tore out its lungs in protest at the black smudge of a coasting vessel reeling straight across its bows.

  58. The firelight blocked out the two men's figures in a ruddy smudge of color.

  59. Beside each a smudge sent forth clouds of heavy smoke.

  60. Because of them a huge smudge is kept going close beside every house.

  61. The gnats swarmed, but the smoke of the green-moss smudge kept them from us in a measure.

  62. Speechless at the good news, I could only lean across the smudge and shake hands with him while he chuckled and slapped his knee, growing ruddier in the face every moment.

  63. I advised her to get home to bed, and she leaned against the wall wiping her eyes with the corner of her handkerchief wrapped round her finger so as not to smudge the paint, and stared at me with a sort of surrender.

  64. He hitched himself up to the canvas again, and began to smudge with his thumb at a mess of yellow ocre.

  65. They sometimes made a smudge fire, Val Jacinto had said, but that was all.

  66. Mr. Damon, as he caught sight of Tom and Ned in the flickering light of the smudge fire between the two canvas shelters.

  67. The tents were set up, smudge fires built and supper quickly prepared.

  68. I expect you want to wipe the smudge of dirt off your face," he hazarded.

  69. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "smudge" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.