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Example sentences for "densely"

Lexicographically close words:
denove; dens; densa; dense; denselben; denseness; denser; densest; densities; density
  1. Weatherford now collected a large force upon an island in the Tallapoosa River, near the mouth of Emuckfau Creek, and, in this densely wooded and swampy country, waited for the Americans to advance upon him.

  2. Three miles off was a range of densely wooded mountains, and to this the Creeks hastened as fast as their nimble limbs would carry them, while the Americans followed in hot pursuit.

  3. The streets outside were densely packed with people, who became so insistent in cheering after the Prince had got inside that he left the banquet to wave to them from the balcony.

  4. The route, including as it did long straight stretches of undulating ground, enabled the brilliant pageant of flags, escorts and pennants to be seen as a whole as the procession jingled through five miles of densely packed people.

  5. The country itself was so densely overgrown with bush and trees that nothing upon its surface was to be seen.

  6. It is the most densely populated country in Africa; is landlocked; and has few natural resources and minimal industry.

  7. Keil and his companions avoided this plain: they chose to settle in a region pretty densely grown over with timber.

  8. The country is a rolling plain, densely overgrown with small wood, with one or two streams running through it; with water obtainable at from fifteen to thirty feet every where, and perfectly healthy.

  9. He related to us how many valleys, now lonely and abandoned, were pretty densely peopled only twenty years ago!

  10. The valley is at first tolerably wide, but so densely covered with trees and shrubs, interlaced in wild confusion, that the horses had to be left behind at Papeuriri.

  11. In the fossors this rule is rather reversed, but in that section neither sex is densely clothed with hairs as are most of the pollenigerous bees.

  12. The various kinds of Colletes are densely clothed on the head and thorax with brownish hairs, and the segments of the body have whitish bands composed of a dense, tight-fitting, duvet of hairs (pl.

  13. Among the pollen-collectors, the male is usually less densely clothed with hairs than the [female].

  14. The mountains of Glena and Toomies are densely wooded to their base, the trees hanging over their sides and coming down in rich luxuriance to the water's edge.

  15. The Central Criminal Court, when the trial came on, was densely crowded, and many curious eyes were turned upon the somewhat remarkable man who occupied the dock.

  16. In 1818 the old gaol was so densely packed that it was nearly impossible to pass through the yards for the throng.

  17. People who live in the densely settled portions of our country, know very little about the toils and dangers, the sacrifices and privations which the first settlers endure.

  18. As for Dick, the densely populated city alone provided him with more patients than he could conveniently deal with; and he had effected many remarkable cures.

  19. There was a small but densely foliaged tree growing at no great distance from the hut, and casting a strong shadow upon the ground; that, Dick decided, would be as good a place as any for his purpose.

  20. The sheep formed a densely packed mass in the curve of the wall.

  21. They packed densely now, crowding forward, many raising their heads over the haunches of others and bleating.

  22. Into the farthest corner of densely packed cedar boughs Silvermane pressed himself and watched.

  23. Samar and Leyte are separated, where nearest together, by a most picturesque winding strait bordered with densely wooded hills.

  24. The densely populated city was unprepared, the public had to be educated, and an efficient organization built up.

  25. Sides of the pronotum widely dilated, broader than the breadth of one eye, and densely fringed with backward curved hairs; apical margin of the hemelytra nearly straight, rounded toward the interior or exterior angles.

  26. The family is made up of small, sometimes very small, nematocerous Diptera, which are densely covered with hairs, giving them a moth-like appearance.

  27. The body is densely covered with short bristles and hairs, the former being peculiarly saber-shaped structures sharply toothed at the apex and along the convex side (fig.

  28. Innumerable sea-fowl encircled the isolated spot and built their nests so densely upon the rocks as to cover the whole of the upper surface.

  29. In the Northern cities the recruiting offices were densely thronged.

  30. For several months there had been much disregard of law outside of the most densely populated portions of the State.

  31. It was candle-light, and my eyes could not distinguish the wharves jutting out towards us, but it appeared like an even line of shore densely crowded with shipping.

  32. At the Pond Village we saw a pond three eighths of a mile long densely filled with cat-tail flags, seven feet high,--enough for all the coopers in New England.

  33. The opposite bank was more sloping and densely wooded, and the effect in the moonlight, under a rich sunset sky, was peculiarly striking and impressive.

  34. A steep, wooded incline descended the abrupt and densely wooded cliffs, down which, at intervals, ran a car, drawn up and down by a chain that passed over a wheel at the top.

  35. But when several hundred thousand of the working classes are suddenly huddled together in densely peopled localities, this invaluable check is wholly lost.

  36. The neighbouring Ushant Island (supposed to be that named Ile Ouessant by Bougainville) is larger and densely wooded, and still further to the westward we saw the two Stuers Islands, also low, and wooded.

  37. With the exception of a sandy, grassy plain, half a mile in length, the whole of the island is densely covered with mangroves, and fringed with a reef of coral, chiefly dead.

  38. A large grassy plain enters westward from the central ridge--a portion of this, half a mile from the beach, densely covered with coarse grass and reeds and scattered over with Pandanus trees, is usually a marsh.

  39. With the exception of a very narrow portion fronted by a sandy beach, the place is densely covered with mangroves.

  40. The low rolling hills came again, and they were covered densely with forest, not an opening anywhere.

  41. They were high and stony, but clothed densely in dark forest.

  42. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "densely" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
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